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 [RELEASED] MG Metro 6R4 
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
Messages: 5227
Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
Ecurie: Gicura
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Dernier message de la page précédente :
Martin just posted 6 photos that could help you or just be in your own database ;)

Manager à la retraite !

Jeu 25 Mar 2010 11:48
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Ah right, sorry Martin. Many thanks for the images!! They are great! driver is John Marwood who has a 2.5 engine in the back but does slowly sideways events as the odd national event in the uk. Very good driver. I am doing the Auriol livery for release by the way  :-D

Jeu 25 Mar 2010 11:54
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Mar 2 Juin 2009 17:44
Age: 31
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Localisation: Dieppe (76)

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4


Jeu 25 Mar 2010 19:26
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Just wanted to share with you some skins that i have complted for the release of the car whilst im waiting for the physics to be done for the car. I have done 2 using the much better template that was kindly worked on by atiwrc. These are the Jimmy Mcrae 1986 Circuit Of Ireland Rally, and Marc Duez on the 1986 Lombard RAC Rally. Took the mighty metro for a spin and took some screenshots to show you all the new liveries. Hope you like  :) Going to work on a couple more before release but they only take a day or 2 to do.

Jimmy Mcrae's Rothmans Liveried 6R4.

Marc Duez in the excellent Belga Livery!

Jeu 1 Avr 2010 10:47
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
Messages: 5227
Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
Ecurie: Gicura
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Nice :)

Did you find the way to have multiple rims ? If not, I can help you with that. Just give me the 3 wheels (with textures) on a z3d file, and I can do it. You will just have to merge the new wheel (3 in 1) and replace the old one.
You will also have to create a new object Invisible to have the material Invisible created in the INI files but i'll explain that later if you're OK ;)

Manager à la retraite !

Jeu 1 Avr 2010 11:09
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Dim 14 Fév 2010 03:20
Messages: 3
N° de pilote: 550

Jamaica (jm)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Looking Good =D>

205 Gti + R5 Turbo 2 = Love

Jeu 1 Avr 2010 13:15
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Lun 15 Juin 2009 14:56
Age: 35
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Good job  o|:)


Jeu 1 Avr 2010 21:49
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 12:39
Age: 30
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N° de pilote: 658

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Very good  =D> ! But there's always the wiper which are not correct.

Jeu 1 Avr 2010 21:54
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 22:52
Age: 55
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Localisation: Bruxelles, Koekelberg 1081

Belgium (be)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
o|:) Good job.

Solidarité - L'union fait la force pour aller plus loin et concrétiser ses objectifs.

Jeu 1 Avr 2010 22:07
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Cheers for the comments everyone! Thib25, I know what you mean regarding the wipers but i dont know how to modify a model in zodeler. I have the software and was wanting to do modelling but after having hte metro i just do the skins and other bits and pieces for the car. I dont know how to do anything to a model to modify it otherwise i would do, I would also add a lamp pod to the car too but i dont have any knowledge or the time to do it really.

Lun 5 Avr 2010 11:47
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
Age: 40
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Localisation: Crépy en Valois (60)
Team: Boület Power !!
Ecurie: Gicura
N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
As i told you, I can help you with the wheels at least if you want ;)

Manager à la retraite !

Lun 5 Avr 2010 12:41
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Flat-twin a écrit:
As i told you, I can help you with the wheels at least if you want ;)

Hi Flat twin, yes if you could help with that it would be fantastic! If you can pm me your email i will send you the files in the morning. Many thanks for the help, its much appreciated  :-D

Lun 5 Avr 2010 21:51
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Jeu 28 Mai 2009 00:43
Messages: 29

Spain (es)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Nice whells...  :D


Mar 6 Avr 2010 17:58
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Mer 4 Nov 2009 20:20
Messages: 42

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Destructor a écrit:
Nice whells...  :D


:D Very nice wheels!!

Been working on some more skins today, Have completed the unipart skin of Harri Toivonen and nearly completed the computervision skin of Tony Pond. I will be doing a couple more and some of the same liverires but of different events during 1986. Flat-twin is kindly working on the wheels for me, and also time permitting a lamp pod which will be brilliant! I was wondering if there is someone who would be kind enough to help with the physics as the person who was going to try and do them hasnt replied to my email. I have engine graphs for a few various spec 6r4 engines.

Anyway ill just keep on doing skins on the car till everything else is sorted. Hope you like the new additions.

Harri Toivonen - 1986 Circuit Of Ireland Rally

Tony Pond - 1986 Lombard RAC Rally (nearly completed)

Mer 7 Avr 2010 18:00
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Mar 2 Juin 2009 17:44
Age: 31
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Localisation: Dieppe (76)

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
Nice ! Very good work :)


Mer 7 Avr 2010 19:00
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Ven 19 Juin 2009 20:35
Messages: 68
Ecurie: rbrally-lt

Lithuania (lt)

Message Re: [WIP] MG Metro 6R4
I think I will get big problems with your car  :-D  I never drove with right side wheel..  :DDD  
Nice model and livery  o|:)

Mer 7 Avr 2010 22:18
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