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 [BTB Spain] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO) 
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Lun 20 Juil 2009 19:40
Age: 82
Messages: 131
Localisation: Andorra la Vella i Girona (Andorra i Catalogne)
Team: Team Catalonia
Ecurie: ClubSexyGirls Team Catalonia
N° de pilote: 966

Catalunya (ct)

 [BTB Spain] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)

SS: Subida a la Manzana v1.0
Lieu/Place : Villaviciosa (Asturias)
Distance: 3.5km
Auteur/Autor: SISCO
Surface: Tarmac
Contributeurs/contributors: Zaxxon
Progrès WIP/Progress WIP: 100% v1.0
Infos :
Téléchargement Fichier/Download File .7z: Subida a la manzana v1.0 (version_RX)
Subida a la manzana v1.0 (version_RXRSRBR)



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Vols sexe sino tinc Ln2
Asus Europe


Mer 14 Avr 2010 02:08
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Sam 16 Mai 2009 15:18
Messages: 1363

France (fr)

Message Re: [RELEASED] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
Nice video and nice track  o|:)

" Les guerres de religion, c'est un peu comme se battre pour savoir qui a le meilleur ami imaginaire. " " Croire que l'économie est une science, c'est comme penser que la guerre est un sport. " ...

Mer 14 Avr 2010 10:02
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 19:23
Age: 45
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Pseudo Live: Arno101

France (fr)

Message Re: [RELEASED] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
excellent boulot comme d'hab' =D>
Very good work as usual knack =D>

Together we stand, Divided we fall (Pink Floyd, the Wall)

Mer 14 Avr 2010 11:53
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Mer 24 Juin 2009 19:29
Messages: 70
Localisation: Barcelona
Ecurie: Team Catalonia
N° de pilote: 373

Catalunya (ct)

Message Re: [RELEASED] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
Grandísimo trabajo!!

Nunca he corrido la Subida a la Manzana, pero si he pasado "algunas" veces como tramo de enlace para llegar al tramo de "Miravalles"...
Muy bueno el trazado y muy bueno el entorno. Felicidades!!!  =D>

Image Image Image

Mer 14 Avr 2010 12:50
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Lun 20 Juil 2009 19:40
Age: 82
Messages: 131
Localisation: Andorra la Vella i Girona (Andorra i Catalogne)
Team: Team Catalonia
Ecurie: ClubSexyGirls Team Catalonia
N° de pilote: 966

Catalunya (ct)

Message Re: [RELEASED] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)

Vols sexe sino tinc Ln2
Asus Europe


Mer 14 Avr 2010 15:45
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 13:11
Messages: 36

France (fr)

Message Re: [RELEASED] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)

bravo toujours nickel comme tout ce que vous faites =D>  =D>  =D>

Mer 14 Avr 2010 20:27
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 11:23
Age: 44
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Pseudo Live: mathou

France (fr)

Message Re: [RELEASED] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
Classe de matemáticas superiores soberbia   =D>   , muy agradable tiene rodar

Tengo observar esto al principio



Mer 14 Avr 2010 20:34
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Lun 20 Juil 2009 19:40
Age: 82
Messages: 131
Localisation: Andorra la Vella i Girona (Andorra i Catalogne)
Team: Team Catalonia
Ecurie: ClubSexyGirls Team Catalonia
N° de pilote: 966

Catalunya (ct)

Message Re: [RELEASED] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
mathou a écrit:
Classe de matemáticas superiores soberbia  =D>   , muy agradable tiene rodar

Tengo observar esto al principio

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Este detalle es insignificante y ya demasiado complicado de areglar
El proyecto esta cerrado y ahora mismo se esta terminando el tramo del "Coll del Bruc/La Cantina" con la misma calidad de detalles o más

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-- Thu 15 Apr 2010 19:35 --

Vols sexe sino tinc Ln2
Asus Europe


Jeu 15 Avr 2010 19:35
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Lun 20 Juil 2009 19:40
Age: 82
Messages: 131
Localisation: Andorra la Vella i Girona (Andorra i Catalogne)
Team: Team Catalonia
Ecurie: ClubSexyGirls Team Catalonia
N° de pilote: 966

Catalunya (ct)

Message Re: [RELEASED] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)

Vols sexe sino tinc Ln2
Asus Europe


Dim 18 Avr 2010 12:46
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Mar 6 Juil 2010 17:09
Messages: 6

Italy (it)

Message Re: [test ok pour proch btb stag] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
semplicemente spettacolare. il tuo lavoro e' stato grande.
Ti giuro che questa prova e' una delle migliori che ho provato.
In qualsiasi momento sembra di passare in una collina italiana e di questo ti ringrazio per il tuo grande lavoro e passione per rbr.
Con questo post intendo ringraziare sia te che tutti gli appassionati che rendono vita a questo fantastico gioco.
Siete un riferimento per tutti , continuate cosi.

Ven 16 Juil 2010 14:27
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Sam 14 Déc 2013 14:42
Messages: 137
N° de pilote: 1199
Pseudo Live: Neo

Ukraine (ua)

Message Re: [BTB Spain] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
Can anyone please help me, when I load this track I get a black screen. I hear the sounds but the screen is black and if Ipress Escape the game pauses but the menu doesn't appear either. :((

Sam 15 Nov 2014 15:23
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: [BTB Spain] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
Sat 15 Nov 2014 15:23 here  Neo a écrit:
Can anyone please help me, when I load this track I get a black screen. I hear the sounds but the screen is black and if Ipress Escape the game pauses but the menu doesn't appear either. :((

I'm not really qualified to answer because I don't have any of the BTB packs installed right now, but in normal circumstances those very symptoms can be fixed with "disable desktop composition" (if you've got Windows 7). Changing only the properties of ...SSE.exe should be enough.

However, I always imagined that this wouldn't be related to any particular stage, but more like RBR as a whole. So I sort of doubt that it would fix it but no harm in trying, I suppose.

The secondary solution would be changing to a lower resolution.

Good luck.

Sam 15 Nov 2014 15:53
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Sam 14 Déc 2013 14:42
Messages: 137
N° de pilote: 1199
Pseudo Live: Neo

Ukraine (ua)

Message Re: [BTB Spain] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
Thank you porridge for your advise, but unfortunately neither "disable desktop composition" nor setting to a lower resolution didn't help :(

Sam 15 Nov 2014 17:12
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: [BTB Spain] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
So sorry to hear that. Just as I was getting ready to praise the lord and declare "it's a miracle!". But all is not lost.

Now, because you're my best friend, I made an exception and actually downloaded + tested all the different packages. Everything was OK for me. I don't know how you tried to access the stage but maybe it's just a corrupt pack you're having there, albeit rather weird symptoms for that one.

As for Install_Pack_BTBSpain_2014.exe I can give you the md5. It's safe to say that if you've got a different md5, you should definitely re-download the pack, no matter what.

Install_Pack_BTBSpain_2014.exe's md5 = f5717e12be36ea9f50f46035c51bf3b2.

Sam 15 Nov 2014 19:31
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Sam 14 Déc 2013 14:42
Messages: 137
N° de pilote: 1199
Pseudo Live: Neo

Ukraine (ua)

Message Re: [BTB Spain] Subida a la Manzana (By SISCO)
The check sum for my "Install_Pack_BTBSpain_2014.exe" is the same you gave... I also downloaded Subida a la Manzana as a separate track and launched it from "BTB tracks test" list (not from the BTB spain pack) and result was the same - black screen :GGG

Sam 15 Nov 2014 20:17
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