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 [Solved] COMPRESSED VIDEO format using RBRdll -Possible?? 
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
Messages: 93
Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

 [Solved] COMPRESSED VIDEO format using RBRdll -Possible??
I asking is it possible to record replays , to a COMPRESSED VIDEO format, using RBRdll. It seems like it is, at least thats the impression i get when reading the Exept from "RBRdll.cfg" file [shown below], regarding the avi compression settings. I just cannot work out how to achieve this, does anyone know how to do it? Does the  "RBRdll.exe -confrec" need to be executed from the command line in windows7, perhaps? is there a listing of äviSettings=[CODE] available?. Im lost, im just wondering if anyone could point me to a solution.

  • RBRdll Configuration file
  • [recording]
  • ; aviSettings: AVI compression settings.Run "RBRdll.exe -confrec" to configure.
  • aviSettings=000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

BTW - I am able to compress the video's using a video editing software , ie:- post processing. I believe, from reading those lines in "RBRdll.cfg" , that it maybe possible to do it directly from RBRdll using normal recording methods. But alas, I may be a million miles off base, i thought i would ask.

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Ven 28 Nov 2014 09:46
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Message Re: COMPRESSED VIDEO format using RBRdll -Possible??
Good remarks !

It would be really nice if this is possible to record "live" with RBRdll !!!
But I'm not able to help you ... I hope somebody else is able to do it !  ;-)

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Ven 28 Nov 2014 11:10
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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Message Re: COMPRESSED VIDEO format using RBRdll -Possible??
One very important thing is to hold your attention :

RBRdll_readme.txt at "the avi recorder" section a écrit:
The recorded AVI files only include video, so if you want
sounds to your video you need to record them with a separate
program while running the replay normally.

For this reason RBRdll is only rarely used for the benefit of Fraps and other apps that do not have this deficiency. :roll:  #-o  :-:

Ven 28 Nov 2014 12:35
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
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Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message Re: COMPRESSED VIDEO format using RBRdll -Possible??
One very important thing is to hold your attention :

Yes, screen capture is certainly the way to go, and the lack of audio was not a problem to me, .....i was curious as to whether this seemingly built in feature of RBRdll was exploitable.

A question:- The origin of RBRdll , is it a rallysim addition, if not, is the author known/contactable?

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Ven 28 Nov 2014 12:54
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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Message Re: COMPRESSED VIDEO format using RBRdll -Possible??
28 Nov 2014 11:54 ici  Leevvii a écrit:
A question:- The origin of RBRdll , is it a rallysim addition, if not, is the author known/contactable?

Nothing to do with RSBRB, it's just a retained power utility to improve some features of the game.

RBRdll_readme.txt at "credits" section a écrit:
RBRdll is made by Kegetys <>

RBRdll includes code from:
- APIHijack DLL by Matt Pietrek/Wade Brainerd/Wei Junping
- DXDLL by Kegetys/Feersum Endjinn  
- AVI utilities by Lucian Wischik

The link is obsolete, you must search with Google .....  :D     under the third topic .....  :D

Ven 28 Nov 2014 13:18
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
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Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message Re: COMPRESSED VIDEO format using RBRdll -Possible??
thank you for the information and link OuRaL, i will see if i can find anything on their forum also.

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Ven 28 Nov 2014 13:37
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: COMPRESSED VIDEO format using RBRdll -Possible??
RBRdll_readme.txt at "credits" section a écrit:
RBRdll is made by Kegetys <>

RBRdll includes code from:
- APIHijack DLL by Matt Pietrek/Wade Brainerd/Wei Junping
- DXDLL by Kegetys/Feersum Endjinn  
- AVI utilities by Lucian Wischik

another link :   o|:)

Ven 28 Nov 2014 13:55
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
Messages: 93
Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message Re: COMPRESSED VIDEO format using RBRdll -Possible??
I think i have worked it out :D/  Here is what i have found.
  • I have managed to record to a compressed format using RBRdll.exe, BUT, it is extremely SLOW, about 20 times slower than the standard RBR uncompressed method, it may be my very weak video card and may work better on a decent graphics card equipped PC, so alas, it is probably of no use to anyone anyway. But for anyone who wants to know how to do it, here it is. WARNING- This will change your ORIGINAL "RBRdll.cfg" file, So MAKE A BACKUP first, DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
  • ON WINDOWS 7 ---
  • Goto the start menu and select "RUN"
  • When the RUN UI  appears, choose "BROWSE" , and navigate to your RBR directory, select RBRdll.exe, press OK. This will return you to the RUN UI.
  • On the RUN UI, type-confrec, be sure to put a space between it, and press enter.
  • This will run the normal windows codec setting dialog, select the chosen codec and configure it as desired, press enter to accept.
  • a message will appear telling you that changes have been made to RBRdll.cfg. Record replay as per usual in RBRdll. But get a cup of beverage and a good book before attempting to record, just a hint!

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Sam 29 Nov 2014 15:12
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Message Re: COMPRESSED VIDEO format using RBRdll -Possible??
Thank you to take the practice to close the subjects of breakdown service when they are solved.  ; -)

To put [Solved] in the title of the 1° post…. :

i.e.: to turn over to the whole beginning of the subject (page 1, post1), to publish the first post, and to put [Solved] in the title.
possibly, coachman the box representing a green V, in the icons of title.

Here, that allows a more rational sight of the forum, and an easier research for the other members .....: (- >

Sam 29 Nov 2014 19:40
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