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 Problem with downloading my replays after sending 
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Sam 15 Oct 2011 10:22
Messages: 4
Ecurie: Wacky Races
N° de pilote: 161
Pseudo Live: Dudo S.

Croatia (hr)

Message Problem with downloading my replays after sending

I have a big problem that will drive me crazy. My replays can't be downloaded after everything seems fine when I send them.
So please if anyone knows something or had the same problem and correct it to answer me.  :-O()

Any idea would be appreciated.  *thanks

CRORBR Champion - 2014
CRORBR Runner up - 2013, 2012
RDRC Team Championship Winner - 2013


Lun 17 Sep 2012 17:21
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
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Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Problem with downloading my replays after sending
Connexion concern....

Posté depuis Andoïd Image

Ma chaine Image. Abonnez-vous

Lun 17 Sep 2012 19:47
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
Team: None
Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: Problem with downloading my replays after sending
Dudo Sparovec a écrit:

I have a big problem that will drive me crazy. My replays can't be downloaded after everything seems fine when I send them.
So please if anyone knows something or had the same problem and correct it to answer me.  :-O()

Any idea would be appreciated.  *thanks


Have you add "sendreplay.exe" and "sendtimes.exe" on the DEP?

With Windows XP
Press the "Windows" key (Windows logo) + "Pause" key.
Go to the Advanced tab under "Performance" click the "Settings" button.
In the new window you will in the "DEP data.
You check "Turn on DEP data for all programs and services except those I select:"

With Windows Vista / 7
Start Button » Control Panel » System » System and Maintenance.
Click on Advanced system settings. Administrator permission required.
Under Performance, click Settings.
Click on the tab DEP data, then click on "Turn on DEP data for all programs and services except those I select."

Then you click on the button "Add" and you add all the following software:
(they are all at the root of game)
- rscenter2012.exe
- rsrbr3dratio.exe
- RichardBurnsRally_SSE.exe
- RichardBurnsRally.exe
- RBR Startup.exe
- RBRdll.exe
- CamHack.exe
- LanceurAddOns.exe
- sendreplays.exe
- sendtimes.exe

- SkinsWizard.exe
Save changes, then re-boot your computer and you do a test :)


Le forum et le Live de Rallyesim n'étant pas gratuits, faites un geste
The Rallyesim's forum and the Live aren't free, please feel free to do a gesture.
Merci ! Thank you!

Mer 19 Sep 2012 10:17
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
Messages: 7488
Team: Aucune
Ecurie: Aucune
Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: Problem with downloading my replays after sending
Dudo Sparovec a écrit:

I have a big problem that will drive me crazy. My replays can't be downloaded after everything seems fine when I send them.
So please if anyone knows something or had the same problem and correct it to answer me.  :-O()

Any idea would be appreciated.  *thanks

Give me the link you use to download them plz.

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Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Mer 19 Sep 2012 10:35
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Sam 15 Oct 2011 10:22
Messages: 4
Ecurie: Wacky Races
N° de pilote: 161
Pseudo Live: Dudo S.

Croatia (hr)

Message Re: Problem with downloading my replays after sending
Hi Aube!

No I didn't do that. Thank you all for being so helpful. I'll try it now and if it doesn't work send PHIL63 the link.

-- Wed 19 Sep 2012 19:10 --

My account isn't blocked any more. Does this mean what I think it means.

If so  *thanks  Aube once again! :-D

CRORBR Champion - 2014
CRORBR Runner up - 2013, 2012
RDRC Team Championship Winner - 2013


Mer 19 Sep 2012 19:10
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
Team: None
Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: Problem with downloading my replays after sending
;-) Good race  :D/

Le forum et le Live de Rallyesim n'étant pas gratuits, faites un geste
The Rallyesim's forum and the Live aren't free, please feel free to do a gesture.
Merci ! Thank you!

Jeu 20 Sep 2012 14:46
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Sam 15 Oct 2011 10:22
Messages: 4
Ecurie: Wacky Races
N° de pilote: 161
Pseudo Live: Dudo S.

Croatia (hr)

Message Re: Problem with downloading my replays after sending
Aube a écrit:
;-) Good race  :D/

Yes I'm looking forward to the end off a very good season for me and to Croatian Championship next year, if everything goes well.
Thanks and I wouldn't mind posting the same smiley myself or maybe this one:  :yeah:

CRORBR Champion - 2014
CRORBR Runner up - 2013, 2012
RDRC Team Championship Winner - 2013


Mar 18 Déc 2012 21:09
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