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 [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching 
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Jeu 3 Jan 2013 17:37
Age: 45
Messages: 72
Localisation: Vienna
Team: X
Ecurie: Austria Rally Team
N° de pilote: 9876
Pseudo Live: illicit

Austria (at)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
Dernier message de la page précédente :
Hi...may be it is becaus 7-Zip is not the default programm to open archives.



I install 7-Zip again and lets see what happens...



-- Fusion automatique le Tue 15 Jan 2013 19:44 --

hmmm...didn´t help ;(

-- Fusion automatique le Tue 15 Jan 2013 19:53 --

Hi PHIL63,

i did not understand that...pls try to discribe an other way.  THX!!

PHIL63 a écrit:
You should look at with dimensions file BTBRS which contains the file 7z BTB tracks.

;) ill

Walter Röhrl: Good drivers have flies sticking on their sidewindows!


Mar 15 Jan 2013 20:53
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Jeu 3 Jan 2013 17:37
Age: 45
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Ecurie: Austria Rally Team
N° de pilote: 9876
Pseudo Live: illicit

Austria (at)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
...did you mean the "size" of the files?


Walter Röhrl: Good drivers have flies sticking on their sidewindows!


Mer 16 Jan 2013 21:32
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
Oooopppsss :(

Like I said it is strange because RSRBR can uncompress aother 7z file but when you want to launch a BTB track it can't do that.
When you launch a BTB track, RSRBR uncompress a 7z file that is store in the BTBRS folder. In your case it can't and I don't know why :(
Perhaps you can look for permission of folder... It is very strange...

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Mer 16 Jan 2013 22:09
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Jeu 3 Jan 2013 17:37
Age: 45
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N° de pilote: 9876
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Austria (at)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...

the "BTBRS" folder is writeprotected. When I want to delete the protection it seems to work, but as soon as I look again, it is protected again...? :GGG

Is it norman that it is protected?
Why can´t I delete the protection?


THX again!


Walter Röhrl: Good drivers have flies sticking on their sidewindows!


Mer 16 Jan 2013 23:28
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Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
RSCenter not blocking any game folder, on the contrary, it unlocks some.

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Mer 16 Jan 2013 23:59
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
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Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...

Have you all the rights on your computer?
Make a right click on your BTBRS folder, then "Property" and look if you have "writing" and "reading" checked. If not, change it and save.


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Jeu 17 Jan 2013 13:09
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Jeu 3 Jan 2013 17:37
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N° de pilote: 9876
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Austria (at)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
Hi Aube,

I have admin-rights. However, everytime I chang to "write", it changes back to protected...



than it is asked if I want to make this rule also for the folders within the folder


I say: OK!

than one more time OK.

see how it is next time I look @ properties of the folder..


again protected...?    :GGG

Question: is it somehow a problem, when the game and RSC is NOT installed on C: (I installes G:)



Walter Röhrl: Good drivers have flies sticking on their sidewindows!


Jeu 17 Jan 2013 20:57
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Jeu 3 Jan 2013 17:37
Age: 45
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N° de pilote: 9876
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Austria (at)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...

is it normal, that all the BTB-Track Zips are password-protected?


Walter Röhrl: Good drivers have flies sticking on their sidewindows!


Ven 18 Jan 2013 21:43
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
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Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
Ven 18 Jan 2013 19:43 ici  illicit a écrit:

is it normal, that all the BTB-Track Zips are password-protected?


Yes, there is a password

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Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Ven 18 Jan 2013 22:15
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Jeu 3 Jan 2013 17:37
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N° de pilote: 9876
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Austria (at)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...

hmmm....I think I deinstall all and install new.  *stress
Any advises to this? (any registry entries to delete to be "clean" of all RBR & stuff)    :GGG

THX anyway, appreciate the afforts!     *thanks


Walter Röhrl: Good drivers have flies sticking on their sidewindows!


Sam 19 Jan 2013 21:52
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
To uninstall, cleaned the registry of all remaining data

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Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Sam 19 Jan 2013 22:03
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Jeu 3 Jan 2013 17:37
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Austria (at)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...

I cleaned all, installed new (without BTB and updates) it runs...

I have a bunch of upd.

in any special order?

1st: patch
2nd: patch_02
3rd: update_01
4th: corrective_01



-- Fusion automatique le Sat 19 Jan 2013 22:55 --

Version de l'utilitaire de dépannage : 7.7.4
Version de l'update installée : 01
Version de l'update prise en charge par cet utilitaire : 01
Configuration de l'utilisateur :
Processeur : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9550  @ 2.83GHz - Nb de core : 4
RAM : 4,193 Go dont 2,303 Go de libres
Carte graphique : ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series
Nombre d'écran(s) : 1
Résolution écran : 1920 x 1200
Résolution de jeu : 1024 x 768
Espace libre sur le lecteur où se trouve RBR/RSRBR : 276,15 Go / 298,09 Go au total
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Enterprise 64bits Service Pack 1
Richard Burns Rally est installé dans : G:\Install Games\SCi Games\Richard Burns Rally\
Type de session en cours : Administrateur
Statut de ChronoManager : Non activé
Sons 2010 : Non installés
Horloge Windows : Temps Internet désactivé (service)
Nombre de processus lancés : 52
Contenu du fichier RichardBurnsRally.ini :

ConstantForceMultiplier = -60
Depth = 32
ForceFeedback = true
Fullscreen = true
MinDepthBits = 24
MinStencilBits = 8
ParticleQuality = high
RenderQuality = high
RunIntro = false
RunStartup = false
Sound = true
UseCubicEnvironmentMaps = true
UseEAX = false
UseSoftwareAudio = false
UseTripleScreenBuffers = false
WaitRetrace = true
XRes = 1024
YRes =768

Liste des plugins installés :
- Equalizer ( eq_mix.dll )
- FixUp ( FixUp.dll )
- Correctif ZModeler ( Z.dll )
Aucun fichier ou dossier nécessaire au bon fonctionnement de RSRBR n'est manquant.
*** Rapport généré le Samstag 19.01.2013  à  22:55:28 ***

-- Fusion automatique le Sat 19 Jan 2013 23:04 --

untill now everything works... :D ...and now I install the BTBCountryPacks...cross your fingers!


-- Fusion automatique le Sat 19 Jan 2013 23:11 --

](*,)  ](*,)
](*,)  ](*,)

I only installed "BTBArgentina" and tried...


I don´t have a clue whats wrong here  :GGG

-- Fusion automatique le Sun 20 Jan 2013 16:59 --

any suggestions?   :-O()

what´s with this...

Modify the list of software excluded from Windows Vista data execution prevention / 7
"Start button" Control Panel "system and maintenance" System.
Click on advanced system settings. The necessary administrator permission.
Under performance, click settings.
Click the data execution prevention tab, and then click on "Enable the prevention of DEP for all programs and services except those I select".

Then you click on the button "Add" and you add all the following software:
(they are all at the root of game)
- RSCenter2013Alone.exe
- RSCenter2013Championships.exe
- RSCenter2013Menu.exe
- RSCenter2013Public.exe
- RSRBR3DRatio.exe
- RichardBurnsRally_SSE.exe
- RichardBurnsRally.exe
- RBR Startup.exe
- RBRdll.exe
- CamHack.exe
- LanceurAddOns.exe
- sendreplays.exe
- sendtimes.exe
- SkinsWizard.exe
- BackupRSRBR.exe
- Dattool.exe
- My3DManager.exe
- 7z.exe (only for 32bits computer)
- PaceNotesManager.exe (if you have install its)
Save changes, then re-boot your computer and you do a test.
*** Win7 - ControlPanel...there is no menu  "system and maintenance" described above? There is "System and Security"...??


Can anyone help here? I got "Teamviewer" if necessary?


Walter Röhrl: Good drivers have flies sticking on their sidewindows!


Dim 20 Jan 2013 17:59
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
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France (fr)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
I can help you with team viewer in 20 minutes0. Can you ?

Send me your ID and password by PM if yes

Ma chaine Image. Abonnez-vous

Dim 20 Jan 2013 18:02
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Jeu 3 Jan 2013 17:37
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N° de pilote: 9876
Pseudo Live: illicit

Austria (at)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
it´s 17:16 here..lets say 17:30?

Walter Röhrl: Good drivers have flies sticking on their sidewindows!


Dim 20 Jan 2013 18:17
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
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Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
Eh voilà un homme heureux  :DDD

L'interface en autrichien, c'est nul  :DDD

Ma chaine Image. Abonnez-vous

Dim 20 Jan 2013 18:47
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Jeu 3 Jan 2013 17:37
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Austria (at)

Message Re: RSRBR BTB Country Packs problem...
yes...very happy!!!!   :DD

-- Fusion automatique le Sun 20 Jan 2013 18:46 --

Hi now it gets spooky!

Now I installed the rest of the BTB-Stages and...IT DOES NOT WORK...AGAIN.    ](*,)

Walter Röhrl: Good drivers have flies sticking on their sidewindows!


Dim 20 Jan 2013 19:46
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