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 Server error, try again later 
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Lun 30 Jan 2012 20:54
Messages: 2
N° de pilote: 1753
Pseudo Live: PEDRO SILVA

Portugal (pt)

 Server error, try again later
hi there

I have this problem when i´m traying to play public sessions or championship. I have uninstalled and installed again and again and always the same error. "Server error, try again later" it´s not from the firewall nether the antivirus. Can someone help me please.i did the registration and then tryed to play and nothing.

Thank you

Lun 30 Jan 2012 22:15
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Pilote professionnel
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
Messages: 12369
Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Server error, try again later
Download and launch this utility of repair. utilitaire de dépannage de RSRBR. (DepannageRSRBR.exe)
Once launched, click the lower left button "Analyse simple".
Once the ended analysis, selects nothing, copy nothing, return directly here to post a new answer.
In the text field, make a right click and chosen "Paste".

You can put a comment following the report of analysis.

Ma chaine Image. Abonnez-vous

Lun 30 Jan 2012 22:48
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Jeune conducteur
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Lun 30 Jan 2012 20:54
Messages: 2
N° de pilote: 1753
Pseudo Live: PEDRO SILVA

Portugal (pt)

Message Re: Server error, try again later
fifou a écrit:
Download and launch this utility of repair. utilitaire de dépannage de RSRBR. (DepannageRSRBR.exe)
Once launched, click the lower left button "Analyse simple".
Once the ended analysis, selects nothing, copy nothing, return directly here to post a new answer.
In the text field, make a right click and chosen "Paste".

You can put a comment following the report of analysis.

I don´t understand what you want me to do i installed the software you mentioned above and clicked on analyse simple.
What should i do now?

-- Mon 30 Jan 2012 22:18 --

PEDRO SILVA a écrit:
fifou a écrit:
Download and launch this utility of repair. utilitaire de dépannage de RSRBR. (DepannageRSRBR.exe)
Once launched, click the lower left button "Analyse simple".
Once the ended analysis, selects nothing, copy nothing, return directly here to post a new answer.
In the text field, make a right click and chosen "Paste".

You can put a comment following the report of analysis.

I don´t understand what you want me to do i installed the software you mentioned above and clicked on analyse simple.
What should i do now?

It´s resolved. I installed in my windwos XP Partition disk and it´s running fine now. It´s starnge cause i´ve played RSRBR 2011 on my Win 7 partiton disk and it ok.

Thanks for your attention

Lun 30 Jan 2012 23:18
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Pilote professionnel
Pilote professionnel

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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
Messages: 12369
Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Server error, try again later
It's written in my post

Download and launch this utility of repair. utilitaire de dépannage de RSRBR. (DepannageRSRBR.exe)
Once launched, click the lower left button "Analyse simple".
Once the ended analysis, selects nothing, copy nothing, return directly here to post a new answer.
In the text field, make a right click and chosen "Paste"

You can put a comment following the report of analysis.

Ma chaine Image. Abonnez-vous

Lun 30 Jan 2012 23:45
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