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 [RESOLU] -RBR profile backups 
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
Messages: 93
Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message [RESOLU] -RBR profile backups
i have a question about the data that BACKUPRSRBR.exe write.

I have run the BACKUPRSRBR.exe in order to backup before a clean install of rbr/rsrbr. I was checking through the backup, and i cant seem to find a data file that backs up the driver profiles, or any data file for that matter. is this normal? Are the driver profiles retained when using backuprsrbr.exe, if so, where [filename?]

where does RBR store the driver profiles?[filename?]

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Dernière édition par Leevvii le Mer 22 Oct 2014 11:37, édité 2 fois.

Dim 19 Oct 2014 08:51
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
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France (fr)

Message Re: RBR profile backups
RBR driver profiles are in the 2 files "pfMulligatawny" "pfMulligatawny.acm & pfMulligatawny.rbr .
They are normally located in the folder "../SavedGames .  o|:)

Dim 19 Oct 2014 08:58
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Apprenti pilote
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
Messages: 93
Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message Re: RBR profile backups
thank you, i got them, i assume that, to re-establish the profiles,  i just copy/paste them into the savedgames directory, after i re-install RBR?

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Dim 19 Oct 2014 09:00
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: RBR profile backups
19 Oct 2014 08:00 ici  Leevvii a écrit:
thank you, i got them, i assume that, to re-establish the profiles,  i just copy/paste them into the savedgames directory, after i re-install RBR?
You can do it by that way, of course, but also with the same utility (BackupRSRBR.exe) that allowed you to create your backup with "Restauration / Restore" tab .
You just need to select the items you want to restore, and the location of the folder containing the backup will extract data .  :)

if you have solved the problem in this post, please close it by returning to the first post of the topic, by editing and adding [solved] in your original title .  :(->

Lun 20 Oct 2014 06:46
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