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 Rallyesim on International Sim Racing Federation 
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Lun 19 Déc 2011 19:02
Age: 32
Messages: 19
Localisation: Athens
Team: W.T.F. (WayTooFast)
Ecurie: W.T.F. (WayTooFast)
N° de pilote: 666
Pseudo Live: Bratsaki

Greece (gr)

 Rallyesim on International Sim Racing Federation
=== What is International Sim Racing Federation? ===
International Sim Racing Federation (ISRF) is a federation created by sim racers worldwide. The purpose of the federation is to organize all sim racers across all simulators, to develop the sport efficiently.
The federation supports its members and collaborates with them, creating racing and business opportunities for the federation, its members, communities and companies, as well as organizing annual sim racing world championships together with the members and communities.

You can read more at:

=== Rallyesim’s Opportunity to show the community our simrally passion and power. ===
Rallyesim’s championships are more than well organized. Results come out on time every week, we have an organized forum and community members behave friendly following our community rules. Entering the ISRF can benefit our community by getting promoted worldwide. Our championships will be promoted worldwide, our website will get more visibility along with our social media (are any of those alive?).
As I mentioned above we have a well-organized server with lots of national championships. This can also attract companies, people with money willing to invest on this community’s work. Simrallying can go viral and get recognized across the sim racing community. Also, if any of the Rallyesim’s staff is willing to be active on that Federation, Rallyesim could set the worldwide acceptable rules of simrallying.
It would be nice if you nominated some admin of Rallyesim server for the available jobs (Read more here: ).
Entering ISRF and promoting Rallyesim can only have benefits for the future of our server/community. New drivers will come, new championships will be made which means the viability of this server will increase.

We, WayTooFast Rally Team, have signed up as a simrally team trying to support this huge federation.

What do you think?

WayTooFast Rally Team:

Mar 27 Déc 2016 20:23
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Lun 11 Mai 2009 16:27
Age: 42
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Localisation: Fresnes (94)
Ecurie: Wacky Races
N° de pilote: 19

France (fr)

Message Re: Rallyesim on International Sim Racing Federation
Hi Thank you for this presentation.

At this time no admin have enough time to spend on this type of parallel oraganization ...  :(

Anyway, in my opinion, there is several site which are requiring status of official international simracing federation ...
Why this one more than the others ?

We are first focusing on giving a longer life to RallyeSim with a minimum of work and maybe then we will have again time to think to something else.  ;-)

Le forum est le meilleur endroit pour obtenir de l'aide. Plus de personnes peuvent vous aider et les réponses peuvent aider d'autres pilotes.
Forum is the best place to get help. More poeple can help you and answer can be useful for everybody !

Ven 30 Déc 2016 01:39
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Lun 19 Déc 2011 19:02
Age: 32
Messages: 19
Localisation: Athens
Team: W.T.F. (WayTooFast)
Ecurie: W.T.F. (WayTooFast)
N° de pilote: 666
Pseudo Live: Bratsaki

Greece (gr)

Message Re: Rallyesim on International Sim Racing Federation
This one is official. It was voted from all the simracers on the event in Nurburing about 1-2 months ago.

You can search about that on Twitter and all social media.

Anyway, thanks for your answer.  *thanks

WayTooFast Rally Team:

Ven 30 Déc 2016 02:14
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Jeu 25 Mai 2017 06:07
Messages: 1

Armenia (am)

Message Re: Rallyesim on International Sim Racing Federation
 ! "Maverik" a écrit:
Message supprimé, contenir des publicités.

Lun 5 Juin 2017 15:48
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Dim 26 Avr 2009 13:24
Age: 63
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Localisation: Montpellier (34)
N° de pilote: 680
Pseudo Live: Papy Jim

France (fr)

Message Re: Rallyesim on International Sim Racing Federation
d'où tu sors, toi, pour venir faire de la pub sur ce forum ?

 ! "Papy Jim" a écrit:
je peux supprimer ça SVP ? merci

>> Fusion automatique -- Lun 5 Juin 2017 20:52 -- Automatic merge <<

merci Maverik ;)

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Lun 5 Juin 2017 20:52
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