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 [RELEASED] MG Metro 6R4 
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 22:52
Age: 55
Messages: 1927
Localisation: Bruxelles, Koekelberg 1081

Belgium (be)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Dernier message de la page précédente :
j'en salive déjà.

Solidarité - L'union fait la force pour aller plus loin et concrétiser ses objectifs.

Sam 23 Jan 2010 03:13
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Hi everyone!

Just an update on the metro. I have a fantastic template now which was done by atiwrc, which now enables me to do some of my skins on a much better and cleaner template than the template i had originally done. I have spent a few hours getting the shade of blue correct for the works computervision livery. Here are 2 pics of it (please note the skin is not complete)

I have also been doing a skin of a well known clubman 6r4 driver in the uk who does tarmac events.

And finally, i have been working on the textures on the engine bay. Hope you like it! I have got another engine bay texture im working on too so people can choose which style of exhausts they want.

Unfortauntely, as far as release date is concerned is going to be a little longer than first thought. I found out today that i will be moving in to my new flay next week and that will be a week or 2 longer in terms of the car been worked on. I have got to still go and see the 6r4 engine builder who is giving me the engine dyno data, and also record his exhaust sound of the 6r4. I will keep you all updated with news though but for now i hope the images make people realise im still working on this.


Ven 29 Jan 2010 02:29
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Mer 8 Juil 2009 20:56
Age: 38
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
good job  o|:)  o|:)  o|:)  o|:)  =D>  =D>  =D>

mon site
bonne visite les com son les bien venus

Ven 29 Jan 2010 03:57
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 12:39
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Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Cyril a écrit:
good job  o|:)  o|:)  o|:)  o|:)  =D>  =D>  =D>

+1  o|:) . But I think there's one thing which is strange on this car, it's the wipers which look like the wiper of the impreza03. If you want i can send you the wipers of the escort mk2 which are very similar of the real metro.

Ven 29 Jan 2010 09:49
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Dim 14 Fév 2010 03:20
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Jamaica (jm)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Looking good Nicky, I really hope this project isn't dead, RBR really needs the group B touch, for me I think the works engine would be the best, as these cars were extreme for the time, any thing less would be just rally-cross. If the head gasket is able fail in the game also.... I would say go for less power. keep up the good work =D>

205 Gti + R5 Turbo 2 = Love

Mar 16 Mar 2010 12:14
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Hi all, hope everyone is well?

Just to let you know that there is no progress since the last update. I have been so busy doing other things so havent had chance to get on with the 6r4. I did however go to the engine builder yesterday who had 4 6R4's in various states of build to have a look at, take pics etc. I managed to get some graphs of the engine power so if someone can help me from that to do the physics it would be appreciated.

As for recording the exhaust, that will have to wait a little longer im afraid, i havent been able to purchase a microphone to record yet and the engine builder didnt have an engine ready to record the sound anyway, hopefully the end of may will see me record the exhaust but that will be released after the model which hopefully wont be too long.

As soon as i have done some extra work, ill add some pics on here. Ill also put some pics from the engine builders too!

Sam 20 Mar 2010 12:42
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
One quick questoin if anyone can help. Does anyone know how to use the my3dmanager software so i could allow people to choose there different wheels through the software instead of changing sgc files each time they want different gravel and tarmac wheels to use?

If anyone can help it would be appreciated.

Mar 23 Mar 2010 17:07
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
In fact my3dmanager just copy/paste the good lines in the main INI file.

If you want to have different wheels or change parts of the car, you must assign different materials at the beginning for the different parts, and then create the .set file for my3dmanager (if you don't have too much options because it's limited or Phil has to create a specific version and he doesn't have time right now).
So, you have for example rim1 and rim2 objects in zmodeler. For rim1 you have the tire part which has external_dynamic::tire material, and the rim itself which has external_dynamic::carpaint material. For rim2 (separate objects for now), you can put for example tire for the tire polys material, and rim for the rim material.
When you are in faces selection mod, if you select the faces from the tire on rim2, you'll see that in their properties you have a Poly ID, same thing for the rim faces. It should be poly ID 0 and 1. You change that in 2 and 3 in order to be different from the poly ID of rim1. Then if everything is mapped and poly ID set, you can attach rim2 to rim1 to have 1 object that you will name e_wheel_XXXXXXX_XX depending on the surface and the position of the wheel.
You must also create a transparent material like external_dynamic::invisible
After export for RBR, in the main INI file you will have for the e_wheel_XXXXXX_XX different lines like this :

FaceBlock0_Material=external dynamic::carpaint
FaceBlock1_Material=external dynamic::tire

To make the wheels active or not, you can change faceblockXX material to invisible, and the FaceBlockXX_Shaders to a new invisible shader (to create in shaders_settings_clear.ini and shaders_settings_overcast.ini) with all values to 0.

I say that from memory when i did it on the M3. It's not the best example but it works. Watch the ini files for the 205 or Evo 9, or Escort WRC (3 different modders) to understand how it works.

To do it short again, my3Dmanager just copy/paste the good lines in the INI ;)

Manager à la retraite !

Mar 23 Mar 2010 18:03
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Just thought id share some new bits i have done on the mighty metro with you all! I have done the engine bay now, just needed a couple of things touching up and doing again but it looks alot better now. I have also done a base skin so everyone can design there own livery to put on the car. I have got a couple of liveries to finish and await the physics to be completed then it is ready to go! Im still not sure how to change the wheels in my3dmanager flat tiwn. I dont know if it matters but i have the 3 different sets of wheels in 3 individual sgc files. The metro model is exactly the same in the 3 sgc models.

Also here are some pics from the engine builders i went to the other day, was really good.

Hope you like the pics!  :-D

Edité par : FT : edited with [miniature] tag ;)

Mer 24 Mar 2010 18:14
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
For the wheels, you should first save the current sgc's (or z3d files) then give it a try on one wheel. Let's assume that you want to import the 2nd type of left front tarmac wheel (from 6r4_02.z3d for example, if your target file is 6r4_01.z3d) :
- open 6r4_01 in zmod
- in file menu > Merge
- Choose 6r4_02.z3d file
- uncheck cameras, and select only e_wheel_tarmac_lf
- you will have the new wheel in your main file as a separate object
- make only visible this new wheel and delete the s_wheel object listed below
- select the faces from the tire only like this :

- you can see the poly ID on the properties dialog box as above

That's what I was talking about. Change this to 2 for the rim, and 3 for the tyre (by selecting only the tyre polys).

Once done (ID changed) :
- create a new material named for example invisible (it must be transparent, but if there are problems, it can be changed later in the ini files)
- assign a black texture (128*128) with a 100% black alpha layer named for example (DXT3)
- place the new wheel exactly at the same place than the current one
- select your new wheel and assign it the new material
- go back in object mod
- make visible the current e_wheel_tarmac_lf object
- in zmod tools, choose Modify > Attach and attach the new wheel to the current one

You have now 2 wheels in one.

Export to RBR.

Check if the new wheel is in place. Maybe you will have to modify the ini files to create an invisible shader in shaders_settings, and activate the transparency for the invisible material. I can help you this week for this problem, you have my hotmail address in my profile.
You should first do this so that you can export the file, then come back here (or contact me directly if see me connected on live messenger) and I'll help you with the INI things ;)

Manager à la retraite !

Mer 24 Mar 2010 18:34
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Mar 2 Juin 2009 17:44
Age: 31
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Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
J'ai 6 photos pas mal de la MG au Touquet 2009, avec le moteur à l'air et les ailles correctes ;)

Cliquez ici / Click Here ( Cliqué 356 fois )


Mer 24 Mar 2010 21:21
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Merci Martin :) (même si je pense que nicky n'en a pas vraiment besoin vu qu'il connait le préparateur et qu'il a fait les photos lui même je pense :D Enfin c'est toujours bon pour sa base de données)

Manager à la retraite !

Mer 24 Mar 2010 22:03
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Mar 2 Juin 2009 17:44
Age: 31
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
;) Si je peux aider :D


Mer 24 Mar 2010 22:09
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Mer 24 Mar 2010 21:12
Messages: 5

Zimbabwe (zw)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Try this sound

Jeu 25 Mar 2010 01:39
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Hi Martin, i dont understand what you mean? Is it somethng to do with the engine?

Macd, we are sorted for engine sound. It sounds brilliant and I am going to record the exhaust of my friends 6R4 the end of may which is this Metro, will sound amazing in rbr

Also if the 3 litre engine physics arent reliable with the damage on i will go for a 2.5 litre engine physic instead, not that they are much slower

Jeu 25 Mar 2010 10:57
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
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Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
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N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Martin just posted 6 photos that could help you or just be in your own database ;)

Manager à la retraite !

Jeu 25 Mar 2010 11:48
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