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 [BTB World] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush) 
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Dim 11 Oct 2009 22:44
Age: 38
Messages: 9
Localisation: Sibiu - Romania
N° de pilote: 5213

Romania (ro)

 [BTB World] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)

SS: Sibiu Superspecial
Lieu/Place : Romania
Distance: 2.1 km
Auteur/Autor: Spiridush
Surface : Gravel
Contributeurs/contributor: RaulWRC
Progrès WIP/Progress WIP: Released
Infos : Google Map
Téléchargement Fichier/Download File .7z :

On board RBR: Vidéo en provenance de :

On Board Romanian Rally Championship:

Stuff left to do:
-Smooth out terrain in some places & make some non-driveable
-Add more trackside objects and/or distribute them evenly

I've tried to recreate this track as best i could. Length is a bit shorter than the real one but the stage times i'm getting are close to the real ones. This stage will be part of an IRC Supporter Event next year. Read here

Hope you all have fun with it. Suggestions are of course welcome.

My Rally Photos

Dernière édition par Spiridush le Dim 29 Nov 2009 19:59, édité 4 fois.

Mar 13 Oct 2009 22:38
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Jeu 8 Oct 2009 09:16
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Bulgaria (bg)

Message Re: [WIP] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)
I think my father drove that stage 2-3 years ago on the OMV Show, but it snowy than. Great job, thank you very much!


Mer 14 Oct 2009 09:13
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Dim 11 Oct 2009 22:44
Age: 38
Messages: 9
Localisation: Sibiu - Romania
N° de pilote: 5213

Romania (ro)

Message Re: [WIP] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)
Yes he did :D

My Rally Photos

Mer 14 Oct 2009 09:49
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Lun 15 Juin 2009 00:34
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)
Great SS

Mer 14 Oct 2009 12:29
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 11:23
Age: 44
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Localisation: rochefort
Pseudo Live: mathou

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)
=D>  =D>  une bonne première version

j'ai remarquer plusieurs chose

afin d'éviter tout triche ou sortie de route qui pourrais poser probleme ,  il serai bien que tu face en sorte qu'on ne puisse pas passer sur l'autre route exemple :

Edité par : Gegewrc : Some remarks : In order to avoid people to cut, it would be good to find a solution to separate the two tracks

Images perdues/Lost pictures

la texture et bizarre ici
Edité par : gegewrc : The texture is strange here!

Images perdues/Lost pictures

et ici

Images perdues/Lost pictures




Mer 14 Oct 2009 18:05
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Dim 11 Oct 2009 22:44
Age: 38
Messages: 9
Localisation: Sibiu - Romania
N° de pilote: 5213

Romania (ro)

Message Re: [WIP] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)
Thank you for your feedback. I'll be working to sort out those issues in the next few days. That texture around the bridge annoys me too :P

My Rally Photos

Mer 14 Oct 2009 18:41
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Ven 29 Mai 2009 16:16
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Pseudo Live: gegewrc

Belgium (be)

Message Re: [WIP] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)
Hi Spiridush,

That's a really nice super stage, very pleasant to drive ! Good job!
I think it would be interesting to put "invisible" walls between the two tracks in order to avoid people to cut... Stones in the curves is also an other option!
This road gravel texture twinkle and is not pleasant for the eyes. It would be nice to put some "mud" texture like on the real stage in place of gravel  ;-) ! A little bit more vegetation (grass) and it will be a perfect stage!

When you look at the "live" video, you immediately see that your job is  good!  =D>

Mer 14 Oct 2009 21:12
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Ven 19 Juin 2009 12:13
Age: 32
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N° de pilote: 9227

Romania (ro)

Message Re: [WIP] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)
i am driving this stage every month for real in slalom paralel championship with rules pretty much like in RoC  :) this is a world class superspecial, so it deserves its place in rbr

and i still remember about mr Jensen competing at OMV rally show some years ago. This year, Sibiu rally show will be held on 14th of november :) me :p

Jari-Matti Latvala fan :)

Ven 16 Oct 2009 22:25
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Dim 11 Oct 2009 22:44
Age: 38
Messages: 9
Localisation: Sibiu - Romania
N° de pilote: 5213

Romania (ro)

Message Re: [WIP] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)

Download links updated.


-Added invisible walls and other obstacles throughout the stage to prevent cutting to the other track
-Added more vegetation
-Changed track texture and material - waiting for feedback from some real life drivers, might change the material (Check my rally photos to get an idea of the track surface)
-Minor correction to a pacenote
-Fixed bad textures around the bridge
-Minor track surface adjustments - waiting for feedback from some real life drivers

That's about it for now. Didn't have time to test it so there might still be some floating vegetation around  :-:
I think i'm getting close to releasing the final version. Feedback is of course welcome. Have fun.

My Rally Photos

Dim 25 Oct 2009 19:14
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Jeu 18 Juin 2009 15:25
Age: 45
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Ecurie: Colin McRae Motorsport
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Romania (ro)

Message Re: [WIP] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)
Congrats ,super stage,can hardly wait to run it!

My photo's

Dim 8 Nov 2009 12:41
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 11:23
Age: 44
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Pseudo Live: mathou

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)
je vient de m'apercevoir que je n'ai pas refait  ton es , depuis que tu as fait les changements je suis désoler

tu as fait du bon travaille depuis la dernière version , tu as corrigé beaucoup de probleme  =D>

pour ma part je ne voit que des petits problèmes de raccords des arbres extérieur

exemple :

bon courage


Dim 8 Nov 2009 13:34
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Dim 11 Oct 2009 22:44
Age: 38
Messages: 9
Localisation: Sibiu - Romania
N° de pilote: 5213

Romania (ro)

Message Re: [Released] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)

Final download links released

-Minor changes to track surface and vegetation

Special thanks to RaulWRC for his insight into the track surface and mathou for his extensive feedback.

If anyone wants to continue work on this project (for future RSRBR integration into the Superspecials) i'll gladly supply the files needed, just PM me.

Have fun & drive safe...or fast...whatever the case may be :D

My Rally Photos

Dim 29 Nov 2009 20:00
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 11:23
Age: 44
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Localisation: rochefort
Pseudo Live: mathou

France (fr)

Message Re: [RELEASED] Sibiu - Superspecial (by Spiridush)
Merci à toi Spiridush pour ta contribution

Ta spéciale est vraiment très agréable à rouler.

Nous allons demander à ce quelle soit testée par d'autres joueurs , pour voir si aucun problème n'apparait.

J'espère que tu as d'autres projets à faire   :-D

Merci pour ta contribution

Thank to you  Spiridush for your contribution  
Your track is really very pleasant  to run(drive)  
We are going to ask some other players to try it, to see if no problem appears  
I hope that you have other project in mind  :-D :D
Thank you for your contribution.


Mar 1 Déc 2009 12:19
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