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 [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera 
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Jeu 5 Nov 2009 21:06
Age: 47
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Localisation: Olsztyn
Team: ZZ TOP, Metalica, Leny Krawitz
Pseudo Live: VERVA

Poland (pl)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
Dernier message de la page précédente :
It promises promisingly we wait with impatience

Lun 20 Fév 2012 22:16
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Lun 15 Juin 2009 02:36
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Christmas Island (cx)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
Its almost finish dont stop rcabrera!! It will a papular car i think!!Its a nice one!!

From now on, no need to asked me the permission for all my car to used in any pluggin. I give full permission to used my car in any pluggin!
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Mar 21 Fév 2012 16:46
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Lun 13 Juil 2009 00:13
Messages: 30
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Pseudo Live: R. Cabrera

Spain (es)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
Hi all,

After try to export, and check that model is nice, I'm remapping it again. It's almost finished. Now I've a question:

How can I render car shadows for template??


Sam 25 Fév 2012 13:15
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Mar 20 Déc 2011 11:49
Age: 31
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New Zealand (nz)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
try that, if not, you can just make up a wireframe.
If you want a tester/painter please let me know!

Sam 25 Fév 2012 14:48
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Ven 29 Mai 2009 08:30
Messages: 296

Hungary (hu)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
rcabrera a écrit:
Hi all,

After try to export, and check that model is nice, I'm remapping it again. It's almost finished. Now I've a question:

How can I render car shadows for template??


I can do it for you ;)

Sam 25 Fév 2012 18:21
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Lun 13 Juil 2009 00:13
Messages: 30
N° de pilote: 40
Pseudo Live: R. Cabrera

Spain (es)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
Thanks metalshredder7 and atiwrc.
For don't disturb you I'll try do it for myself, if I can't do it, I'll give you the model.

Tomorrow I'll tell you.


Sam 25 Fév 2012 20:09
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Jeu 5 Nov 2009 21:06
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Poland (pl)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
Meybe news ??

Jeu 29 Mar 2012 00:44
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Mar 20 Déc 2011 11:49
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Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
any news?

Mer 18 Avr 2012 13:47
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Dim 2 Mai 2010 14:06
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Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
news ?

Lun 25 Juin 2012 22:45
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Lun 13 Juil 2009 00:13
Messages: 30
N° de pilote: 40
Pseudo Live: R. Cabrera

Spain (es)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
Hi all,
I don't have time to finish it. I want to give the proyect to someone who wants finish it. But first I have to sure him will do it.
If someone is interested...


Mer 27 Juin 2012 10:55
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Lun 13 Juil 2009 00:13
Messages: 30
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Pseudo Live: R. Cabrera

Spain (es)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
Does nobody finish it??

Lun 2 Juil 2012 10:42
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Mar 20 Déc 2011 11:49
Age: 31
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New Zealand (nz)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
I would love to but have no idea how to do it :\

Lun 2 Juil 2012 12:48
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Jeu 5 Nov 2009 21:06
Age: 47
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Localisation: Olsztyn
Team: ZZ TOP, Metalica, Leny Krawitz
Pseudo Live: VERVA

Poland (pl)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
Meybe finish this projekt Jalonso & Maxsimum ?? - engine - Safari - Safari

Mar 5 Fév 2013 01:21
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Lun 15 Juin 2009 02:36
Age: 46
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Christmas Island (cx)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
cabrera i have an idea for you asked to kazuma the author of the evo I and II the .zmod folder to finish your evo III and the just replace the part needed it would be faster and the physics will be done cause we will take the same of the evo I and II its the same car o|:)

From now on, no need to asked me the permission for all my car to used in any pluggin. I give full permission to used my car in any pluggin!
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Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits, ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim.
« Un pour tous, tous pour un »

Jeu 7 Fév 2013 18:13
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Lun 14 Mai 2012 10:41
Age: 36
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Localisation: Piñeiro, Mugardos

Spain (es)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
Hope someday will have the Evo III, and the evo V to have the Evolution family completed!

Jeu 7 Fév 2013 18:45
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Dim 11 Juil 2010 16:28
Messages: 193

Portugal (pt)

Message Re: [WIP] Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III - R.Cabrera
Thu 7 Feb 2013 16:45 here  The Trooper a écrit:
Hope someday will have the Evo III, and the evo V to have the Evolution family completed!

Back in 2009 Kazhol showed a almost finished beta version of the Evo V along side the beta Seat Ibiza. But that was in March 2009! They released the Ibiza and the Lancer WRC but no more news about the Evo V. Maybe send them an e-mail, asking if they want to send him to someone fot finishing...i don't know!

Jeu 7 Fév 2013 20:38
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