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 Vibrate/Force Feedback 
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Jeu 16 Juin 2011 21:48
Messages: 1

United Kingdom (uk)

 Vibrate/Force Feedback
I have the original RBR running perfectly with an Xbox 360 pad  [I probably can't brake + accelerate at the same time, but I'll let that slide].  My PC can *just* handle it at 640 x 480  with 16k colours.

One thing I have spent a long time looking for is whether or not anyone has managed to translate the Force Feedback in to pad/controller vibration?

Perhaps there is a mod using the collision physics that enables vibration?  It seems to be the only thing that this game has missed out on.  Even if I had a Force Feedback wheel for my PC, I would still want there to be some vibration/rumble too.

I am sorry that this is such a noobish question, and I'm almost 100% certain that the answer will be: "NO, what do you want? The EARTH?!"  but I have spent quite a few hours downloading various drivers and searching various forums.  [The game will now recognise my pad as a 'Force Feedback' controller, but of course I don't feel any vibration!]

I hope I am not wasting your time, if there had been a Thread Title in English that suggested this knowledge was held within, I would of read it and saved you the trouble.

I will now cross my fingers and pray.

(Ok, I just found this thread here, but it isn't really helping me:  viewtopic.php?f=29&t=928&p=93758&hilit=vibrate#p93758
Thanks in advance everyone.  It is truly amazing to see this game so well supported right up to today.  Richard himself would of been so proud. RIP)

Jeu 16 Juin 2011 23:21
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