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 Kicked off from Championship - no warning till end of week final results 
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Mar 25 Déc 2012 12:20
Messages: 6
Localisation: Shanghai, China
N° de pilote: 3855
Pseudo Live: BorisYE

Russia (ru)

Message Kicked off from Championship - no warning till end of week final results
One issue to the wish list:
It is really frustrating when player has no information about whether he is kicked off the championship or not. It is especially critical having glitches in software.
The way around I do:
I used to check rally total time before and after each stage and calculate how much I gained after the recent stage and compare to the total time I have with the last special. If it matches - I am still in the game but if total result gains more than time of the stage that means I am kicked off.
I am not against math in general but is it possible to use software to do the job and give a big bright screen to the player :

'All is OK. You are still IN game!'


'Woops, end of game' results not counted and can run for your personal pleasure ONLY..:((

Sincerely yours,
9988 - Che88

Mar 27 Mai 2014 06:03
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
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Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Kicked off from Championship - no warning till end of week final results
It is very difficult to understand what you want with the translator

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Mar 27 Mai 2014 21:42
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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France (fr)

Message Re: Kicked off from Championship - no warning till end of week final results
Can you give us an example more explicit ?  :GGG  :GGG

Mar 27 Mai 2014 23:01
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Lun 11 Mai 2009 16:27
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France (fr)

Message Re: Kicked off from Championship - no warning till end of week final results
Mar 27 Mai 2014 05:03 ici  bchurikov a écrit:
One issue to the wish list:
It is really frustrating when player has no information about whether he is kicked off the championship or not. It is especially critical having glitches in software.
The way around I do:
I used to check rally total time before and after each stage and calculate how much I gained after the recent stage and compare to the total time I have with the last special. If it matches - I am still in the game but if total result gains more than time of the stage that means I am kicked off.
I am not against math in general but is it possible to use software to do the job and give a big bright screen to the player :

'All is OK. You are still IN game!'


'Woops, end of game' results not counted and can run for your personal pleasure ONLY..:((

Sincerely yours,
9988 - Che88


Give details about rally and stage where you have difference.

Le forum est le meilleur endroit pour obtenir de l'aide. Plus de personnes peuvent vous aider et les réponses peuvent aider d'autres pilotes.
Forum is the best place to get help. More poeple can help you and answer can be useful for everybody !

Mar 27 Mai 2014 23:47
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Mar 25 Déc 2012 12:20
Messages: 6
Localisation: Shanghai, China
N° de pilote: 3855
Pseudo Live: BorisYE

Russia (ru)

Message Re: Kicked off from Championship - no warning till end of week final results (GAME STATUS indicator)
Dear Sirs,
I raised the issue because in RSRBRlive there is no flag or indicator of any kind which tells the driver during the championship about his GAME STATUS.

Example 1:
Leg. 1. SS 01 - crash (or software glitch or connection problem, etc.)
Start the SS 02.  Need to wait complete loading of stage and when get the road on screen.  During final countdown driver can see text :  
               Stage XXXXXX... RETIRED.
(If all OK it says "Start the stage XXXXXXX")

*** This is OPTION 01 to know stage is not counted for championship and will be penalty PLUS TIME to this stage.

If driver miss this small text (I always miss because prepare myself to start the car on GO mark and normally do not read texts around) then happily runs like hell through the stage till the finish. Then can see the time and understand penalty PLUS TIME applied.

*** This is the OPTION 02 to know if stage is failed. BUT no indication that car damage was so serious that entire LEG is failed.

If driver get to service park and the car is fixed or the stage was just BEFORE the S.P. and car is fixed all other stages run normally BUT
----- if the car damage was too bad the LEG is failed and no way to know this from any warning screen.

How to know the entire Leg is failed during the same LEG?
Option 01 - no help because each stage starts ok and no warning: Retired or Failed.
Option 02 - no help because stage time shows actual driving time WITHOUT penalty PLUS TIME.

*** OPTION 03  -  need to write down on paper TOTAL time after EACH stage and calculate and write down time difference.
                         a) if time difference after each stage EQUAL to the time of this stage - Driver is OK and still in the game.
                         b) if time difference after every new stage LARGER then this stage actual time it only means every new stage (even after S.P.) penalty PLUS TIME applied and Game is failed.

So my wish was to make a warning screen with championship status to see on home screen before loading the stage.
1- Status OK
2- Critical car damage. Leg is failed.
3- Not critical car damage. Move to S.P. (Leg is not failed.)

I hope other drivers will support me because this would be really nice.

P.S. RSRBR team does terrific job to keep the game running and if this feature too difficult to do just forget about it.
     RSRBR RULES!...:)

Mer 28 Mai 2014 06:56
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
Messages: 12369
Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Kicked off from Championship - no warning till end of week final results
I think you want a lot of things......

It's a rally game, not candy crush :-D

Posté depuis Xperia Z1 compact / Android Image

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Mer 28 Mai 2014 08:14
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: Kicked off from Championship - no warning till end of week final results
Easier to ask for that to provide help  :D

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Mer 28 Mai 2014 08:28
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Lun 11 Mai 2009 16:27
Age: 42
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N° de pilote: 19

France (fr)

Message Re: Kicked off from Championship - no warning till end of week final results (GAME STATUS indicator)
Mer 28 Mai 2014 05:56 ici  bchurikov a écrit:
Dear Sirs,
I raised the issue because in RSRBRlive there is no flag or indicator of any kind which tells the driver during the championship about his GAME STATUS.

Example 1:
Leg. 1. SS 01 - crash (or software glitch or connection problem, etc.)
Start the SS 02.  Need to wait complete loading of stage and when get the road on screen.  During final countdown driver can see text :  
               Stage XXXXXX... RETIRED.
(If all OK it says "Start the stage XXXXXXX")

*** This is OPTION 01 to know stage is not counted for championship and will be penalty PLUS TIME to this stage.

If driver miss this small text (I always miss because prepare myself to start the car on GO mark and normally do not read texts around) then happily runs like hell through the stage till the finish. Then can see the time and understand penalty PLUS TIME applied.

*** This is the OPTION 02 to know if stage is failed. BUT no indication that car damage was so serious that entire LEG is failed.

If driver get to service park and the car is fixed or the stage was just BEFORE the S.P. and car is fixed all other stages run normally BUT
----- if the car damage was too bad the LEG is failed and no way to know this from any warning screen.

How to know the entire Leg is failed during the same LEG?
Option 01 - no help because each stage starts ok and no warning: Retired or Failed.
Option 02 - no help because stage time shows actual driving time WITHOUT penalty PLUS TIME.

*** OPTION 03  -  need to write down on paper TOTAL time after EACH stage and calculate and write down time difference.
                         a) if time difference after each stage EQUAL to the time of this stage - Driver is OK and still in the game.
                         b) if time difference after every new stage LARGER then this stage actual time it only means every new stage (even after S.P.) penalty PLUS TIME applied and Game is failed.

So my wish was to make a warning screen with championship status to see on home screen before loading the stage.
1- Status OK
2- Critical car damage. Leg is failed.
3- Not critical car damage. Move to S.P. (Leg is not failed.)

I hope other drivers will support me because this would be really nice.

P.S. RSRBR team does terrific job to keep the game running and if this feature too difficult to do just forget about it.
     RSRBR RULES!...:)

I think we don't need anyone of these option ...

You just have to know if you are not able to reach end of any stages you are retired on each following stage till the end of the concerned leg.
Maybe rules reading can help you to understand how it works.


Le forum est le meilleur endroit pour obtenir de l'aide. Plus de personnes peuvent vous aider et les réponses peuvent aider d'autres pilotes.
Forum is the best place to get help. More poeple can help you and answer can be useful for everybody !

Mer 28 Mai 2014 10:53
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Mar 25 Déc 2012 12:20
Messages: 6
Localisation: Shanghai, China
N° de pilote: 3855
Pseudo Live: BorisYE

Russia (ru)

Message Re: Kicked off from Championship - no warning till end of week final results
I just asked. Sorry guys.

Jeu 29 Mai 2014 09:13
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