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 Public session staying open for friends? 
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Dim 1 Juin 2014 16:19
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 9013

Brazil (br)

Message Public session staying open for friends?
Hi there,

So some friends and I would like to create some events to participate together. We can't, however, all meet at the same time.

Is there any way to create a public session/championship that stays open for a few days or a week so that everyone can log in at different hours and clock their specials?

Thanks a bunch.

Mar 3 Juin 2014 20:23
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
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Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Public session staying open for friends?
No > Public session are at fixed hour

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Mar 3 Juin 2014 21:40
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Dim 1 Juin 2014 16:19
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 9013

Brazil (br)

Message Re: Public session staying open for friends?
Tue 3 Jun 2014 20:40 here  fifou a écrit:
No > Public session are at fixed hour

Thanks for the quick answer. I'm guessing the public championship would be the same, and that there is no workaround the system?  :(

It seems to me that there would be a big demand even if the sessions could remain open a bit more. Maybe an option while creating it? Even if only the passworded ones. I think many groups of friends could benefit from this kind of setting.

Thanks in any case!  :)

Mar 3 Juin 2014 22:48
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
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Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Public session staying open for friends?
It is not possible not.

Public sessions are and will remain disposable session

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Mar 3 Juin 2014 22:53
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Dim 1 Juin 2014 16:19
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 9013

Brazil (br)

Message Re: Public session staying open for friends?
Tue 3 Jun 2014 21:53 here  fifou a écrit:
It is not possible not.

Public sessions are and will remain disposable session

Thanks a lot.

I'm just a newcomer and this was certainly discussed at length already hence I'm sorry to bother you, but is there anywhere I could find the reason why? I'm just curious, really.

That the remain disposable I understand, but if the time would be (say) 48h for the sessions to get disposed instead of 15 min., that'd already help a lot of people to play together. Even if, as mentioned, this option remained for passworded sessions only or something like that. Anyway, just thinking out loud here.

Thanks again!

Mer 4 Juin 2014 10:52
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
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Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Public session staying open for friends?
One reason > 31 official championships.

If you want another, send me message on september.

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Mer 4 Juin 2014 11:31
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Dim 1 Juin 2014 16:19
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 9013

Brazil (br)

Message Re: Public session staying open for friends?
Thanks a lot, I didn't know it was easy to add another. It'll certainly think about it.

Would it be possible to run a separate classification for a group of friends in these? I can see there are ranking for nationals-only in some of the champs, for example, but that's about it.

Thanks again for being so helpful and open!

Jeu 5 Juin 2014 12:01
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: Public session staying open for friends?
a separate classification for a group of friends

No, you ask unrealistic things.

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Jeu 5 Juin 2014 12:57
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Dim 1 Juin 2014 16:19
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 9013

Brazil (br)

Message Re: Public session staying open for friends?
Thu 5 Jun 2014 11:57 here  obelix a écrit:
No, you ask unrealistic things.

True. But I thought it was better to ask away than to keep wondering. Thanks for answering!

I'm just new to the system and I liked it very much, so I wanted to race with a group of friends. Still trying to figure out which options are available for us. It's a bit unfortunate that we can't create a session that stays up for more than 15 min. but I understand. And it's your system, I'm sure this was all through through over the years.


Jeu 5 Juin 2014 17:44
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