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 (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip 
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
Hi everyone

I'm working on focus wrc 04-05 (pics. my first model) and i'd like to conduct an early test ingame but i'm having problems with rbr exporter for 3dsmax.
I'm using 3dsmax 1012 for modeling the car and exporting it to 3ds format which i then open it with 3dsmax 5 and than i have the problem exporting the car into sgc. format.
First i was trying to export original impreza 03 which came with the exporter and i get these errors

Error exporting custom attribute for material: coll2
Error exporting custom attribute for material: Material #77
Error exporting material: coll2
Error exporting material: Material #77
No intersection with collision mesh: c_e_body

The game itself lunches as usual but when in main menu there is no car (pics)

Any help would be much appreciated  :-O()

Edité par : PHIL63 : pictures -> miniature

Dernière édition par Zero Wolf le Dim 13 Mai 2012 23:06, édité 1 fois.

Ven 17 Fév 2012 15:25
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
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France (fr)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 exporting to sgc. problems help needed
I don't use the 3DS Max exporter but maybe you have an option to rewrite ini files ?
Can you show a picture from you car folder  please (with sgc and inis) and maybe post your main ini here.

Manager à la retraite !

Ven 17 Fév 2012 16:06
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Ven 12 Juin 2009 09:57
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France (fr)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 exporting to sgc. problems help needed
your first model  :o it's very beautiful for the first  =D>

Ven 17 Fév 2012 16:13
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 19:50
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France (fr)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 exporting to sgc. problems help needed
This is a problem of scale. You probably work other than a meter in max 2012
We therefore need to pivot to the right scale

Ven 17 Fév 2012 17:57
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Lun 19 Oct 2009 17:04
Messages: 104
Localisation: Moscow

Russia (ru)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 exporting to sgc. problems help needed
Zero Wolf a écrit:
Hi everyone

I'm working on focus wrc 04-05 (pics. my first model) and i'd like to conduct an early test ingame but i'm having problems with rbr exporter for 3dsmax.
I'm using 3dsmax 1012 for modeling the car and exporting it to 3ds format which i then open it with 3dsmax 5 and than i have the problem exporting the car into sgc. format.
First i was trying to export original impreza 03 which came with the exporter and i get these errors

Error exporting custom attribute for material: coll2
Error exporting custom attribute for material: Material #77
Error exporting material: coll2
Error exporting material: Material #77
No intersection with collision mesh: c_e_body

The game itself lunches as usual but when in main menu there is no car (pics)

Any help would be much appreciated  :-O()






Maybe I can help you? I wrote it in Russian, but there are a lot of pictures.

Ven 17 Fév 2012 19:54
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 exporting to sgc. problems help needed
Thanks for the tips so far

Yep now i see that the scale might be problem

Garyson thank you far that guide. To bad you didn't make in english but screens are quite helpful. (that car looks awesome)

I'll report back if i'll run into problems but hopefully i won't.

Ven 17 Fév 2012 22:31
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 exporting to sgc. problems help needed
Well i've done some early testing of the shape and thanks to garyson guide i managed to get the model into game.
There is still lots of work to do whole interior, gravel and snow tyres, mapping, physics tweaking and than painting but with time the car will be finished.

Mar 21 Fév 2012 23:27
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Lun 15 Juin 2009 02:36
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Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 exporting to sgc. problems help needed
Nice 3d!! But i have a question, why are you doing this care when its already done twice!! I'm saying twice and i have them, those 3d by 2 personne !! It doesnt mather for me but there is other cara that is not done like the evoIV or V ... o|:) But i wish you good luck with your projek!!

From now on, no need to asked me the permission for all my car to used in any pluggin. I give full permission to used my car in any pluggin!
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Mar 21 Fév 2012 23:44
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 exporting to sgc. problems help needed
Cus i'm not quite satisfied with previous ford focuses.
The first one that was released has mistakes in rear wing, rear bumper, front lights, intakeroof etc. but the base is ok.
The "kazhol team" focus is ok (much better) at the back and overall but front bumper, front lights and front fenders have some errors so i decided to make one more detailed focus.

Mer 22 Fév 2012 01:23
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
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France (fr)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 exporting to sgc. problems help needed
If you're not satisfied with some cars and want to remake it, you can start the M3 :D
Just kidding, good luck for the integration of your model which looks really nice =D>

Manager à la retraite !

Mer 22 Fév 2012 09:57
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 exporting to sgc. problems help needed
I have made some progress on the car mostly external details :)

I have added wipers and suspension and I've tried to improve geometry on the edges of panels (hood, doors, etc...)

For the exterior i still need to do gravel and snow wheels and the bottom of the car but i don't have any good photos of buttom so if anyone have one pls let me know:) Thanks

Anyway some pics from 3dsmax

By zerowolf2 at 2012-05-13

By zerowolf2 at 2012-05-13

By zerowolf2 at 2012-05-13

By zerowolf2 at 2012-05-13

And ingame:)

By zerowolf2 at 2012-05-13

By zerowolf2 at 2012-05-13

By zerowolf2 at 2012-05-13

By zerowolf2 at 2012-05-13

BTW how do you adjust position of wheels and exhaust?

I have also fixed the intake on bonnet:)

By zerowolf2 at 2012-05-13

Wipers :)

Dim 13 Mai 2012 23:01
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 22:52
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
Greatest work! Congratulations! o|:)

Solidarité - L'union fait la force pour aller plus loin et concrétiser ses objectifs.

Dim 13 Mai 2012 23:08
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
Thanks toto090369 ;-)

At the moment i'm working on wheels than i'll start the buttom.

Does anyone have good photo of buttom of the focus wrc 05?

Mar 15 Mai 2012 00:18
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Jeu 5 Nov 2009 21:06
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Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
This car is ready no sens making this

Mar 15 Mai 2012 20:07
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
I think i've already explained myself why i'm making this car ;-)
The pyros's car isn't bad but for my taste it lacks details. It would be easier to modify existing ford focuses but i can't import them and than there is a question of author's permission to modify his creation but since i'm so far with this project i see no point in modifying.

Mer 16 Mai 2012 00:54
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