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 [SOLVED] Can't access Championship section 
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Lun 9 Mar 2015 16:37
Messages: 9
Localisation: Ireland
N° de pilote: 7757
Pseudo Live: J Murphy

Ireland (ie)

 [SOLVED] Can't access Championship section
- Driver number - 7757
- Driver name (nickname) - J. Murphy
- Email address -
- Explanation about problem - For some reason when I open up RSRBR from my desktop, I can't click on the Championships section. The other tabs (Register, Alone and Public) are all selectable, however the Championships tab isn't. I'm signed in and registered correctly, I was able to gain access to the Championships tab no problem up until today. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Flat to the Mat with the Stilo hat :D

Go Hard or Go Home <-- This is why I can't finish rallies!

Sam 28 Nov 2015 21:31
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
Is the pointer (arrow) changes appearance good (hand) through the symbol "C" Championship Mode bottom of the interface?
If the "C" of the Championship symbol is not visible, it comes from the font size for display in Windows.
Adjust it to 100%

If this is the problem, but you want to keep your display settings to access Championships click in the black area at the bottom of the interface
below the orange part .

If this does not match the problem you are experiencing, please be more specific in the explanations.
A screenshot would be welcome.

Sam 28 Nov 2015 22:56
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Lun 9 Mar 2015 16:37
Messages: 9
Localisation: Ireland
N° de pilote: 7757
Pseudo Live: J Murphy

Ireland (ie)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
Apologies for the vague explanation, basically I can't access the Championships page from the RS Centre menu. It won't allow me to click on the Championships tab, but I can still click on and gain access to the other 3 tabs no problem.

Flat to the Mat with the Stilo hat :D

Go Hard or Go Home <-- This is why I can't finish rallies!

Dim 29 Nov 2015 18:54
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Mer 10 Juin 2009 21:07
Age: 62
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Ecurie: ColinMacRaeVision
N° de pilote: 7
Pseudo Live: Cromax

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
on a bien comprit ton problème et Oural t'a donné la solution.
ton PC est reglé sur 125% au lieu de 100% et donc le texte est trop gros et tu ne le vois pas tout simplement. fait ce que te dit Oural et tout redeviendra normal.

si tu ne trouves pas, il y a plus simple.

ouvre ton dossier du jeu RSRBR.
regarde vers le fond et trouve le fichier Championship.exe
fais un raccourci et met le sur le bureau et tu peux accéder direct aux championnats




Jouis du moment présent. Aujourd'hui fait partie du bon vieux temps dont tu seras nostalgique un jour.

Dim 29 Nov 2015 22:02
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
I have mentioned two possibilities :

OuRaL a écrit:
If this is the problem, but that you want to keep your display settings to access Championships click in the black area at the bottom of the interface
below the orange part, as shown in the screenshot

If this does not match the problem you are experiencing, please, you must be more specific in the explanations.
If you can post a screenshot, it would be welcome.

So does my answer is regarding your problem or not ?
the tabs of what do you speak or where they are located?

Dim 29 Nov 2015 22:08
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Lun 9 Mar 2015 16:37
Messages: 9
Localisation: Ireland
N° de pilote: 7757
Pseudo Live: J Murphy

Ireland (ie)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
No sorry mate, your explanation was for something different but I'll keep it in mind for the future. I can't post a screenshot as it'll show you nothing, there's no way of screenshot-ing my ability to click on the Championship part of the RSCentre menu. But basically, it won't allow me to access the Championship section

Flat to the Mat with the Stilo hat :D

Go Hard or Go Home <-- This is why I can't finish rallies!

Dim 29 Nov 2015 22:38
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
you talk about a "menu" of RSCenter.
Where is it situated ?
explain how the way you do

I have never seen a "menu" in the RSCenter, there are only symbols "clickable", outside the box for registration of the operator and password  #-o

Dim 29 Nov 2015 22:46
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Lun 9 Mar 2015 16:37
Messages: 9
Localisation: Ireland
N° de pilote: 7757
Pseudo Live: J Murphy

Ireland (ie)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
Sun 29 Nov 2015 20:02 here  Cromax a écrit:
on a bien comprit ton ouvre ton dossier du jeu RSRBR.
regarde vers le fond et trouve le fichier Championship.exe
fais un raccourci et met le sur le bureau et tu peux accéder direct aux championnats


Just translated this and it's spot on for what's wrong on my end. Only problem is, I've got no Championship.exe folder in my RSRBR folder. Searched for it and it can't be found. How do I go about getting another Championship.exe folder?

Flat to the Mat with the Stilo hat :D

Go Hard or Go Home <-- This is why I can't finish rallies!

Dim 29 Nov 2015 22:47
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
Not "Championship.exe folder" but "file" (into the main folder of the game), it's not the same .  =;

To help us to understand your problem :

Use the "Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR 2015" (troubleshoting tool).
Execute "full analysis"  (analyse complete) .

After the analysis, the content of the report is stored automatically in the buffer memory .
Do nothing as "copy" or any action similar with your mouse  .
That you want to do  :  just open a reply post, an "paste" with choose the "paste" context menu of right clic mouse .
The content of the buffer must create a bloc of text which is "the report" ....

You can put any comments below the text of this rapport .

-- 29 Nov 2015 22:01 --

Try to put this file into the main folder of the game .
Create a link to your desktop, and launch it .

Fichier(s) joint(s):

Dim 29 Nov 2015 23:03
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Lun 9 Mar 2015 16:37
Messages: 9
Localisation: Ireland
N° de pilote: 7757
Pseudo Live: J Murphy

Ireland (ie)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
Apologies mate, I meant file instead of folder. I've ran that software you supplied but unfortunately I don't speak French so it's of little use to me

Flat to the Mat with the Stilo hat :D

Go Hard or Go Home <-- This is why I can't finish rallies!

Dim 29 Nov 2015 23:15
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
To help us to understand your problem :

Use the "Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR 2015" (troubleshoting tool).
Execute "full analysis"  (analyse complete) .

After the analysis, the content of the report is stored automatically in the buffer memory .
Do nothing as "copy" or any action similar with your mouse  .
That you want to do  :  just open a reply post, an "paste" with choose the "paste" context menu of right clic mouse .
The content of the buffer must create a bloc of text which is "the report" ....

You can put any comments below the text of this rapport .

Without this analysis report, I stop my help.

Dim 29 Nov 2015 23:24
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Mer 10 Juin 2009 21:07
Age: 62
Messages: 2537
Ecurie: ColinMacRaeVision
N° de pilote: 7
Pseudo Live: Cromax

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
Dim 29 Nov 2015 21:47 ici  Jrdn7 a écrit:
Sun 29 Nov 2015 20:02 here  Cromax a écrit:
on a bien comprit ton ouvre ton dossier du jeu RSRBR.

Just translated this and it's spot on for what's wrong on my end. Only problem is, I've got no Championship.exe folder in my RSRBR folder. Searched for it and it can't be found. How do I go about getting another Championship.exe folder?

ici, you find this line, you make a short cut and you put it on your desk. then you reach directly the game via this icon

Oural, je donne la solution de facilité car il reste 2 semaines de course et après plus besoin de l'icone championnat donc pas trop se prendre la tête  :D  :D



Jouis du moment présent. Aujourd'hui fait partie du bon vieux temps dont tu seras nostalgique un jour.

Lun 30 Nov 2015 16:10
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
30 Nov 2015 15:10 ici  Cromax a écrit:
Oural, je donne la solution de facilité car il reste 2 semaines de course et après plus besoin de l'icone championnat donc pas trop se prendre la tête  :D  :D
Je te signale qu'il dit qu'il n'a pas l'exécutable ...... donc, il y a un problème quelque part ....  :GGG
C'est pour çà que je lui en ai envoyé un, mais apparemment, problème de langue à régler, et de plus je serais curieux de voir le rapport de son install .....  :GGG

Lun 30 Nov 2015 16:32
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Mer 10 Juin 2009 21:07
Age: 62
Messages: 2537
Ecurie: ColinMacRaeVision
N° de pilote: 7
Pseudo Live: Cromax

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
oui j'avais vu mais je trouve bizarre, jamais vu pas avoir d'exe sauf si il a effacé  :D  il a pas du trouver  :D

attendons son rapport  :2thumbs:




Jouis du moment présent. Aujourd'hui fait partie du bon vieux temps dont tu seras nostalgique un jour.

Lun 30 Nov 2015 17:32
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: Can't access Championship section
Si le dossier du jeu n'es pas dans les exclusions de l'antivirus, le fichier a peut-être été bouffé.
Voir dans la quarantaine.

If the game folder is not in the exclusions of the antivirus, the file may have been eaten.
See in the quarantine.

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Lun 30 Nov 2015 18:19
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