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 (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip 
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
Dernier message de la page précédente :
Thanks Flat-twin *thanks your help is much appreciated. :)

I detached the wire from lightglass and make it children to the front bumper same i did for the bonnet wire. (children to the bonnet)
Than i tweaked ini file, changed face block shader to carplastic and material to external transparent and the stuff works so...

Now i'll do the same with focus wrc 2010 and 2005.

Btw do you have any tips for solving the problem with flickering brake lights. When i hit the brakes under certain angle the light starts to flicker revealing what's it's under it.
Quite annoying i say.

What i did is that i made a copy from back light than i've deleted the faces that i don't need, changed uvw mapping and make sure that the brake light_lit covers the rear light but for some reason brakes still flicker:(

That's the only problem that i still have with converted cars anything else works fine:) I can send you the cars if you want so you can see what i mean:)

Thanks again:)

Mar 9 Oct 2012 00:16
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
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France (fr)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
I see what you mean. The solutions I used on the M3 is to offset a little bit the brake_light_lit from the brake_light, just enough to avoid the meshes to overlay.

Manager à la retraite !

Mar 9 Oct 2012 10:04
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Lun 14 Mai 2012 10:41
Age: 36
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Spain (es)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
Nice work Zero!!! keep working this way!

Mar 9 Oct 2012 11:58
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
Does anyone has a photo of focus 03-05 without the front bumper. I'd like to see how the cooling system is made on that car.


Dim 14 Oct 2012 18:01
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Ven 29 Mai 2009 08:30
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Mar 23 Oct 2012 09:59
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
Thank you atiwrc *thanks  First pic. is exactly what i needed.

Atm i'm working on the bottom and susp. of the car than i'll remake cooling system.

I'll post some pics. when i'll make any progress.

BTW. great conversion of that 307 from dirt;)

Mar 23 Oct 2012 10:41
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
OK made some progress on underside of the car and rear susp. based on scale car models of the focus and reference photos. I've also fixed some details on bodywork and tarmac rim. A have also finished gravel and snow tyre::)

Some pics from 3ds max

Next is exhaust pipe and transmission along with front susp. and rest of the plating on underside. After that i'll redo cooling system based on atwrc's photos and than i'll start working on interior.

Will keep you guys posted:) and thanks for the help so far *thanks

Sam 17 Nov 2012 22:39
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 22:52
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
Fantastic work, man!

Solidarité - L'union fait la force pour aller plus loin et concrétiser ses objectifs.

Dim 18 Nov 2012 23:59
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Mar 25 Mai 2010 20:57
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Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
news?  :)

Dim 5 Mai 2013 19:19
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Ven 17 Fév 2012 09:29
Messages: 20

Slovenia (si)

Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip
Underside of the car is finished along with engine bay. ATM i'm working on colling system.:)

Lun 6 Mai 2013 12:23
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Jeu 5 Nov 2009 21:06
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Message Re: (WIP) Focus wrc 04-05 wip - model. What to do as it is, the same model of the Polo R Arecer which is great, for me does not make sense  :-?

Lun 6 Mai 2013 14:13
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