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 [BTB World] Ambrosian hills - (by bottesini) 
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Ven 11 Sep 2009 21:10
Age: 60
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 [BTB World] Ambrosian hills - (by bottesini)
SS: Ambrosian hills WIP
Lieu/Place : Fantasy track - European
Distance: 12 km
Auteur/Autor: Carl Hinde (bottesini)  
Surface : Tarmac
Contributeurs/contributor: Bottesini
Progrès WIP/Progress WIP: Updated link 100% Complete release version
Infos :
Téléchargement Fichier/Download File .7z : NEW VERSION: Uploaded 8.3.10
Anew video of the full version

This is my first completed stage for RBR written with BTB. It is a fantasy stage that I wrote as a diversion from my main project and for me to practice driving on tarmac. It seems vaguely European to me and is named after the fictional place imagined by Billy Liar. It has a lot of twists and turns but it also has some 6th gear straights.

Thanks for looking

Carl (bottesini/sperger)

Dernière édition par bottesini le Jeu 11 Mar 2010 17:36, édité 11 fois.

Sam 16 Jan 2010 09:02
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 11:23
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Message Re: WIP Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
=D> Bravo she(it) has the good area  

I shall test her(it) and shall express you my opinion when I would have get back my cockpit


Sam 16 Jan 2010 09:07
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Ven 29 Mai 2009 16:16
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: WIP Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
First of all, thanks for posting your project on rallysim. It looks very interesting.  =D> I have a computer's  problem so I cannot test it right now but the video shows me something very nice. I like te way you apply textures along the road and the fact it is sometimes possible to cut (it stays reasonnable but it make the stage very realistic).
I'll give you my opinion on FPS level after my real test  ;-)

Sam 16 Jan 2010 14:27
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 19:23
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Message Re: WIP Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
Testée et franchement, c'est du bon boulot, y'a peut être juste les colisions avec les barrieres qui sont pas top; on a tendance à rester coincer dedans.

Together we stand, Divided we fall (Pink Floyd, the Wall)

Dim 17 Jan 2010 15:48
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Ven 11 Sep 2009 21:10
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Message Re: WIP Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
Arno101 a écrit:
Testée et franchement, c'est du bon boulot, y'a peut être juste les colisions avec les barrieres qui sont pas top; on a tendance à rester coincer dedans.

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly but if you mean that when you hit the barriers you stick then I had noticed that myself but thought it depended on the angle that you hit the barrier. The barriers are from the GB xpack so I don't know how to alter the properties but I will look for some others to use. Thanks for your opinion.

Dim 17 Jan 2010 19:16
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Ven 29 Mai 2009 16:16
Messages: 833
N° de pilote: 496
Pseudo Live: gegewrc

Belgium (be)

Message Re: WIP Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
If you have a problem with "barrier", you can edit the xpack Great-Britain with the xpacker in order to modify the collision...or to delete completely collision and to add invisible wall with collision...

Dim 17 Jan 2010 19:19
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Ven 11 Sep 2009 21:10
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Message Re: WIP Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
gegewrc a écrit:
If you have a problem with "barrier", you can edit the xpack Great-Britain with the xpacker in order to modify the collision...or to delete completely collision and to add invisible wall with collision...

Thanks I'll have a look at that. I haven't really done anything with the xpacker yet and didn't think I could alter the properties of objects from other peoples' xpacks. Useful to know  :)

Dim 17 Jan 2010 19:30
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Ven 29 Mai 2009 16:16
Messages: 833
N° de pilote: 496
Pseudo Live: gegewrc

Belgium (be)

Message Re: WIP Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
Yes, you can!!  :D  :D   If you have an existing object and that you only want to change textures or collision or LOD, that's very easy with the xpacker. Read the help in BTB and if you have question, don't hesitate to ask!  ;-)

Dim 17 Jan 2010 22:36
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 11:23
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France (fr)

Message Re: WIP Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
=D>  =D>  =D>  =D>

very very good es

pour le moment rien a dire

bon courage pour la suite


Sam 23 Jan 2010 10:17
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
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Message Re: WIP Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
Geat job, bottesini!!  =D>  =D>

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Jeu 4 Fév 2010 16:43
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
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France (fr)

Message Re: WIP Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
Hi Bottesini,

Can you give us some news about your track ?

Regards ;)

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Lun 15 Fév 2010 13:04
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Ven 11 Sep 2009 21:10
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Message Re: [WIP] Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
I think it is nearly finished but as it's my first track and I am working blind I don't know if there are any problems that I have missed or how it runs on other systems. I have been reducing the number of trees and altering LOD settings to try to keep the frame rate consistetly high and I have managed to reduce the loading time to less than 30 seconds but I would still like to know what other people think. I should have the final version completed in the next week or so. If anyone has noticed any obvious problems in my posted version can they please let me know in case I have missed them?  Thanks.


Lun 15 Fév 2010 20:13
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 11:23
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
je testerai bien la nouvelle version pour te donner mon avis


Lun 15 Fév 2010 20:29
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Ven 11 Sep 2009 21:10
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Message Re: [WIP] Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
I'll have another driveable version tomorrow evening that should be very close to finished so I'll post that when I've zipped it   :)

Mar 16 Fév 2010 03:28
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Ambrosian hills 12km by bottesini
bottesini a écrit:
I'll have another driveable version tomorrow evening that should be very close to finished so I'll post that when I've zipped it   :)

Thank you Bottesini, I'd like to try new version ... ;)


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Mar 16 Fév 2010 12:29
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