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 [INFO] Something i have noticed with Troubleshooter 
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Apprenti pilote
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
Messages: 93
Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message [INFO] Something i have noticed with Troubleshooter
This is not a question, just something i have noticed with the troubleshooter utility. This utility will list the total number of active processes which are in use in the windows 7/8 environment, as it is intended to do. What i have noticed, is that it will list ALL processes that you have active AT THE TIME YOU RUN THE UTILITY, once again, as intended. So why am i mention this, you may ask. It seems to add to the total, ALL browsers/applications/anything you have open in your windows at the time of execution, now this may, as i found out, give an inflated figure in the processes total, which would give the impression to the help desk people at rallysim, that this is the number of processes you have running WHEN PLAYING RBR/RSRBR. This may/may not, present a problem when seeking help, due to the inflated number of tasks that troubleshooter displays. Heres the problem that i had, Let me explain it better through my experience with this scenario. When i first started with RSRBR, i sought help at this forum for some minor glitch i was having at the time, i posted the results of the Troubleshooter, and it listed my number of tasks in the red [approx 95] which really suprised me, as i ALWAYS run minimal tasks, no bells and whistles, no toolbars, no addons, just essential AVirus/windows/graphics/etc drivers, its something i have always done [i do audio production, which also works better in a minimal overhead environment], and when playing RSRBR, i never have any other windows apps running, other than a firefox window maybe. After it was suggested that i review my processes by the rallysim staff, i did just that, and there was nothing left that i could disable that did not effect the running of windows. I knew the problem was not related to the number of processes [and the solution was found quickly by the RS staff, which was not related the the processes]. This got me wondering why the number was so high, when i knew that i had been very stringent in reducing the total background tasks. Then it occured to me just what i was doing at the time i run the Troubleshooter, and there was the answer, i was scanning several other RBR websites, had 2-3 youtube windows open, also 3DSmax was open, and a couple of other little apps possibly also [i was not using RSRBR at this time, so it was not an issue, or so i thought. but it did in fact, give the impression to the staff here, that i had too many tasks running [? in relation to my RSRBR issue]]. This happen quite regularly [ie- high number of processes] when people are seeking help on this forum, and must annoy the hell out the staff here.
  • I STRONGLY ADVISE, WHEN RUNNING Troubleshooter, CLOSE ALL OTHER TASKS [or as many as you can] BEFORE RUNNING THE UTILITY. Perhaps a better explanation would be, only have open, those tasks that you NORMALLY would have running WHEN YOU START RSRBR
  • THIS IS FOR INFOMATION ONLY, i am not rallysim staff, just an end user, if this opposes the intended use of the utility, delete this post as nessasary. This is not a criticism of the staff here, just my own experience. i hope this may help save any confusion when seeking help

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Dim 21 Juin 2015 00:44
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
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Message Re: [INFO] Something i have noticed with Troubleshooter
The Troubleshooter can not do its job properly if RSRBR is launched, that is why it is only applicable with all closed RSRBR process. However, this utility provides information on the processes that launch automatically at Windows startup, and it is assumed that most of them are not cut when launching RSRBR, the user is free to confirm or not

Ma chaine Image. Abonnez-vous

Dim 21 Juin 2015 12:10
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