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 DS3 WRC - caps on the wheels 
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Pilote novice
Pilote novice

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Dim 13 Fév 2011 17:53
Age: 61
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Localisation: Turin
Team: Matrix Racing Team
Ecurie: x
N° de pilote: 1755
Pseudo Live: yoda62

Italy (it)

Message DS3 WRC - caps on the wheels
Hi guys,
i cannot install the wheel caps on the car and i think have bad ini files. Can anyone tell me where i can find correct .ini files and the right instruction for use caps and no caps when i want ???
Thank's a lot in advance


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Jeu 23 Jan 2014 10:12
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Apprenti pilote
Apprenti pilote

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Mar 4 Aoû 2009 08:20
Age: 38
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Localisation: Valmez

Czech Republic (cz)

Message Re: DS3 WRC - caps on the wheels
i think on ds3 is it solved by different model for each version

Image | FORZA PROTON !!!

Dim 26 Jan 2014 18:09
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Jeune conducteur
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Mer 30 Déc 2009 22:16
Messages: 1

Argentina (ar)

Message Re: DS3 WRC - caps on the wheels
Thu 23 Jan 2014 09:12 here  yoda62 a écrit:
Hi guys,
i cannot install the wheel caps on the car and i think have bad ini files. Can anyone tell me where i can find correct .ini files and the right instruction for use caps and no caps when i want ???
Thank's a lot in advance


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down the page is the link to download: up_DS3_WRC.rar by Igor Garyson

Dim 23 Fév 2014 06:00
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Pilote novice
Pilote novice

Avatar de l’utilisateur

Dim 13 Fév 2011 17:53
Age: 61
Messages: 121
Localisation: Turin
Team: Matrix Racing Team
Ecurie: x
N° de pilote: 1755
Pseudo Live: yoda62

Italy (it)

Message Re: DS3 WRC - caps on the wheels
Many thank's matias_wrc,
now work fine.



Mar 25 Fév 2014 16:37
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