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Dim 20 Sep 2009 15:50
Age: 33
Messages: 97
Localisation: Madeira Islands
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Diogo Velosa

Portugal (pt)

Message Points
Well, this is a expectation for 2014.. about the points

I hope you have a look on the way that you are giving the classification points. They are very different from reality and have too much disadvantage when you retire, and very small advantage when you win. Like you lose 200 points, and win 7 points. It need 28/29 rallys to recover the 200 lost. And a championship season do not have more than 13 rallys.

In this way, for example, on wrc/erc season, 'Driver A' DNF in one rally, and 'Driver B' won that rally. If on the rest of 12 rallys 'Driver A' win all rallys, and 'Driver B' get second in all rallys, 'Driver B' is the champion with more than 100 poins in advantage, with just one win against 12 wins by other 'Driver A' ... i think this is not too much fair/funny, because theres people who just drive to have fun, and have people who drive to have fun and win, and this last ones could be out of the fights on very first rally! :evil:

Like this the fast drivers can do a careless braking drive instead trying to be allways faster and faster!  :(

(This is not a way to get better for me or for someone else, its just my opinion to get RALLYESIM better than others.  :-D )

o|:)   *thanks

Ven 26 Juil 2013 01:45
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
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Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Points
who are the others ?  :DDD

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Ven 26 Juil 2013 02:14
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Dim 20 Sep 2009 15:50
Age: 33
Messages: 97
Localisation: Madeira Islands
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Diogo Velosa

Portugal (pt)

Message Re: Points
Fri 26 Jul 2013 01:14 here  fifou a écrit:
who are the others ?  :DDD

Wow... well submited fifou!  :DDD

Ok, get even better!!  :P

Ven 26 Juil 2013 02:17
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
Messages: 12369
Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Points
Yes but....
Regularity will always benefit performance. Is it so illogical that ?

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Ven 26 Juil 2013 10:57
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Lun 11 Mai 2009 16:27
Age: 42
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Ecurie: Wacky Races
N° de pilote: 19

France (fr)

Message Re: Points
Hi Diogo,

My answer is quite simple ... You can't compare real points attribution and RallyeSim points attribution because participation in RS mod have nothing to deal with real participation ...

We can't keep the real points attribution because with example of WRC we can reward only 10 drivers when we have more than 400 drivers on each rallies !

So we need to give more points to be able to give interest in competition for many drivers, not only 10 best drivers.

By this way, I tried to keep something common with real points attribution.
Please have a look to this table :

This example is made to give points to 3 times more drivers.
As you said there is 7 points between 1st driver and second. (left part of the table)
So I started to give to the first driver 3 times the maximum points : 3 x 25 = 75
Then for the 3 following drivers I give each time 7 points less than the previous driver.

Then between the 2nd driver and the 3rd there is 3 points less. (real points)
So for the 3 following drivers in RS mod I give each time 3 points less than the previous driver.

And I continue in this way till the end of the real point attribution.

Do you follow me ?  :)

So in this example, you can't compare the 1st driver and the second, you have to compare the first driver with the 4th driver which earn 3 x 7 = 21 points less than the first driver.

To compare with you way to think :
- Driver A gets no points in 1st rally then win 12 following rallies and gets 900 pts.
- Driver B gets 54 pts (4th place) in first rally then 75 in each following rallies and gets 954 pts.

In real competition :
- Driver A gets no points in 1st rally then win 12 following rallies and gets 275 pts.
- Driver B gets 18 pts (2nd place) in first rally then 25 in each following rallies and gets 293 pts.

In first case there is 54 pts difference. In real there is 18 pts ...
And what happens if you do 18 x 3 ?  = 54 pts !!!
Why 3 ? because we give points to 3 times more drivers. This not magic ! Only mathematics !  ;-)

Hope you are still with me ... :D

To conclude, I'm going to repeat, we can't strictly compare real and RS points attribution because of different participation.

But if somebody is able to give me points attribution for 3 times more drivers and which respect totally the championship ranking in the end of the season, I'm going to check it.  ;-)

What is your feeling after this explanations ?
Except headache ...  :DDD

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Ven 26 Juil 2013 19:11
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Dim 26 Avr 2009 13:24
Age: 63
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Pseudo Live: Papy Jim

France (fr)

Message Re: Points
le truc, c'est qu'il ne faut pas se planter...

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Ven 26 Juil 2013 21:50
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
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Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Points
C'est ce que j'essaie de faire, mais c'est hyper méga difficile mine de rien  :DDD

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Ven 26 Juil 2013 21:53
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