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 Digital dashboard 
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Mer 1 Sep 2021 11:45
Messages: 13

Spain (es)

Message Digital dashboard
Hi Jim,
I had a system issue and due to it, I had to reinstall the system of my PC. Before it, I had, working perfectly, the program with RBR Dash Racing SimHub 1.0.0. To be honest, configuring "Borderless Gaming", I don't know how I could get in "favorite column" the application "Richard Burns Rally - DirectX9 (RichardBurnsRally)" as it was shown in a video you sent me some weeks ago.
Now I am trying to install it again but I find it impossible, I can't find the way to introduce "Richard Burns Rally - DirectX9 (RichardBurnsRally)" in "favorite column". I don´t know if this is the reason why I can't install RBR Dash Racing SimHub. What I have in "favorite column" is "RSCenter Revolutin 2023 [Title] [Max]".
The way I proceed is as follows:
- Start RBR Dash Racing SimHub 1.0.0 and the window of this app appears
- Then click the button "Start RBR Dash Racing"
- Then click the button "Activate/Show SimHub permanently"
- Start RSCenter, press "ALONE" and window it
After this actions, and before pressing "GO", the digidash appears on the screen but after pressing "GO", the dashboard dissapear.
Is there any way to recover the original dashboard? This system to get a dashboard by means of RBR Dash Racing SimHub and "Borderless Gaming" is actually a complete mess

Mer 22 Nov 2023 21:44
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Dim 26 Avr 2009 13:24
Age: 63
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Localisation: Montpellier (34)
N° de pilote: 680
Pseudo Live: Papy Jim

France (fr)

Message Re: Digital dashboard
To be able to use RBR Dash Racing SimHub you need to set several things.
Bordeless Gaming is no longer necessary with NGPCarMenu included with RSRBR

Set like this:
1. Window the game with RSCenter
Window Game Resolution, Full Screen = false
2. For NGP cars Open RichardBurnsRally.ini and edit option:
3. For standard cars open *game folder*\Plugins\FixUp.ini and edit the option: fullscreenWindow=1

The game will be in full screen "Bordeless Gaming" managed by NGPCarMenu
RBR Dash Racing SimHub will then be visible on top of the game.

see my video:

RBR: Cocréateur de Rallyesim Association, Cocréateur de RSRBR, Créateur de, Créateur de RSCenter + RSNetwork + CreateRally + SendReplays XP + SendTimes + Mix Mod + Textures + Physics, etc... - Android: Créateur de RBR Analogic Dashboard + RBR Dash Racing - DirtRally: Créateur de Dirt Game Event Ranking, Gestionnaire du championnat en ligne Dirt Rally 2017, 2018 et 2019, Dirt Rally 2.0 2020, 2021 et 2022

Mer 22 Nov 2023 22:00
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Mer 1 Sep 2021 11:45
Messages: 13

Spain (es)

Message Re: Digital dashboard
Thank you very much for your instructions.
But following strictly your indications, I got the game in a window smaller than that of RS Center, so changing Window Game Resolution, Full Screen = true, I got the game in full screen.
Your video: is for Hungarian mod, not for French.
Anyway, I sincerely appreciate your help.
Kind regards

Jeu 23 Nov 2023 12:33
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Avatar de l’utilisateur

Dim 26 Avr 2009 13:24
Age: 63
Messages: 6907
Localisation: Montpellier (34)
N° de pilote: 680
Pseudo Live: Papy Jim

France (fr)

Message Re: Digital dashboard
yes, the video is not the right one and it is an old version of the application.

RBR: Cocréateur de Rallyesim Association, Cocréateur de RSRBR, Créateur de, Créateur de RSCenter + RSNetwork + CreateRally + SendReplays XP + SendTimes + Mix Mod + Textures + Physics, etc... - Android: Créateur de RBR Analogic Dashboard + RBR Dash Racing - DirtRally: Créateur de Dirt Game Event Ranking, Gestionnaire du championnat en ligne Dirt Rally 2017, 2018 et 2019, Dirt Rally 2.0 2020, 2021 et 2022

Jeu 23 Nov 2023 12:56
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