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 tracks pack installation problem 
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Ven 21 Oct 2011 10:11
Age: 37
Messages: 37
Localisation: Prague
Ecurie: Colinmcraevision
N° de pilote: 7161

Czech Republic (cz)

 tracks pack installation problem
Hi, can anyone help me with my problem, i think that someone posted it before me, but it was all in french and unfortunately i don´t understand a single word except merci and salut:D...the problem is, that after downloading tracks pack and trying to launch the installation, it tells me :"The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program"..But when i download the car pack again it does the same error..Please Help! :-O()

Lun 19 Déc 2011 19:50
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Lun 19 Déc 2011 17:53
Messages: 19
N° de pilote: 10000

Croatia (hr)

Message Re: tracks pack installation problem
i have the same problem..and i downloaded a track pack 3 times..but when i downloaded from here it works :!download|467tl3|2990736326||1488891|R~0BFFECC3D6F216566DE92699605FF53E|0|0

Lun 19 Déc 2011 19:56
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Lun 5 Avr 2010 19:21
Age: 39
Messages: 353
Localisation: Mâcon

France (fr)

Message Re: tracks pack installation problem
Et encore un sujet #-o

Sirs, read and look on the forum...:


-> Le forum et le live n'étant pas gratuit, faites un don ;-)
Le sous-virage est la preuve de la non-existence de Dieu (François Chatriot)

Lun 19 Déc 2011 19:59
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Ven 21 Oct 2011 10:11
Age: 37
Messages: 37
Localisation: Prague
Ecurie: Colinmcraevision
N° de pilote: 7161

Czech Republic (cz)

Message Re: tracks pack installation problem
thx guys

Lun 19 Déc 2011 20:11
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Mer 5 Aoû 2009 11:59
Age: 42
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Localisation: Veynes

France (fr)

Message Re: tracks pack installation problem

Lun 19 Déc 2011 20:18
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Bug-TrackerStaff Rallyesim

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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
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Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: tracks pack installation problem
witaar a écrit:
Hi, can anyone help me with my problem, i think that someone posted it before me, but it was all in french and unfortunately i don´t understand a single word except merci and salut:D...the problem is, that after downloading tracks pack and trying to launch the installation, it tells me :"The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program"..But when i download the car pack again it does the same error..Please Help! :-O()


You can write in english everywhere in this forum. You can also translate language : look at the right top of this topic ... you can translate in several language ;) (yours too)

PHIL63 put other links to download more easier. Sorry we have a lot of people who download at the same time  :-?

I moove your topic on the good forum (Support logiciel / Software suport).

Best regards


Le forum et le Live de Rallyesim n'étant pas gratuits, faites un geste
The Rallyesim's forum and the Live aren't free, please feel free to do a gesture.
Merci ! Thank you!

Lun 19 Déc 2011 22:27
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Apprenti pilote

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Ven 21 Oct 2011 10:11
Age: 37
Messages: 37
Localisation: Prague
Ecurie: Colinmcraevision
N° de pilote: 7161

Czech Republic (cz)

Message Re: tracks pack installation problem
thx a lot for new tips for me:))it makes this forum and whole server even better than i thought it is:D

Dim 25 Déc 2011 20:25
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Bug-TrackerStaff Rallyesim

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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
Team: None
Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: tracks pack installation problem
Have a good game ;)

Le forum et le Live de Rallyesim n'étant pas gratuits, faites un geste
The Rallyesim's forum and the Live aren't free, please feel free to do a gesture.
Merci ! Thank you!

Dim 25 Déc 2011 20:32
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