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 RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR? 
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Dim 23 Jan 2011 14:48
Messages: 93
Team: Team Abu Dhabi (Pro WRC Team)
N° de pilote: 7561

Netherlands (nl)

Message RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
I'm having some vague trouble with my tyres on wet conditions lately:

When I test for a rally I start the stages in RSRBR offline mode, setting all variables for each stage and start them one after another. To "simulate" tyrechoice in the rally I start the WrongTyre-tool and set the tyres to the tyre I want to test during a set of stages.

F.e. for a leg of 1 wet, 1 dry and 1 damp stage I set the tyres in WrongTyre to Int. Tarmac, and then start the 3 stages. Then, to test another tyre, I set WrongTyre to Wet Tarmac and start the stages again, to compare the times and handling.

I did so for leg 3 of the MDO East Belgium rally. However, I notices during practise that my times on Joux Plane 2 (dry), New Bobs 2 (damp) and Bisanne 2 (damp) were almost identical to within 1 or 2 seconds. So it seemed that there was no difference between Dry and Int. Tyres, also not in handling of the car.
RSCenter displayed f.e.:
- JP2 dry, dry tarmac: 5:20
- JP2 dry, int. tarmac: 5:21

On NewBobs2 damp I had <4:40 with both tyres (dry and int), and again comparable handling of the car.

However, when I started the race on int. tarmac, JP2 dry on int. tarmac tyres suddenly was very slippery and I slid of the road in the first corner because of this surprise!!

Could it be that RSRBR in offline mode does not properly react to the WrongTyre-tool? That could explain why I had the same times and handling during practise on f.e. JP2: I was basically driving on dry tarmac both passes. RSCenter (Chronomanager) however did display two different tyres for both passes on JP2.
And on NewBobs2 I was basically driving on int. tarmac both passes, while I had dry and int. chosen in WrongTyre.

Perhaps WrongTyre only works when starting the full RBR-game? (RBR.dll)

Or perhaps my installation is not properly working?

Lun 29 Oct 2012 12:12
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
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Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
In official session, you have to take care to the natural usure of your tyres

Posté depuis Androïd Image

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Lun 29 Oct 2012 12:24
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Dim 23 Jan 2011 14:48
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Team: Team Abu Dhabi (Pro WRC Team)
N° de pilote: 7561

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
I don't understand you, what do you mean?

Do you refer to tyrewear? It can't be the cause here, because I started JP2 as the first stage on leg 3 on new tyres. Also, most of the time I check the "damages" checkbox for the stages I test. But again, I started on new tyres, so that can't be it.

Is there a difference between griplevels offline and online?

Lun 29 Oct 2012 12:34
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
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France (fr)

Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
No, it's the same wear

Posté depuis Androïd Image

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Lun 29 Oct 2012 12:50
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Dim 23 Jan 2011 14:48
Messages: 93
Team: Team Abu Dhabi (Pro WRC Team)
N° de pilote: 7561

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
Okay, but then please explain what you mean by this:

In official session, you have to take care to the natural usure of your tyres

Lun 29 Oct 2012 12:57
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
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France (fr)

Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
The tyre wear progress with damage report

Posté depuis Androïd Image

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Lun 29 Oct 2012 13:18
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Dim 23 Jan 2011 14:48
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Team: Team Abu Dhabi (Pro WRC Team)
N° de pilote: 7561

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
Yes, okay.

But, again, it was the start of leg 3, so on JP2 (the first stage of leg 3) I had new tyres, no damage, no tyrewear, it was very slippery. Nothing compared to offline driving with either dry tarmac or int. tarmac

It's a problem because I cannot trust my offline recce. I need to drive the Spanish rally in bad weather so I would like to know what went wrong.

Lun 29 Oct 2012 13:26
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
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France (fr)

Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
I dont know, and I dont know if it's the same concerm for others pilots

Posté depuis Androïd Image

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Lun 29 Oct 2012 13:30
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Dim 23 Jan 2011 14:48
Messages: 93
Team: Team Abu Dhabi (Pro WRC Team)
N° de pilote: 7561

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
I understand. But, do you (or maybe your RS-collegues) know if WrongTyre works (or should work) while starting RBR with the [GO]-button in offline mode?
I'm thinking about reinstalling RSRBR

Lun 29 Oct 2012 13:46
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Lun 11 Mai 2009 16:27
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Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
Zakraket a écrit:
Perhaps WrongTyre only works when starting the full RBR-game? (RBR.dll)

It's possible ...
I'm not sure but possible.
If you are using "GO" button to launch your stages, why did you not use RSCenter to modify your tyres ?

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Lun 29 Oct 2012 13:50
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
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France (fr)

Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
I use championship mode to play alone too, so I dont use wrongtyre.exe ;-)

Posté depuis Androïd Image

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Lun 29 Oct 2012 13:59
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Dim 23 Jan 2011 14:48
Messages: 93
Team: Team Abu Dhabi (Pro WRC Team)
N° de pilote: 7561

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
yeah, maybe I should not use WrongTyre anymore.

@Beu-c: I use it because sometimes the auto-tyresetting causes me to start a stage-recce with the wrong tyres if I don't pay enough attention when setting all parameters for testing various stages/conditions. Then I restart the stage with the correct tyres, but then the daytimesetting is reset - and I forget that - so I need to restart again. WrongTyre lets you set a tyre and not worries about switching stages/conditions. If it works...

Switching auto-tyrechoice off is no option for me because it will surely cause me to start legs with the tyres from the previous leg in a race. I always have concentrationproblems during a rally, forgetting to choose the right tyre is always a big risk for me.

Tnx anyway so far.

Lun 29 Oct 2012 14:06
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Lun 11 Mai 2009 16:27
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France (fr)

Message Re: RSRBR: Wrongtyre-tool not working in offline RBR?
I also use "auto tyre choice" and I often have same problem of stage/tyre configuration ...  :-D
But I don't use "WrongTyre.exe" and I don't have any issues with different grip.

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Lun 29 Oct 2012 15:33
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