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 [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez 
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Mer 22 Juin 2011 18:10
Age: 38
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Team: Turan Motorsport
Ecurie: Hungary
Pseudo Live: Smici

Hungary (hu)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Dernier message de la page précédente :
Any news from this car? The car is fantastic. I saw in first time in Hungary on the weekend. First place, first rally. :DImage

Dim 12 Juil 2015 16:42
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Mar 25 Mai 2010 20:57
Age: 38
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Localisation: Upper Austria, Freistadt

Austria (at)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
2 weeks ago i have seen this screens on the rallyesim facebook page.

Dim 12 Juil 2015 22:31
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Jeu 5 Nov 2009 21:06
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Poland (pl)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Beatyfo job  :-:

Ven 24 Juil 2015 00:17
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Dim 1 Sep 2013 23:41
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Spain (es)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Hello guys, here is Fabia R5 v1.0

and physics

I hope you enjoy it!

Dim 26 Juil 2015 16:25
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Dim 25 Avr 2010 13:49
Messages: 123

Japan (jp)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez

but more small head light & grill


Dim 26 Juil 2015 20:12
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Ven 17 Juil 2015 17:33
Messages: 7

Czech Republic (cz)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Hello guys,

thank you for another piece of amazing work  =D> . As usually there are some things to improve, I think.

I definitely agree with irtdb_32, that shape and size of front lights and grill aren' accurate. I can add another photo, where you can see it.

In my opinion, it's also caused by size of front part and and its roundness. Another things, which could be improved, are size of the ventilation holes (should be smaller) and position of locks (look at first picture).

Another, very important thing is rear of the car. It seems to me, that rear window is too big and the rest of rear part (especially rear lights) looks small. I think it's related with the angle and size of all windows.

And the last think is size of tarmac rims (I think gravel rims are ok) and distance between car and rear wing. In my opinion both should be smaller.

So that's it. Of course I can be wrong in some cases, so please check my remarks and I'm looking forward for version 1.01.

Bye  ;-)

Dim 26 Juil 2015 22:15
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Mer 28 Oct 2009 18:09
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Argentina (ar)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Sun 26 Jul 2015 15:45 here  JarynSTF a écrit:
Hello guys,

thank you for another piece of amazing work  =D> . As usually there are some things to improve, I think.

I definitely agree with irtdb_32, that shape and size of front lights and grill aren' accurate. I can add another photo, where you can see it.

In my opinion, it's also caused by size of front part and and its roundness. Another things, which could be improved, are size of the ventilation holes (should be smaller) and position of locks (look at first picture).

Another, very important thing is rear of the car. It seems to me, that rear window is too big and the rest of rear part (especially rear lights) looks small. I think it's related with the angle and size of all windows.

And the last think is size of tarmac rims (I think gravel rims are ok) and distance between car and rear wing. In my opinion both should be smaller.

So that's it. Of course I can be wrong in some cases, so please check my remarks and I'm looking forward for version 1.01.

Bye  ;-)

May be you must compare without perpestive view of the game.  Here a three views of the model that.





Lun 27 Juil 2015 05:20
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Dim 13 Fév 2011 17:53
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Italy (it)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Simply great !!!
Many thanks guys



Lun 27 Juil 2015 10:33
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Dim 1 Sep 2013 23:41
Messages: 31
Pseudo Live: gbrl

Spain (es)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Hello JarynSTF,

Like Dino said there are some things that in perspective looks different, anyway there are no blueprints for fabia so everything is made looking pictures so obviously is not very acurate, the front part, your right should be not so rounded and maybe a little bit longer, I will try to fix on next version. About the locks, depends on the car for example look this picture

The size of wheel vary with physics, size of hood holes and wing distance I think its right.

Thanks to help us improve model; anyone who sees something strange dont be shy and post it.

Lun 27 Juil 2015 11:12
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Ven 17 Juil 2015 17:33
Messages: 7

Czech Republic (cz)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
I must agree, that on your pictures all looks very accurate. And it's true that things, I've mentioned, are only small details. On the other hand, I think at least front lights, front grill, tarmac rims size and size of rear window could be improved (when I drive the car on RBR, it seems to me, it's too big I can't help myself), but it's up to you ;-) Once again - thank you for your work *thanks

Lun 27 Juil 2015 11:40
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Sam 13 Déc 2014 16:52
Messages: 1

Turkey (tr)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Hello guys, it looks perfect, i've been waiting for this car for a while but i've got a problem. i know how to set up physics in original RBR but i can't figure it out how to set up physics to RSRBR mod. i can replace a car with any other but physics still remain and only physics file i can find is the original physics file of RBR. Where are the all 91 cars' physics files? or is there none? :S have a nice trip :D

Lun 27 Juil 2015 11:59
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
RSRBR physics are encrypted and you can't test this car by launching RSRBR. You can still use the old method (replace the files in the physics folder/zip) and launch only RBR with the exe, without launching RSRBR. You won't be able to try on the additionnal stages though.

Manager à la retraite !

Mar 28 Juil 2015 09:13
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Lun 15 Déc 2014 12:35
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Poland (pl)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Can you share a template for Skoda Fabia R5?

Mar 28 Juil 2015 13:13
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Sam 18 Juil 2009 13:09
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Italy (it)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Fantastic model!

Mar 28 Juil 2015 13:14
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Lun 15 Fév 2010 18:43
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Sweden (se)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Thank you so much ... really nice car ...
...Now i'm only waiting for a "Pontus Tidemand"-skin ;)

Mar 28 Juil 2015 19:55
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Dim 1 Sep 2013 23:41
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Pseudo Live: gbrl

Spain (es)

Message Re: [WIP] Škoda Fabia R5 by G.Rodríguez
Here you have template:

I'm working on it, fixing front of the car


Mar 28 Juil 2015 20:26
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