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 [RELEASED] MG Metro 6R4 
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message [RELEASED] MG Metro 6R4
I thought it would be best starting its own dedicated thread instead of putting posts in various other threads.

Basically I have been given permission by eddy to release the car  :D/  which is really great and i apprecaite him so much for giving me permission. I have had the model for a few years now when eddy and urquattro and others were working on the group b mod.

I dont have much time at the moment to work on this as im in the process of moving in with my girlfriend so alot of my time is taken up looking at places to live in. But i was wondering if any of the members on here can help me with something that im trying to do. And that is a skin template. I have got the normal blue and white computervision livery and have tried to convert the blue pieces to the same tone of white as the rest of the car but it doesnt look right. I was wondering if anyone knows of any guides on how to do a good quality skin template. As soon as this is done and a couple of other little bits and pieces are sorted the car will be ready to be released. But i want to release a template with the car.

I have got an onboard engine sound that is excellent and im in the process of working on sorting an exterior sound for the car which will sound amazing.

One thing I would ask is please dont post on here asking when will it be released, because I really dont know. I want to make sure its right before releasing it and when i used to do alot of editing for rallytrophy it really got me fedup with people sending pm's asking when my work would be released. It got that bad i just lost interest and havent botherd releasing anything since.

And by the way hunter, i dont need any more pics as i run and have 1000's of pics ;-)

If you have some spare time visit my youtube channel which includes osme footage of me co-driving in some of my friends 6R4's.

Mar 29 Déc 2009 19:50
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Ven 12 Juin 2009 19:32
Age: 37
Messages: 24
Localisation: Belgique
N° de pilote: 222

Belgium (be)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
I can't wait for this one. :D/

Mar 29 Déc 2009 20:40
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Lun 14 Déc 2009 21:30
Messages: 6

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
cant wait mate ,  :-D

Mar 29 Déc 2009 22:28
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Lun 17 Aoû 2009 16:59
Age: 32
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N° de pilote: 2592

France (fr)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
great videos 6R4... I love Group B cars =) so much power but really beautiful  :D


Mar 29 Déc 2009 23:30
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Ven 19 Juin 2009 20:35
Messages: 68
Ecurie: rbrally-lt

Lithuania (lt)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
I think biggest problem will be physics.. on long stage headgasket just failed at all..
any way mine fav car.. good luck  ;-)

Mer 30 Déc 2009 00:13
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Ven 4 Sep 2009 01:09
Age: 49
Messages: 42

France (fr)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
Can't wait for this car  :D/

You are on the best place to find help.

Good luck Nicky

Jeu 31 Déc 2009 09:02
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Sam 27 Juin 2009 05:44
Age: 66
Messages: 105

France (fr)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
I began to convert a 6r4 from GTR2
It's not finich but if it can help you see the following link

good luck, we're expecting for your work

Dim 3 Jan 2010 14:58
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Mar 16 Juin 2009 14:35
Age: 30
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Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
And what about the Eddy3spain's old project ?
Is it dead ?

Mar 5 Jan 2010 19:55
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
padrallyman69 a écrit:
And what about the Eddy3spain's old project ?
Is it dead ?

It is the same car my friend. Thats my video that i uploaded. I have had permission off Eddy to release it as i did help with alot of the data with the car as i have alot of data and have driven, co-driven and worked on 6R4s before. I am still currently doing sounds for the car whilst i have some people working on a template for me which is great. iI will keep you all updated with news as and when it happens.

I will be releasing some skins along with the car which will take a little time but will only be a few days more.

As soon as i have got the exhaust sound for the car sorted and in game ill put a clip on here  :)

Mar 5 Jan 2010 20:43
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
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Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
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N° de pilote: 116
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France (fr)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
If you need some help for the sound, you can try to contact oliver053 who did the sound of the 306 Maxi and R5 GT turbo, and M3 and some others (Megane Maxi I think too).
I'm not sure he has a lot of time but I sa him recently on the forum.

Manager à la retraite !

Mar 5 Jan 2010 22:37
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Ven 4 Sep 2009 01:09
Age: 49
Messages: 42

France (fr)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
Flat-twin a écrit:
If you need some help for the sound, you can try to contact oliver053 who did the sound of the 306 Maxi and R5 GT turbo, and M3 and some others (Megane Maxi I think too).
I'm not sure he has a lot of time but I sa him recently on the forum.

I have not a lot of time but I'm already over... I help Nicky as best I can  :D

Mer 6 Jan 2010 07:39
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: MG Metro 6R4 (WIP)
Im just thinking regarding physics, We have a 410bhp physic which is great but some people have said that cars over 300bhp have headgaset failure on longer stages. I was wondering if people can give me there opinions on what engine spec to go for. We have 4 options.

- Stick with the works 410bhp engine.
- Go for a clubman 300 spec engine which was what the cars were limited to in national rallying in 1987 after group b was banned.
- Go for a 2.8 litre 6r4 spec engine that is allowed in uk national rallying, the power is no more than 300bhp (although you lose torque to the clubman 300 spec engine)
- Go for a 2.5 litre "Scremer" spec engine that is the most powerful spec engine that is allowed to run in uk national rallies. These are usually ranging from 340-390 bhp but the big difference is the engine revs to 10,750rpm.

I am hoping to be going to the best engine maker for 6R4 engines who will help me out with power graphs all being well. If I managed to get the relevant info would someone be able to help with the power and torque if i sent them the power graphs?

Just waiting for the template to be done, the exterior sound, and physics and then i think the car will be ready. Im sorry for not putting any pics up, i just dont have time to get screenshots of the car in game at the moment. Ill try and get a pic or two done by the weekend for you all to see. I have also been re texturing the engine bay which looks alot better in my opinion.

6r4nicky  :D

Mer 13 Jan 2010 10:21
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Mer 13 Mai 2009 18:16
Age: 51
Messages: 547
Localisation: Hanches, Eure et Loir (28)

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
you can send me the information about power / torque graph, will help if I can.


Dim 17 Jan 2010 01:46
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Atiwrc travaille sur le template visiblement :D

Manager à la retraite !

Ven 22 Jan 2010 19:16
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 22:52
Age: 55
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Localisation: Bruxelles, Koekelberg 1081

Belgium (be)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
j'en salive déjà.

Solidarité - L'union fait la force pour aller plus loin et concrétiser ses objectifs.

Sam 23 Jan 2010 03:13
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