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 [RESOLVED]Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions) 
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message [RESOLVED]Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions)
Good evening,

Just passing on some info I haven't seen mentioned anywhere except once by Gustaffo but that didn't seem to lead to any conclusions. And I will stress that I cannot provide you with any diagnostic reports since I don't have RSRBR installed in the default RBR folder. But what I do know is that all of these things are very common.

There is a some sort of a strange issue with the public sessions that if you mix btb stages and original format stages, sometimes the BTB ones tend to load on top of some original format stages.

BUT to make things absolutely clear, what I'll do now is a LIVE text commentary of a Public Session created by my "colleague" Rontti, who tries to simulate certain issues with this roadbook:

The other thing that seems to happen regularly is that an original format stage coming after a BTB stage would not load at all. Somehow, it'd be loading the previous BTB stage again, but not actually getting anywhere. This, I hear, happened with SS3 Mustaselkä and SS5 NewBobs.

And now it actually managed to load the previous BTB stage again instead of SS7 Cote d'Arbroz.

SS9 Fraizer Wells worked as it should, I hear.

SS10 Ruuhimäki loaded on top of SS11 Humalamäki. Screenshots pending.

SS13 Sweet Lamb has the same issue that SS3 and SS5 had earlier.

And finally, the previous BTB stage loads on top of Akagi, the final stage of the rally.


Then there is the chrono bug that sometimes occur when you have only BTB stages in the roadbook. The session could give you only 30 seconds to complete the first stage. Naturally the next stage would be skipped then and one can do nothing about that.


Some screenshots by Rontti:


EDIT - It has to be noted that all of the BTB stages did function just as they should.


FINAL EDIT - What's the trick with the car pack choice? WIP? Even though we have installed all the cars and we create a rally with a pack "-12", RSCenter says we don't have the pack -12 installed...

Dim 30 Déc 2012 23:05
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Mer 2 Jan 2013 23:00
Messages: 1
Localisation: Jyväskylä
Team: JKL Hartialukko WRT
N° de pilote: 4975
Pseudo Live: smprec

Finland (fi)

Message Re: Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions)
:-O() To be honest, to me it seems like that online rallying isn't even at Beta stage yet. Everything porridge described, has happened to me and my friends.
It's rather annoying and in fact impossible to drive online anymore. And when you mix BTB and original stages, it seems to load even the original stages through the way it loads BTB stages, dat screen with grey background and loads of errors occuring.  :DDD
Seriously, you have made a great progress with the physics and stages and everything, but you should tell us in ENGLISH also what's going on.  *thanks
Is there going to be an update to fix all these issues, the championships are near..  :XXX  :smile:


Dim 6 Jan 2013 19:19
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Lun 11 Mai 2009 16:27
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France (fr)

Message Re: Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions)
Please do it one problem after one problem ...
Create one topic for each type of problem.

It's weard if only you and your friends have these problems ...

Le forum est le meilleur endroit pour obtenir de l'aide. Plus de personnes peuvent vous aider et les réponses peuvent aider d'autres pilotes.
Forum is the best place to get help. More poeple can help you and answer can be useful for everybody !

Dim 6 Jan 2013 21:58
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions)
This report have been here for ages, but ignored. The number of bugs reported in one post can't seriously be an issue, can it, Beu-C? :) Luckily, Graikas reported about the stage loading problem. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=14547. Try reacting to that instead.

I personally can only confirm now that Update 01 didn't fix this stage loading issue. We tested this today (A public session rally named "Vauhtimurot testaa"), and yes, with the corrected Update01 installed.

I don't blame Rallyesim for ignoring this post, as I'm used to it in the past, but I must say that I am unbelievably fed up with the lazy community who must know something about this issue but won't pull their socks up and come here. OR could someone even bother to come here and DENY all of this? Now, that would be some progress.

I'm awfully delighted to see smprec here, better late than never. :)

Yes, I've known for a fact that the stage loading issue isn't an isolated case by any means, and with Graikas' post from yesterday about reports in the Greek community, I'm more certain than ever. And I'd like to think that the amount of retired drivers today in the original format stages proved that again. But where are they with their reports? Nowhere.

It's a shame I cannot give you the diagnostic report, although for a good reason. I hoped that someone would have done that by now but no. Oh no, of course not.

I for one have installed everything by the book, md5s all checked and all matched at the time of downloading. So it's not a case of corrupted files.

EDIT - The only thing I regret is the topic title which I admit is too vague. That's all from me. :)

Dim 6 Jan 2013 23:33
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Dim 26 Avr 2009 13:24
Age: 63
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Localisation: Montpellier (34)
N° de pilote: 680
Pseudo Live: Papy Jim

France (fr)

Message Re: Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions)
Dim 30 Déc 2012 22:05 ici  porridge a écrit:
Good evening,

Just passing on some info I haven't seen mentioned anywhere except once by Gustaffo but that didn't seem to lead to any conclusions. And I will stress that I cannot provide you with any diagnostic reports since I don't have RSRBR installed in the default RBR folder. But what I do know is that all of these things are very common.

There is a some sort of a strange issue with the public sessions that if you mix btb stages and original format stages, sometimes the BTB ones tend to load on top of some original format stages.

BUT to make things absolutely clear, what I'll do now is a LIVE text commentary of a Public Session created by my "colleague" Rontti, who tries to simulate certain issues with this roadbook:

The other thing that seems to happen regularly is that an original format stage coming after a BTB stage would not load at all. Somehow, it'd be loading the previous BTB stage again, but not actually getting anywhere. This, I hear, happened with SS3 Mustaselkä and SS5 NewBobs.

And now it actually managed to load the previous BTB stage again instead of SS7 Cote d'Arbroz.

SS9 Fraizer Wells worked as it should, I hear.

SS10 Ruuhimäki loaded on top of SS11 Humalamäki. Screenshots pending.

SS13 Sweet Lamb has the same issue that SS3 and SS5 had earlier.

And finally, the previous BTB stage loads on top of Akagi, the final stage of the rally.


Then there is the chrono bug that sometimes occur when you have only BTB stages in the roadbook. The session could give you only 30 seconds to complete the first stage. Naturally the next stage would be skipped then and one can do nothing about that.


Some screenshots by Rontti:


EDIT - It has to be noted that all of the BTB stages did function just as they should.


FINAL EDIT - What's the trick with the car pack choice? WIP? Even though we have installed all the cars and we create a rally with a pack "-12", RSCenter says we don't have the pack -12 installed...

ok, I read

that's me, it's my job, I see your problem, but I am not come to reproduce in, I promise to look at it more closely.


RBR: Cocréateur de Rallyesim Association, Cocréateur de RSRBR, Créateur de, Créateur de RSCenter + RSNetwork + CreateRally + SendReplays XP + SendTimes + Mix Mod + Textures + Physics, etc... - Android: Créateur de RBR Analogic Dashboard + RBR Dash Racing - DirtRally: Créateur de Dirt Game Event Ranking, Gestionnaire du championnat en ligne Dirt Rally 2017, 2018 et 2019, Dirt Rally 2.0 2020, 2021 et 2022

Dim 6 Jan 2013 23:45
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions)
Merci, Papy-Jim, you're the best.  *thanks

Lun 7 Jan 2013 00:06
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Mer 12 Oct 2011 16:42
Messages: 38

Finland (fi)

Message Re: Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions)
Well, I want to say something also about this BTB/original stage loading problem. As porridge said, it's very confusing that only few people have wrote about this problem here in forum. Cause I'm 99,9% sure that everybody has this problem also.

Firstly, the problem is only in Public Session.

Secondly, Always after BTB stage, the game starts to download the previous BTB stage before next original stage. Means that there comes grey BTB loading screen, like smprec already told.

Thirdly, only the original stages (Peklo, Humalamäki...etc) have this "double loading" problem. Which means that the previous BTB stage loads above the next original stage. You can see examples from first post screenshots.

And finally, the classic RBR stages (Kaihuavaara, Prospect Ridge...etc) doesn't start at all, or works without no problems at all. Depends on stage, I think.
For example, Cote d'Arbroz starts the previous BTB stage again, NewBobs doesn't start at all, and Fraizer Wells works fine.

You can try how all things work with this kind of rallybook:

Hope you can resolve this  :-O()




Lun 7 Jan 2013 00:18
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Dim 26 Avr 2009 13:24
Age: 63
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Localisation: Montpellier (34)
N° de pilote: 680
Pseudo Live: Papy Jim

France (fr)

Message Re: Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions)
I forgot to reset the variable that manages BTB
Now, it's done, I am sorry
if it's ok, I created a small patch Official

Test This Please
Fichier(s) joint(s):
RSCenter2013Public.rar [1.2 Mo]
Téléchargé 291 fois

Extract in Game Folder

give me the result after test

RBR: Cocréateur de Rallyesim Association, Cocréateur de RSRBR, Créateur de, Créateur de RSCenter + RSNetwork + CreateRally + SendReplays XP + SendTimes + Mix Mod + Textures + Physics, etc... - Android: Créateur de RBR Analogic Dashboard + RBR Dash Racing - DirtRally: Créateur de Dirt Game Event Ranking, Gestionnaire du championnat en ligne Dirt Rally 2017, 2018 et 2019, Dirt Rally 2.0 2020, 2021 et 2022

Lun 7 Jan 2013 00:21
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Mer 12 Oct 2011 16:42
Messages: 38

Finland (fi)

Message Re: [RESOLVED]Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions)
All hail Papy Jim!!

Everything works like a charm now! Thank you, thank you!  *thanks  *thanks


Lun 7 Jan 2013 01:03
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: [RESOLVED]Miscellaneous online problems (Public sessions)
It works!!!! Tried and tested, we did two sessions, and everything's as it should be.  *thanks

Thank you, Papy-Jim, for listening and taking action.

So we're not mad after all, eh?


Lun 7 Jan 2013 01:36
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