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 Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro 
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Lun 15 Juin 2009 02:36
Age: 46
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Christmas Island (cx)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
Dernier message de la page précédente :
its just the name. It was a a8w group A world rally car, so we could call it grA, a8w, wrc  etc etc. it doesnt really mater. It just to separate it from the one of kazol.

From now on, no need to asked me the permission for all my car to used in any pluggin. I give full permission to used my car in any pluggin!
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Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits, ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim.
« Un pour tous, tous pour un »

Sam 16 Fév 2019 06:16
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Dim 25 Avr 2010 13:49
Messages: 123

Japan (jp)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
NGP Physics (temporary) :-D

NGP Physics(Physics Original.sgc) (temporary)


Sam 16 Fév 2019 14:15
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Jeu 5 Nov 2009 21:06
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Poland (pl)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
Yes I know and I understand that there is to be a different name than the one from KazHol but the one that I suggest is probably more appropriate or not ?  ;-)

Maxsimum, if you convert this model to the Evo V version, it would not work so much, I think so another front bumper  :GGG

Sam 16 Fév 2019 16:35
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Ven 26 Fév 2016 21:58
Messages: 5

Italy (it)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
Fri 15 Feb 2019 23:17 here  hunter_z a écrit:
It was not Evo 6 WRC back then A8 Cars.ini should look like this correct it immediately  :-?

FileName = "Cars\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA.sgc"
IniFile = "Cars\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA.ini"
ShaderFile = "Cars\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA.\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA._shaders.ini"
ShaderSettings = "Cars\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA.\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA._shader_settings"
TexturePath = "Cars\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA\Textures\"

Lancer WRC only appeared in the period 2001 - 2005  :(->

Seriously you are saying to someone who has given us for free a RBR car to "correct it immediately"? Who do you think you are to say that? I'm impressed, what a stupid guy you must be. Now I understand some messages from the modders saying they are done of dealing with people always asking for things.

Good work Leiro, amazing car!

Sam 16 Fév 2019 23:59
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Lun 15 Juin 2009 02:36
Age: 46
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Christmas Island (cx)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
Sam 16 Fév 2019 16:59 ici  Trexmex a écrit:
Fri 15 Feb 2019 23:17 here  hunter_z a écrit:
It was not Evo 6 WRC back then A8 Cars.ini should look like this correct it immediately  :-?

FileName = "Cars\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA.sgc"
IniFile = "Cars\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA.ini"
ShaderFile = "Cars\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA.\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA._shaders.ini"
ShaderSettings = "Cars\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA.\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA._shader_settings"
TexturePath = "Cars\LANCER_EVO_6_GrA\Textures\"

Lancer WRC only appeared in the period 2001 - 2005  :(->

Seriously you are saying to someone who has given us for free a RBR car to "correct it immediately"? Who do you think you are to say that? I'm impressed, what a stupid guy you must be. Now I understand some messages from the modders saying they are done of dealing with people always asking for things.

Good work Leiro, amazing car!

You have the right to have your opinion but careful with your language!

From now on, no need to asked me the permission for all my car to used in any pluggin. I give full permission to used my car in any pluggin!
Donation pour moi:
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits, ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim.
« Un pour tous, tous pour un »

Dim 17 Fév 2019 06:55
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Jeu 4 Fév 2016 12:11
Age: 36
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Ukraine (ua)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
Hello, I wanted to say thanks for LANCER EVO 6.5 A, I was waiting for this car, wanted to ask for a slight change in the front bumper for gravel roads. Thanks you o|:)

Sam 20 Avr 2019 10:14
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Jeu 11 Juin 2015 22:14
Messages: 24

Spain (es)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
hello, ok I'll look at it for gravel

>> Fusion automatique -- Mon 22 Apr 2019 11:14 -- Automatic merge <<

it is solved what the defense of forward, can be activated or deactivated in the program that contains the car.

donations to create more car for rbr.

Lun 22 Avr 2019 11:14
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Jeu 4 Fév 2016 12:11
Age: 36
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Ukraine (ua)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
Mon 22 Apr 2019 11:14 here  leirogolf a écrit:
hello, ok I'll look at it for gravel

>> Fusion automatique -- Mon 22 Apr 2019 11:14 -- Automatic merge <<

it is solved what the defense of forward, can be activated or deactivated in the program that contains the car.

Thank you very much o|:) I hope that you will still have cars of the year 1998-2008.

Regards Vladimir.

Lun 22 Avr 2019 17:49
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Lun 4 Fév 2019 21:10
Age: 47
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Russia (ru)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
Hi! Is it possible to adapt the Evo V and Evo 6.5 for RSRBR 2019 to class A8(1-3)? It is very necessary! Please!

Lun 8 Juil 2019 04:46
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Jeu 5 Nov 2009 21:06
Age: 47
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Poland (pl)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC przez Leiro
Is it available now and where to download Lancer Evo V  :-?

Ven 10 Juil 2020 11:03
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Lun 15 Juin 2009 02:36
Age: 46
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Christmas Island (cx)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
Here you can find this car except i dont know your there are still available for download.

From now on, no need to asked me the permission for all my car to used in any pluggin. I give full permission to used my car in any pluggin!
Donation pour moi:
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits, ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim.
« Un pour tous, tous pour un »

Dim 12 Juil 2020 19:29
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Jeu 5 Nov 2009 21:06
Age: 47
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Team: ZZ TOP, Metalica, Leny Krawitz
Pseudo Live: VERVA

Poland (pl)

Message Re: Mitsubishi Evo 6 WRC by Leiro
Physics Lancer Evo V & Evo 6.5 Leiro unable to download link is dead  :-?  :GGG

Lun 27 Juil 2020 20:33
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