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 Richard Burns Rally and VSYNC 
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Mar 16 Nov 2010 22:53
Messages: 23

Finland (fi)

 Richard Burns Rally and VSYNC
Hello and good xmas to you all.:)

I hope this is the right section for this.

I have been fighting with steering lag issues and after hearing about the steering filters being the main cause I disabled all of them. But no luck. Some further experimenting and it seems that VSYNC is the reason for my problems here, if it's on I get annoying steering lag, seems like 60fps ain't enough for RBR to be drivable. So I forced it off from Nvidia control panel and even in the RichardBurnsRally.ini I put the "WaitRetrace" to "false" and worked, kinda. I could drive now, but even with these settings it sometimes randomly kept putting the Vsync on and I had to restart RBR to turn it off and it was drivable again. Because of this I couldn't play any full rally events because RBR always turned Vsync on at some point, I only did single stages.

But now I upgraded from PNY Nvidia 9800GTX+ 512Mb to Gigabyte AMD Radeon HD 6850 1Gb it seems like I can't turn Vsync off at all in RBR. I have the latest 10.12 drivers. I have tried to force it off and to let the application decide and tried to turn WaitRetrace true and back to false but no luck. The darn FPS is just locked at 60 and it seems I cannot do anything about it. So now it seems I cannot go enjoy myself in mk2 BDA Escort going maximum attack at Chirdonhead... :((

Anyone had similar problems and found any solutions? How to permanently disable VSYNC from RBR?

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and my current system spec is following:
PSU: Corsair 400W
Motherboard: MSI K9VGM-V
Memory: 2GB Mushkin DDR2 800 Dual Channel
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
GPU: Gigabyte Radeon HD 6850 1024

I know my system is a bit of a bottleneck for the new GPU but I'm upgrading other bits later. Still performance shouldn't be the issue here since years ago I used to run RBR with very high FPS readings VSYNC disabled with way slower system. Back in the day I've been running it with ATi 9600Pro, ATi X800 Pro and with Nvidia 8600 512 OC edition without any problems. These Vsync problems seem to have started somewhere around when I went from Win XP to Win 7, but I doubt I can blame the OS from this all?

Any advice?

-- Fusion automatique le Fri 24 Dec 2010 21:34 --

Did some further investigation and found out something weird. I deleted RichardBurnsRally.ini and made a new one with the RBR Startup.exe. Now the game starts in windowed mode and there is no vsync or steering lag. But immediately when I add the "Fullscreen = true" line to the config it also turns the vsync on, waitretrace true or false doesn't seem to matter. Anyone know a way to get RBR fullscreen mid-game if it's already started in windowed mode?

-- Fusion automatique le Fri 24 Dec 2010 23:46 --

Now I feel like an ass since about hour after posting this topic I fixed this problem. It seems like the cause of the problem after all is Vista/7 OS but there is a workaround (at least for ATi/AMD users).

So if there is anyone out there having similar issues than me this worked for me. No way to force vsync off at Catalyst Control Center (CCC), but with ATi Tray Tools ( it can be fixed. I myself used the beta version ( I also disabled overclocking feature during installation, because the newest current stable version with OC enabled caused BSOD for me.

After installation launch ATT and make a profile for RBR (or any other game what is causing vsync headache for you). In the profile setup window go to the Direct3D Tweaks tab. Now here we have a nice feature, called "Force Vsync (Vista workaround)". Just select off from the drop down menu and save the profile. Start game from the profile and voila no vsync!

Also what I really love here is the option for super-sampling AA so now I can have Anti-Aliasing in RBR without the annoying little black lines. Now I run RBR with 1080p resolution with 4x AA and gotta say this game has never looked so good and worked so beautifully!

I really love this ATT because it uses the same interface than the great Omega drivers did back in the day when I used the X800Pro (BTW the most stable card/driver combination I've ever had).

Well now I'm really glad I went for the 6850 instead of the Nvidia GTX 460.:D

Mar 28 Déc 2010 17:43
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Sam 5 Fév 2011 02:41
Age: 48
Messages: 6
Localisation: spain españa (zaragoza)
N° de pilote: 7018
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Spain (es)

Message Re: Richard Burns Rally and VSYNC
hola yo tengo una GTX260 con vsync y todo perfect aunke yo creo ke se podria mejorar
lo ke no se muy bien es como se configura de RSCenter

Lun 28 Fév 2011 20:14
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