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 Results during the week? (New guy questions) 
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Dim 1 Juin 2014 16:19
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 9013

Brazil (br)

 Results during the week? (New guy questions)
Hi there,

I'm new to all this and I just have a question regarding the championships.

I just got into my first one (Rali Vidreiro). So I ran all the specials and could see my times compared to people who had completed the stages already. At that time, 3 people I think.

My main question is: is there a way to check the ongoing results during the week? Or do I need to wait until the official results are posted after the week is finished (i.e., only next week)?

Another (simple) question I'd have is: for those events with more than one leg, can I play the legs in different days or do I have to go through all of them in order at once?

And finally, a big thank you to all the community for putting all of this together. I'm surprised I took so long to get into it. It is daunting, I'm not gonna lie - but so far it seems well worth it, and the resources such as guides and tutorials are bloody great.

All that said, I think a "car selection guide" would be super beneficial for new guys like me. It's really off putting to try to figure out a ton of classes whose names I don't even start to understand, and make a car choice that is likely to impact the rest of the season. Also, I'm still making sense of all the classes/levels/groups/you name it. It's just... so much! Lastly, it'd be good to have some tips regarding which class to choose, which cars are better suitable for beginners, that kind of thing. Testing 30+ cars just to find one that handles a bit easier is not only daunting, it's a bit of a boring and off-putting process to just get started. So a bit of a "career path guide" for complete beginners would help so much.

Anyhoo, thanks in advance.

Lun 2 Juin 2014 17:03
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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N° de pilote: 684
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: Results during the week? (New guy questions)
My main question is: is there a way to check the ongoing results during the week?

No, unless you're part of a team.

can I play the legs in different days or do I have to go through all of them in order at once?

You can make the first leg today and the next in few days, with other rally between.

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

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Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


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Lun 2 Juin 2014 17:10
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