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 [NOT SOLVED] Bad lag... 
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Bad lag...
Dernier message de la page précédente :
*8-O  ](*,)

-- Fusion automatique le 28 Sep 2015 14:47 --

I see that you have corrected anything !  ](*,)

Lun 28 Sep 2015 14:47
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Lun 6 Juil 2015 10:19
Messages: 32

Romania (ro)

Message Re: Bad lag...
I did everything you told me to do :( Who knows where's the problem

Lun 28 Sep 2015 14:54
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Bad lag...
The problem of your tracks has not been solved and got worse.
I am convinced that tracks your files are polluted and have erroneous checksums.
At the level where your problem, I think the best solution is the complete reinstalling, you will save time and tranquility.

TUTORIAL : fr/es/eng/gr/it/pl/pt/du] Installation RSRBR / RSRBR Install

See at the item : Uninstall / Install - Uninstall your game or your old version : to backup your files .

See at the item : Download files :

Destroy downloaded files you already have on your PC to be sure not to have polluted files by downloading worries.
Clear the Internet browser cache before starting a download.
Always check each file if a checksum assigned to this download.

See at the item : Install the game Richard Burns Rally :

CAUTION !!! read the recommendations carefully .


Lun 28 Sep 2015 15:12
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Lun 6 Juil 2015 10:19
Messages: 32

Romania (ro)

Message Re: Bad lag...
I did a fresh reinstall today, but now there's another  problem, on any track.Image

Mer 30 Sep 2015 20:50
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Bad lag...
Usually this is because the resolution requested the RichardBurnsRally.ini or in RSCenter displays of parameters is not compatible with those proposed for your screen by Windows.
First checked here.

Jeu 1 Oct 2015 07:44
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Lun 6 Juil 2015 10:19
Messages: 32

Romania (ro)

Message Re: Bad lag...
The problem was indeed the resolution, solved it, but the lag is still there. I'm gonna leave it this way...

Lun 5 Oct 2015 15:44
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: Bad lag...
... but the lag is still there

Carte graphique : Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
This is not a real graphics card, not good for the game.

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Lun 5 Oct 2015 15:56
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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France (fr)

Message Re: Bad lag...
As I reported to you in previous posts, your computer has two graphics cards, an Intel (R) HD Graphics 4000, and an Nvidia card .  :-s
The resources needed for video games are delivered by this second card, the first providing the display for lightweight applications.

Unfortunately, according to hardware manufacturers, it is not mandatory that the need for additional resources is "automatically detected and
treated" and in that case it is for you to "force" the computer to control the exclusivity of the map more powerful to ensure that this resource is
set up .

This can be done in the setup of the computer (access through a key sequence on the keyboard during the power up phase of the computer)
before starting the Windows system, or once started with a Windows system key combination on the keyboard and in this case it is specified
in the User Guide for this computer.
To help you see more clearly, provide me with "precision", what type of machine you are using (PC, notebook), trademark (HP, Compaq, Acer,
Asus ...), the "exact model "(its technical name from the manufacturer).  :GGG
If I can find the information, I would show you the right handling .  :XXX

You also too many processes working in the background consuming memory and time of the main processor.
Eliminate what is not useful as a service (Windows services, and services "no" Windows) by disabling, and certain processes that are not related
to the services, identify them, and turn them off.

Procedure to identify running processes on a PC:
Sorry, no translation available .... (use Google tanslate .....  :-: )

Lun 5 Oct 2015 16:55
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Lun 6 Juil 2015 10:19
Messages: 32

Romania (ro)

Message Re: Bad lag...
I have a Lenovo G580 notebook, i5-3230m 3rd gen, and Nvidia Gforce 635 2Gb videocard.
If i play the game with the dedicated video card(i am able to click right on the game icon and select the video card I'm wanting to play the game with), it runs laggy. Tried this also on unmodded RBR, same result. The game is maybe too old for the videocard maybe.

I'm sure the problem isn't with my rig. My laptop is able to run more graphic intense games smoothly(such as DIRT2).

Lun 5 Oct 2015 17:25
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Bad lag...
05 Oct 2015 16:25 ici  cpper a écrit:
The game is maybe too old for the videocard maybe
It's a joke !  :DDD

There are a number of drivers on that are equipped with the latest Nvidia graphics cards, and with no lag problem !  =;
I think it has to come at your NVIDIA Control Panel .



It is necessary that you set the 3D properties for the game Richard Burns separatly .
Also disable vertical sync and test several antialiasing values .

Give the values you are currently using, please you (if you can screen capture)

-- Fusion automatique le 05 Oct 2015 20:44 --

Also, into the file RichardBurnsRally.ini :

WaitRetrace = false

and in the Nvidia Panel for the RichardBurnsRally profile :

Triplebuffering = disabled

Mar 6 Oct 2015 02:59
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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France (fr)

Message Re: Bad lag...
Last answer ...... 05/10/2015 remained without giving signs of life on the subject.  :-O()
Have you solved this issue?  :-?

Personal Message sent.  :-s
No response within two days, I close the subject.  =;

Dim 18 Oct 2015 21:40
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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France (fr)

Message Re: Bad lag...
Closed topic: lack of responsiveness of the person seeking help.  =;

Dim 25 Oct 2015 17:34
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