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 Curvature settings in game 
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Sam 30 Mai 2015 02:40
Messages: 8

United States (us)

Message Curvature settings in game
I cannot seem to get my settings right for my g27, what kind of curvature settings are you guys running for throttle, brakes, and steering, what do you use axes, digital, or both? My steering is not that responsive but my pedals are very responsive. My car won't turn in that well.


Lun 1 Juin 2015 00:28
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Curvature settings in game
I drive with a G25 Logitech .
As for me, I do not use any curve in the filters settings.  =;

For the "steering" menu:
Only settings Maximum Speed ​​Fade and Saturation in to conjugate for different types of coating of the tracks, with Rise & Fall Rate Rate (steering
sensitivity to the action rate and release of the steering wheel)
You have two graphs that correspond to the application of these 4 parameters

For trottle menu:
no curvature only Rate Rise & Fall (eg for my personal case, on a gravel surface Rise my value is not "instant" but just one less step to avoid aggravating
slippage of the torque by applying a value less "raw").
Similarly, my Fall value (I roll with Gr.A car) is only 5.0, not abruptly release the gas and risk of generating oversteer.
But this is only my profile, everyone has to find their own values.

For Footbrake menu:
I do me that default values, preferring to use the DXTweak2 utility.

For Axis & Digital Menu Button: G25 / G27: only set "Axis" (and for some recent joysticks).
Digital Button menu is only for driving on the keyboard and with older controllers, where orders are only action buttons "all or nothing - 1 or 0 -
no progressive action).

The "curvature" items are present to adjust the linearity of the overall response of gaming devices to play RBR, depending on brand and / or seniority
manufacturing and are subject to personal settings according to the driver felt that the uses, there is no preset value in this field ....  :-:

Lun 1 Juin 2015 08:26
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Sam 30 Mai 2015 02:40
Messages: 8

United States (us)

Message Re: Curvature settings in game
Thanks for all the help.

-- Fusion automatique le Mon 1 Jun 2015 17:09 --

What are your profile settings for your g25?

Mar 2 Juin 2015 00:09
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Mer 10 Juin 2009 21:07
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Message Re: Curvature settings in game
My setting




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Mar 2 Juin 2015 01:08
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Message Re: Curvature settings in game
Here are mine ...... at 2014-05-01  :D/

Global Parameters

Specifics Parameters

Today, because since I've tried many parameters : 96% and 540° ......  :-:

Mar 2 Juin 2015 01:32
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Sam 30 Mai 2015 02:40
Messages: 8

United States (us)

Message Re: Curvature settings in game
Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it. Also what are your settings for your brakes in the dxtweak2, I can't get them right, and for the hyundai and polo wrc the steering ratios only go up to 544 in game, what ratio should I put in my logitech profiler?

Mar 2 Juin 2015 03:13
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Curvature settings in game
Pio a écrit:
Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it. Also what are your settings for your brakes in the dxtweak2, I can't get them right,

Settings to my brakes and clutch with DXTweak2

Pio a écrit:
and for the hyundai and polo wrc the steering ratios only go up to 544 in game, what ratio should I put in my logitech profiler?

here will depend on the special surface, as it is tarmac, gravel, snow or mix.  =;
And mainly your feeling ... and here is undefined!  :D
For my part, I do not set my steering wheel angle not in the order that you seem to apply.  [-X
Whatever the surface and the car, I apply a fixed value in Profiler for every RBR.
Then type surface and car, I establish a MULLIGATAWNY profile to manage the desired behavior of management, I load profile at the request
of the Rally to run, or even occasionally the ES. (here appears to be a gas plant, but in fact it is very simple to implement)
Then I fixed the angular value in the custom setups accommodating me maxima / minima, so dependent profile of the surface of the car.
It is in this order that I reason ......  :D/
But I do not pretend that this is the universal method!  :-:

Mar 2 Juin 2015 07:44
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