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 Some general and some precise questions of a new forum user. 
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Mar 16 Mar 2010 15:51
Messages: 2

Poland (pl)

 Some general and some precise questions of a new forum user.
Hi guys,
This is my first post here but I’ve been watching this forum for 4 years and after downloading some RBR-concerned stuff from BHMotorsports I started using RSRBR 6. However it is now that I took it seriously since I bought a steering wheel (Logitech DF GT).
I’ve read every topic in this support sub-forum, even some of french ones whose titles contained english-like words :P and haven’t  found what I was looking for. I have some general questions concerning gameplay and some precise, strictly RSRBR ones.

Let me start with the basics:
1.        The Logitech Profiler enables to assign a specific key from keyboard to a button on the steering wheel. However it works only in a specific game profile, so using it for RSCenter works only in Rscenter and it doesn’t work in RBR because it is a different exe process. Making a profile for main game executables doesn’t work because RSCenter doesn’t set things up of course. I also tried a program JoyToKey or something like that but it also didn’t work. Is there a way to assign some buttons on the steering wheel to navigate through menus in RBR ?? I wouldn’t have to levitate between wires :P

2.        RBRdll and BTB Stages.

- I know that you disabled running BTB stages with RBRdll enabled on purpouse but I’m just curious why turning on Post-Processing makes everything invisible on these stages ? What’s so special that differs BTB stages from the original ones?

- My second question concerning RBRdll is: is it possible / is there a way to edit BTB stages pacenotes (BTB Stages packs 1-4 and RXRSRBR test-stages) using RBRdll pacenote editor ? I’ve been fooling around with it for some time – all in vain. Is it possible at all? If yes – please tell me how.

Now the most important things to me:

I.        I know that you disabled editing physics (even for FFB settings) to avoid cheating online but I just can’t understand why the SnowMod is not included? (I mean the one that makes bands hard, making cutting impossible and overally increasing realism and difficulty)

II.        Please don’t kill me for what I’m going to write now :P I never tried and will never do to play online championship in RSRBR because I didn’t have a steering wheel before and don’t have time for it now, so I allowed myself to workaround the issue with physics reverting to original. I found a way to implement the Snowmod in the physics and to make it stay that way after restarting RSCenter. It works perfectly for me, however I have a following problem:
I’m not pretty sure if this is connected with physics. I’ve been doing wonders trying to get it working and when I finished I wasn’t able to say if the problem was present before all these operations :P After reinstalling (because of the problem I’m going to describe in a second) I focused on making physics work again. It seemed to be fine but it isn’t.
The problem is that in some cars of some packs I see exhaust pipes and mufflers somewhere outside the chassis. As I said it happens only for some cars, Focus 08, Xsara 05 for example. The strange thing about it is that in the menu, when we see the car, everything is wonderfully great. But after loading a stage – bam, muffler in the rear wheel or even completely levitating. It happened for my beloved A7S_1 class the first time and after reinstalling and modding the physics the problem was gone so I thought I repaired it. Nothing more wrong. Unfortunately I just don’t remember if it took place before modding for other cars.

Can I do anything about it?

If it can be useful I also use: Particles Mod, some stages textures (USA – more visible road), custom HUD and the Snow Mod in the physics of course.
It isn’t really troubling for me because A7S_1 works perfectly fine now so I don’t see the mufflers in replays. It doesn’t matter so much for other cars but I was wondering is there a trick to resolve this problem.

Forgive me this epic boring post but I wanted things clear. I congratulate those who read the whole thing. I would be infinitely thankful if you could try to help me.

RSRBR roxx :D

Mer 17 Mar 2010 23:23
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Message Re: Some general and some precise questions of a new forum user.
1. Choice richardburnsrally_SSE.exe

II, you tell me how you do to change the physics without RSCenter detects.
Caution: loading of physics not even play alone and in official sessions.

RBR: Cocréateur de Rallyesim Association, Cocréateur de RSRBR, Créateur de, Créateur de RSCenter + RSNetwork + CreateRally + SendReplays XP + SendTimes + Mix Mod + Textures + Physics, etc... - Android: Créateur de RBR Analogic Dashboard + RBR Dash Racing - DirtRally: Créateur de Dirt Game Event Ranking, Gestionnaire du championnat en ligne Dirt Rally 2017, 2018 et 2019, Dirt Rally 2.0 2020, 2021 et 2022

Jeu 18 Mar 2010 00:06
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
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Message Re: Some general and some precise questions of a new forum user.
Are you dantehang on the live ?

Ma chaine Image. Abonnez-vous

Jeu 18 Mar 2010 00:37
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Mar 16 Mar 2010 15:51
Messages: 2

Poland (pl)

Message Re: Some general and some precise questions of a new forum user.
@ fifou
I don't use RSRBR Live and never will do.

@ Jim

1.If I use richardburnsrally_SSE.exe in my profile how will I get content from rscenter. I mean, if I run RSCenter ang change something it is not going to be in the game if I run this exe from profiler.

II. Sorry man but I don't understand your sentence. You ment I physics can't be modded neither in Alone Play nor in Official Sessions?

I will never play RSRBR Live.

Jeu 18 Mar 2010 02:01
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