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 RSRBR2016 not start the game 
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Mer 29 Avr 2015 19:28
Messages: 7
Pseudo Live: YingCFoo

Hong Kong (hk)

Message RSRBR2016 not start the game

Shown as the clip, rsrbr2016 won't start the game.
I can run the base game itself smoothly without problem, just jammed at rsrbr2016

Win8.1 64bit

How can i fix it ?

Post via iPhone Image

>> Fusion automatique -- Tue 10 Jan 2017 15:12 -- Automatic merge <<

Does anyone knows please ?

Mar 10 Jan 2017 09:12
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game

Have you installed the game in the right place?
What is your installation path?


Did you do the data execution prevention? (DEP)

Modify the list of excluded from Windows Vista / 7/8/10 data execution prevention
Start Button » Control Panel » System
Click on Advanced system settings. Administrator permission required.
Under Performance, click Settings.
Click on the tab DEP data, then click on "Turn on DEP data for all programs and services except those I select."

Then you click on the button "Add" and you add all the following software:
(they are all at the root of game)

- RSCenterAlone.exe
- RSCenterChampionships.exe
- RSCenterMenu.exe
- RSCenterPublic.exe
- RSRBR3DRatio.exe
- RichardBurnsRally_SSE.exe
- RichardBurnsRally.exe
- RBR Startup.exe
- RBRdll.exe
- CamHack.exe
- LanceurAddOns.exe
- sendreplays.exe
- sendtimes.exe
- SkinsWizard.exe
- BackupRSRBR.exe
- Dattool.exe
- My3DManager.exe
- 7z.exe (only for 32bits computer)
- PaceNotesManager.exe (if you have install its)
Save changes, then re-boot your computer and you do a test

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Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Mar 10 Jan 2017 10:18
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Mer 29 Avr 2015 19:28
Messages: 7
Pseudo Live: YingCFoo

Hong Kong (hk)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
I install it in D: Richard Burns Rally

Mar 10 Jan 2017 13:34
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game

Your game he worked in 2016 before adding the update 3 or is this a new installation?
New install? > Have you done the DEP? if Yes, Delete and redo it
What space is left on your disk?

Unfortunately, you can not start the troubleshooting utility (Link below in my signature), it is not up to date for update 03.

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

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Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Mar 10 Jan 2017 13:59
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Mer 29 Avr 2015 19:28
Messages: 7
Pseudo Live: YingCFoo

Hong Kong (hk)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
My D: got 894Gb space left.
How to do the DEP ? I can't find the way as instruction

>> Fusion automatique -- Tue 10 Jan 2017 21:02 -- Automatic merge <<

I install RSRBR2016 according this video instruction

>> Fusion automatique -- Tue 10 Jan 2017 21:15 -- Automatic merge <<

This is a new installation for me, i am new to RSRBR

Mar 10 Jan 2017 15:15
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
You sayed: I install it in D: Richard Burns Rally

Whet thhis path? It' no good.
RBR sur D? > RSRBR sur F ?


Please follow the tutorial.
You can not install in programms, users ... Windows 7 ... does not allow the modification of files in these folders> The game does not start.
You must then do the DEP and put the complete file of the game in the exclusions of your antivirus.

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
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Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Mar 10 Jan 2017 15:38
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Mer 29 Avr 2015 19:28
Messages: 7
Pseudo Live: YingCFoo

Hong Kong (hk)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
Tue 10 Jan 2017 21:38 here  obelix a écrit:
You sayed: I install it in D: Richard Burns Rally

Whet thhis path? It' no good.
RBR sur D? > RSRBR sur F ?


Please follow the tutorial.
You can not install in programms, users ... Windows 7 ... does not allow the modification of files in these folders> The game does not start.
You must then do the DEP and put the complete file of the game in the exclusions of your antivirus.

D:\Richard Burns Rally

just like that,  and i install RSrbr in this folder too, which is inside the richard burns rally folder.
Should I separate them to independent folder ?

>> Fusion automatique -- Tue 10 Jan 2017 21:44 -- Automatic merge <<

I am using WIN8.1 64bit, can't find the way to do DEP as instruction......the UI is different to WIN7

>> Fusion automatique -- Tue 10 Jan 2017 21:53 -- Automatic merge <<


Game was installed just like this, and RSRBR installed inside of it

>> Fusion automatique -- Tue 10 Jan 2017 21:56 -- Automatic merge <<



Mar 10 Jan 2017 15:56
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
Messages: 6954
Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
You must install RBR in a folder D \ RBR .... Then you start the installation of RSRBR, Tracks ... updates 1/2/3 without changing the path, everything will go to the right place in the folder RBR.

dep windows 8.1  :(->

Uninstall RSRBR, RBR and manually delete the remaining folder
Before you start, make a defragmentation and cleaning of your hard drive.


Download on Rallyesim and put everything in the same download folder
-RSRBS20xx - viewtopic.php?f=349&t=20094
 Not the md5 = ...> Nothing to do.
-The Pack special - viewtopic.php?f=497&t=13884
7 .exe files; 1a; .....
-The Pack of cars: viewtopic.php?f=371&t=13952
Or you choose the individual packs.
-The Potential updates: viewforum.php?f=349

(Do not occupy yourself of special BTB) They are not essential. You will do when your game after work.


1-On your hard drive, you create a folder you call Richard Burns Rally for example.
not in - - C: \ Program Files \ - C: \ Users \ AccountName \ - - C: \ Program
You open the desktop, you choose the disc (The larger if you have several)> Right Click> New folder you REPUTABLE Rich ....

2-You throw the installation of your RBR on disk or downloaded and you indicate him the way he goes into this new folder.

3-You throw installing RSRBR20xx.exe - He will go himself in the right place in this new folder - Do not move anything (at the end if it seems stuck, leashes do)

4-You throw installing special since "" Install_Pack_Tracks_v20xx "" Te bin has not occupied; ... .. they will install automatically. You throw without moving anything, he knows the way.

5-Install Car Pack (Same for the way)

6-install any updates> In the order 1> 2 .... (Ditto for the way)

You redo a disk defragmentation.

[b] Then you do this: [/ b]

Edit the list of excluded software execution prevention data Windows Vista / 7/8
Start button "Control Panel" System and Maintenance "system.
Click on Advanced System Settings. Administrator permission required.
Under Performance, click Settings.
Click Execution Prevention Data tab, then click on "Activate execution prevention data for all programs and services except those I select."

Then click the "" Add "button" and add all the following software:
(they are all at the root of the game)

- RSCenter20xxAlone.exe
- RSCenter20xxChampionships.exe
- RSCenter20xxMenu.exe
- RSCenter20xxPublic.exe
- RSRBR3DRatio.exe
- RichardBurnsRally_SSE.exe
- RichardBurnsRally.exe
- RBR Startup.exe
- RBRdll.exe
- CamHack.exe
- LanceurAddOns.exe
- sendreplays.exe
- sendtimes.exe
- SkinsWizard.exe
- BackupRSRBR.exe
- Dattool.exe
- My3DManager.exe
- 7z.exe (Only 32bit)
- PaceNotesManager.exe (if installed)

You record, you restarted your computer and you do a test

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Mar 10 Jan 2017 16:00
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Mer 29 Avr 2015 19:28
Messages: 7
Pseudo Live: YingCFoo

Hong Kong (hk)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
I have do a clean installation of whole thing this morning.

So you mean D:\Richard Burns Rally is not correct ?

And I have done the DEP procedure in my WIN8.1

>> Fusion automatique -- Tue 10 Jan 2017 22:21 -- Automatic merge <<

Let's make it clear......

you means Richard Burns Rally should be install like this D:\ Richard Burns Rally ?
Then RSRBR should be.....
A) D:\ Richard Burns Rally \ RBR
B) D:\ RBR

which one??

Mar 10 Jan 2017 16:21
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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N° de pilote: 684
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
NO, > In users, programfiles, utilisateurs ... it's not correct.
READ the tutos svp.

TROUBLESHOOTING UTILITY  (Utilitaire de dépannage) do not run withh update 03
Depannage RSRBR

Without an analysis of your installation, I can not help you anymore. It is necessary to wait for the manager to update the utility.

Only solution> Uninstall and reinstall by following my tutorial.

Sorry  o|:)

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
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Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Mar 10 Jan 2017 16:36
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Mer 29 Avr 2015 19:28
Messages: 7
Pseudo Live: YingCFoo

Hong Kong (hk)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
I am not install RBR under user or programme file something like that, just simply in D:

>> Fusion automatique -- Tue 10 Jan 2017 23:03 -- Automatic merge <<

the translation of your tutorial is such a mess, I can't read it

Mar 10 Jan 2017 17:03
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
I am not install RBR under user or programme file something like that, just simply in D:


the translation of your tutorial is such a mess, I can't read it

For ten years you have been the first.
You are on a French site here  :(-> , if my translation does not please you, learn French.


Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

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Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Mar 10 Jan 2017 17:22
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Mer 29 Avr 2015 19:28
Messages: 7
Pseudo Live: YingCFoo

Hong Kong (hk)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
I'm sorry to make you angry Obelix

Mar 10 Jan 2017 17:30
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: RSRBR2016 not start the game
Mar 10 Jan 2017 16:30 ici  YingCFoo a écrit:
I'm sorry to make you angry Obelix

This you understand  :D
My tutorial is the same as this one: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=6617
With more links

Reinstall the game
Uninstall RSRBR & RBR (In order) - Delete the old folder.
Create a folder on D \: (Ex Richard Burns Rally)
Install RBR in this folder
Start the installation of RSRBR - Tracks - Cars - Updates 2/3 in order.
Do not modify the installation path, everything will go directly to the right place.

I can not tell you anything more.

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Mar 10 Jan 2017 19:00
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