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 [RELEASED] MG Metro 6R4 
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 22:52
Age: 55
Messages: 1927
Localisation: Bruxelles, Koekelberg 1081

Belgium (be)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Dernier message de la page précédente :
Some News ?

Solidarité - L'union fait la force pour aller plus loin et concrétiser ses objectifs.

Dim 17 Oct 2010 01:58
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
Messages: 5227
Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
Ecurie: Gicura
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Maintenant que j'ai fini le principal sur la M3 je vais essayer d'enfin finir les jantes de la Metro. Comme j'ai la motivation en ce moment ça peut se faire rapidement :)

Manager à la retraite !

Dim 17 Oct 2010 13:19
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 22:52
Age: 55
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Localisation: Bruxelles, Koekelberg 1081

Belgium (be)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Merci mon poutou pour la réponse.

Solidarité - L'union fait la force pour aller plus loin et concrétiser ses objectifs.

Dim 17 Oct 2010 14:45
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Sorry guys havent been on here for a while. Great news flat twin that you have the motivation back, i did message you a couple of times but didnt have a reply and didnt want to hassle you about it as i did read a while back that you didnt have the motivation to do any work on rbr which is fair enough.

I havent done much work on the car myself since i last posted, I have done a couple more liveries and thats about it, i will get back intouch with the chap that was doing the physics for the car then i need to speak to any one who can do eng files as i have a sound sample that would be perfect. I look forward to seeing the work you do flat-twin and will the model have the choice of having the lamp pod on and off?


Ven 22 Oct 2010 14:52
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
Messages: 5227
Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
Ecurie: Gicura
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
I'm almost done with the wheels (some texture correction to do, and snow wheels to modify aswell) and as I have time next week, I'm really motivated to include the lightpods :) (I worked a bit on the mapping last night but I also have to create the textures)

And sorry for not answering your mails, I have no excuse  :oops:

Manager à la retraite !

Ven 22 Oct 2010 16:07
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Flat-twin, no worries about the messages its all cool  :)

You know when i have spoken to you about eng files before? Well after speaking to nanamitatsuki on youtube who does fantastic eng sounds like this He says that apart from the idle rev at 1700rpm you only need to use the 7000rpm sound for all points, so the 7000rpm sound would be used in the slots for 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, and 7000rpm and it works, as can be seen by the video they sound fantastic!

If you can email me with the new files when they are done as i am off for a few days next week for my birthday and would love to get some screen shots and make a video before its released in the update =)

Ven 22 Oct 2010 17:17
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
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Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
Ecurie: Gicura
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
No problem. When it's done I try it in different conditions to avoid bugs and when it's OK for packaging it goes back to you ;)
It's nice that you found Nanamitsuki's sounds, I forgot to tell you about that :D There are just physics missing after that, aren't they ?

Manager à la retraite !

Ven 22 Oct 2010 17:39
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
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Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
Ecurie: Gicura
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Hey nicky, can you send me the whole texture folder please ? I need to see where I can map the lightpods ;)

Manager à la retraite !

Ven 22 Oct 2010 22:08
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
Messages: 5227
Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
Ecurie: Gicura
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Voilà j'ai fini de préparer les jantes et j'ai commencé à les intégrer au modèle. Il faut juste que je corrige un petit défaut de mapping sur la Compomotive gravel et je pourrai finir de toutes les intégrer au modèle.

To Nicky : I finished to set the different wheels. I have to correct a little mapping bug on the compomotive gravel wheel which I had to create (copy of the tarmac one, and modifications) ad I'll be able to finish to put them in the model. I really need the textures in order to export to RBR and try everything before sending it back to you. I won't work on it anymore tonight or this weekend because I'm going to see a local rally tomorrow and sunday I'll just rest :D

Manager à la retraite !

Sam 23 Oct 2010 00:03
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
email sent with texture folder  :-D

Sam 23 Oct 2010 15:38
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Sam 27 Juin 2009 00:32
Age: 49
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Localisation: Lugo-Galicia
Team: Llanta13

Spain (es)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Hey, rappelez-vous que je suis l'auteur de nouveaux modèles de pneus de capturer, salutations.


Dim 24 Oct 2010 13:42
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Llanta13 a écrit:
Hey, rappelez-vous que je suis l'auteur de nouveaux modèles de pneus de capturer, salutations.


Hi Guerra, we all know that you are the author of the updated wheels, which we all appreciate! These are the following people who have helped along the way to getting the car where it is,

Eddyspain - Model integration
Guerra - New wheels for tarmac, gravel and snow
Flat-twin - For adding lamppod to model, sorting shader settings and also sorting us to use the various wheels in game
Atiwrc - For making a completely new shaded external skin template
Vyshi - For making physics (although not had them yet to test)
John Manklow at Goodman Race Engines - For giving me 6R4 dyno graphs for the physics

And finally my mate Gary Hewitt for allowing me to get loads and loads of pictures of various parts of his 6R4.

I really appreciate everyones work and time put into this, it will be without doubt the best group b car for rbr in my opinion.

Thankyou  :)

Dim 24 Oct 2010 17:34
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Flat-twin i dont suppose you know anyone that can help with physics at all? I havent heard from vyshi still and noticed that he is on the forum every day but doesnt reply to my pm's so i take it he hasnt got the physics. Its not a whole new set of physics that need doing, its just that i need the engine physics changing thats all. If you know anyone that could help could you please let me know, thankyou  :)

Mar 26 Oct 2010 18:31
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
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Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
Ecurie: Gicura
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Try to contact Mrhorsepower, I'm sure he can find a couple of minutes to change the values and use the real engine curve ;)

Manager à la retraite !

Mar 26 Oct 2010 18:44
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
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Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
Ecurie: Gicura
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Bon alors les jantes sont intégrées au modèle mais j'ai trouvé quelques petits détails que je vais devoir corriger. Saleté de perfectionnisme ](*,)
Nicky, can you take screenshots of the interior of one of your working model please. I'd like to see door panels precisely to see if there is something wrong with the texture or the mapping of the model I have.

Manager à la retraite !

Mar 26 Oct 2010 23:41
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Mar 7 Avr 2009 14:45
Age: 44
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Good Luck for your project     o|:)

If it could help you, this is the physics files of MG6R4 :

Fichiers joints:
MG6r4.7z [118.81 Ko]
Téléchargé 332 fois
Mer 27 Oct 2010 01:11
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