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 [RESOLVED] 30 second bug in Public Sessions (BTB only) 
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message [RESOLVED] 30 second bug in Public Sessions (BTB only)
Good evening again,

Take a look at these roadbooks: (The first 4 stages with 30 second gaps.) (All 6 stages with 30 second gaps.)

These have been created just to showcase the issue in question, they will be deleted once we get a meaningful reaction. And this has been going on since day 1, it hasn't got anything to do with Update01.

The bug seems very random by nature, but once it happens, it's always at the start of rallies, which automatically lead to skipped stages. Then it's just a question of how many. Seems most common with BTB Finland and BTB Sweden stages, but could very well happen with any btb stages.

EDIT - Fixed now. Changed to RESOLVED.

Dernière édition par porridge le Mer 9 Jan 2013 22:17, édité 4 fois.

Lun 7 Jan 2013 21:42
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Mar 6 Juil 2010 13:57
Messages: 69
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France (fr)

Message Re: 30 second chrono bug in Public Sessions (BTB stages only)
Je confirme ce problème en ayant tester que les stages BTBs en session pulblic hier soir.

Lun 7 Jan 2013 20:42 ici  porridge a écrit:
Good evening again,

Take a look at these roadbooks: (All 5 stages with 30 second gaps.) (The first 4 stages in a row with 30 second gaps.) (The first 3 stages with 30 second gaps.)

These have been created just to showcase the issue in question, they will be deleted once we get a meaningful reaction. And this has been going on since day 1, it hasn't got anything to do with Update01.

Here's a mild example from a session created by Raddoo (you can have a look at SS2 results)

The bug seems very random by nature, but once it happens, it's always at the start of rallies, which automatically lead to skipped stages. Then it's just a question of how many. Seems most common with BTB Finland and BTB Sweden stages, but could very well happen with any btb stages.

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Mar 8 Jan 2013 18:48
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: 30 second chrono bug in Public Sessions (BTB stages only)
Good evening Rallyesim and Raddoo,

I had to change the roadbooks links and bump the thread, please forgive me.


Finland's Internet.

Mer 9 Jan 2013 20:13
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Dim 26 Avr 2009 13:24
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France (fr)

Message Re: 30 second chrono bug in Public Sessions (BTB stages only)
Yes, I See, I'll try to fix ;)

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Mer 9 Jan 2013 20:33
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: 30 second chrono bug in Public Sessions (BTB stages only)
Merci, Papy-Jim. Take your time.

I'll delete those roadbooks now, it's not that I want to keep them there. :)

Mer 9 Jan 2013 21:12
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Dim 26 Avr 2009 13:24
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France (fr)

Message Re: 30 second chrono bug in Public Sessions (BTB stages only)

RBR: Cocréateur de Rallyesim Association, Cocréateur de RSRBR, Créateur de, Créateur de RSCenter + RSNetwork + CreateRally + SendReplays XP + SendTimes + Mix Mod + Textures + Physics, etc... - Android: Créateur de RBR Analogic Dashboard + RBR Dash Racing - DirtRally: Créateur de Dirt Game Event Ranking, Gestionnaire du championnat en ligne Dirt Rally 2017, 2018 et 2019, Dirt Rally 2.0 2020, 2021 et 2022

Mer 9 Jan 2013 21:33
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Dim 26 Avr 2009 13:24
Age: 63
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Localisation: Montpellier (34)
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Pseudo Live: Papy Jim

France (fr)

Message Re: 30 second chrono bug in Public Sessions (BTB stages only)
fixed ;)

RBR: Cocréateur de Rallyesim Association, Cocréateur de RSRBR, Créateur de, Créateur de RSCenter + RSNetwork + CreateRally + SendReplays XP + SendTimes + Mix Mod + Textures + Physics, etc... - Android: Créateur de RBR Analogic Dashboard + RBR Dash Racing - DirtRally: Créateur de Dirt Game Event Ranking, Gestionnaire du championnat en ligne Dirt Rally 2017, 2018 et 2019, Dirt Rally 2.0 2020, 2021 et 2022

Mer 9 Jan 2013 21:39
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: [RESOLVED] 30 second bug in Public Sessions (BTB only)
Just tested it, and so it is. :D/  

Thanks for your time and effort, Papy-Jim.

*thanks   o|:)

Mer 9 Jan 2013 22:17
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