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 [RESOLU] Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing 
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
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Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message [RESOLU] Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
I have just re-installed RBR and RSRBR, the game works fine, but when i edit the "richardburnsrally.ini" and save the changes, all seems fine, i run the game, and its stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio, [this is why i edited the ini file ] i make the appropriate changes to the ini, but after having run the game, i look at the richardburnsrally.ini, and it has reverted back to the original file. I cant understand why this keeps happening? And BTW, i edit the misc.rbz [as described in the forum thread] save it, close it, re-open it, all changes are there, but after running the game, it too has reverted back to its unchanged state? ......any ideas as to why? I have set the data execution prevention settings for RBR/RSRBR, and added exceptions in my antivirus for the game. Also, DepannageRSRBR2014 reports a green light, no missing files

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Dernière édition par Leevvii le Mer 22 Oct 2014 11:36, édité 2 fois.

Lun 20 Oct 2014 03:14
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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Message Re: Win7 overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
1 - if you have solved the problem in this post, please close it by returning to the first post of the topic, by editing and adding [solved] in your original title .  :(->

2 - it seems you have more problems than you are to nest in your question : be more specific, separate the different problems .

To help us understand whether the problem comes from a configuration point of your game,
you download and launch Troubleshooter Depannage RSRBR2014 :P
When the utility is launched, click on the "Full analysis" (Analyse complète) button. :GGG
When the analysis is completed, DO NOTHING, close the software, come directly to the forum, and "Paste" in the field without removing the text that appears .

Leevvii a écrit:
I have just re-installed RBR and RSRBR, the game works fine, but when i edit the "richardburnsrally.ini" and save the changes, all seems fine, i run the game, and its stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio, [this is why i edited the ini file ] i make the appropriate changes to the ini, but after having run the game, i look at the richardburnsrally.ini, and it has reverted back to the original file. I cant understand why this keeps happening?

why do you edit the "RichardBurnsRally.ini" file, the aspect ratio does not change at this point, but within the parameters of the RSCenter interface .

Leevvii a écrit:
And BTW, i edit the misc.rbz [as described in the forum thread] save it, close it, re-open it, all changes are there, but after running the game, it too has reverted back to its unchanged state? ......any ideas as to why? I have set the data execution prevention settings for RBR/RSRBR, and added exceptions in my antivirus for the game.
you says : "as described in the forum thread" . which thread forum, and for what ?  :-(   Is that the issue is related to the previous one ?  :GGG  :GGG  :GGG

Leevvii a écrit:
Also, DepannageRSRBR2014 reports a green light, no missing files
that the troubleshooter "DepannageRSRBR2014" reports a green light, no missing file, or completely "red", you must provide the report. It contains data that we need to strengthen our analysis .  :(->  :(->

Lun 20 Oct 2014 07:10
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
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Localisation: Cesnok
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Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message Re: Win7 overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
RBR is stuck in 4;3 aspect ratio, i cannot get it to go to widescreen aspect ratio on my monitor [i have the black "letterbox" on L-R of screen], as i had before the fresh install of rbr [i use 1824x1026 resized desktop] i have tried changing the aspect ratio settings from the championship interface, nothing gets it to go widescreen.

Version de l'utilitaire de dépannage : 7.19.0
Version de l'update installée : 06
Version de l'update prise en charge par cet utilitaire : 06
Configuration de l'utilisateur :
Processeur : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz - Nb de core : 8
RAM : 4,151 Go dont 2,618 Go de libres
Carte graphique : NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS    
Nombre d'écran(s) : 1
Résolution écran : 1824 x 1026
Résolution de jeu : 1024 x 768
Espace libre sur le lecteur où se trouve RBR/RSRBR : 108,7 Go / 154,1 Go au total
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Home Premium 64bits Service Pack 1
Richard Burns Rally est installé dans : D:\SCi Games\Richard Burns Rally\
Type de session en cours : Administrateur
Statut de ChronoManager : Non activé
Statut de l'option X-Sim : Non activé
Sons 2010 : Non installés
Horloge Windows : Temps Internet désactivé (service)
Nombre de processus lancés : 70
Contenu du fichier RichardBurnsRally.ini :

Depth = 32
ForceFeedback = false
Fullscreen = true
MinDepthBits = 24
MinStencilBits = 8
ParticleQuality = low
RenderCarShadow = false
RenderQuality = medium
RunIntro = false
RunStartup = false
Sound = true
UseCubicEnvironmentMaps = false
UseEAX = false
UseSoftwareAudio = false
UseTripleScreenBuffers = false
WaitRetrace = true
XRes =1024
YRes =768

Liste des plugins installés :
- Equalizer ( eq_mix.dll )
- FixUp ( FixUp.dll )
- PaceNote ( PaceNote.dll )
- Plugin de test RBR ( RBRTestPlugin.dll )
- Correctif ZModeler ( Z.dll )
Aucun fichier ou dossier nécessaire au bon fonctionnement de RSRBR n'est manquant.
Liste des processus en cours lors du rapport d'analyse ( 68 )

AdskScSrv.exe ( 6 )
AERTSr64.exe ( 4 )
audiodg.exe ( 25 )
avgcsrva.exe ( 17 )
avgemca.exe ( 4 )
avgidsagent.exe ( 29 )
avgnsa.exe ( 15 )
avgrsa.exe ( 84 )
avgui.exe ( 25 )
avgwdsvc.exe ( 34 )
conhost.exe ( 2 )
csrss.exe ( 10 )
csrss.exe ( 12 )
ctfmon.exe ( 3 )
DEPANN~1.EXE ( 15 )
dwm.exe ( 3 )
explorer.exe ( 38 )
firefox.exe ( 45 )
FlashPlayerPlugin_15_0_0_152.exe ( 11 )
FlashPlayerPlugin_15_0_0_152.exe ( 9 )
IPROSetMonitor.exe ( 4 )
lsass.exe ( 11 )
lsm.exe ( 11 )
NvBackend.exe ( 11 )
NvNetworkService.exe ( 4 )
nvSCPAPISvr.exe ( 6 )
nvstreamsvc.exe ( 4 )
nvstreamsvc.exe ( 6 )
nvtray.exe ( 6 )
nvvsvc.exe ( 5 )
nvvsvc.exe ( 5 )
nvxdsync.exe ( 13 )
plugin-container.exe ( 10 )
QTTask.exe ( 2 )
RAVBg64.exe ( 7 )
raysat_3dsMax2009_32server.exe ( 4 )
raysat_3dsMax2009_64server.exe ( 4 )
RtkNGUI64.exe ( 12 )
rundll32.exe ( 3 )
SearchFilterHost.exe ( 6 )
SearchIndexer.exe ( 23 )
SearchProtocolHost.exe ( 8 )
services.exe ( 7 )
smss.exe ( 2 )
SMSvcHost.exe ( 6 )
snmp.exe ( 7 )
spoolsv.exe ( 12 )
svchost.exe ( 10 )
svchost.exe ( 16 )
svchost.exe ( 19 )
svchost.exe ( 20 )
svchost.exe ( 21 )
svchost.exe ( 21 )
svchost.exe ( 24 )
svchost.exe ( 40 )
svchost.exe ( 5 )
svchost.exe ( 8 )
System ( 120 )
taskhost.exe ( 9 )
vds.exe ( 4 )
wininit.exe ( 3 )
winlogon.exe ( 5 )
WmiPrvSE.exe ( 8 )
WTClient.exe ( 3 )
WTSrv.exe ( 5 )

*** Rapport généré le Monday 20/10/2014  à  16:31:28 ***

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Lun 20 Oct 2014 07:39
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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France (fr)

Message Re: Win7 overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
Try to edit this file : ../Plugins/FixUp.ini .

You must see this :

fullscreenWindow=0  ; ( 1 = windowed mode authorized)
centerMenu=0 ;(center the RBR menu in the window)

To understand well these variables, read the contents of the file ReadMe.FixUp.txt, in the same folder .  :GGG

-- Fusion automatique le 20 Oct 2014 08:12 --

It should also go into settings "16.9 or 16/10" (try many sizes) in the Options menu RSCenter :

.  :)

Lun 20 Oct 2014 08:12
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
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Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message Re: Win7 overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
To understand well these variables, read the contents of the file ReadMe.FixUp.txt, in the same folder . :GGG

-- Fusion automatique le 20 Oct 2014 08:12 --

It should also go into settings "16.9 or 16/10" (try many sizes) in the Options menu RSCenter :

Thank you for the help mate, i have read the notes of most of the addon's, and setup tutorials, i have tried using camhack [start before, leave running] also to no avail.

My fixup.ini

I mentioned the overwriting of files, RBR.ini  in my previous post,  In the RBR.ini - the values XRes= and Yres= i originally change to suit my monitor resolution , 1824 x 1026 - 16:9 [should i do this??],
*Then i would run the game [after several attempts i tried "run as administrator, made no difference]
*make no changes to :-
----- the RSRBR "settings" as in your picture [already set to 16:9] ,
----- or to the set game resolution option, {I assume the game would change the RBR.ini Xres/Yres IF i changed the resolutions settings from the RSRBR-Champ-menu, but i did NOT even open the settings window and it still overwrites the ini file}
*drive stage [game was still in 4:3],
*close the game,  
*re-open the RBR.ini, and the xres/yres values had reverted to 1024x768 within the .ini file.
*I repeated this 5+ times, same result on each occasion. I even tried setting RBR.ini to read only attribute and the same outcome occured.
I have also adjusted the aspect settings in the RSRBR option screen [your picture] trying all choices [FALSE - 5:4 - 16:10 -SPECIAL] . to no avail.

im thinking this might NOT be a RSRBR issue,
RSRBR3DRatio.exe :-When i first run the game after re-installing RSRBR2014, my AVG antivirus flagged/quarantined this file, and placed it in the "virus vault", I then used AVG to restore the file and mark it safe to use. Perhaps this has damaged the file somehow? I have since replaced the original file with the RSRBR3DRatio.exe from this forum.

Im still stuck in 4:3

option, try another re-install of RBR/RSRBR again?

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Mar 21 Oct 2014 03:23
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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Message Re: Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
What is the statut of these parameters ? checked or not ?  :GGG

If the file RBR.ini XY values ​​are defined as 1024x768 (for example), the values ​​of Options / Game resolution / "RSCenter use to configure
your game display" should not be different.

If they are :
1 - uncheck the box before the text: "RSCenter use to configure your game display"
2 - close RSCenter,
3 - Check the value of your RBR.ini,
4 - restart the game without using the / Game resolution / "RSCenter use to configure your game display" option (the box should remain
unchecked if you do not really need).

This is a one-time facility, and only acts to authorize the ES that you selected in the "Stage" check be changed by pressing the "Set Specific
Resolution for this Stage" button for this race "only "Particles & render for values ​​mainly (to the values" medium / low "), because some of
these ES have worries melt on low graphics settings.
In this case, the XY values ​​can also be modified to smaller values ​​for help.
If this option is used ("RSCenter use to configure your game display" - checked), it overrides the values ​​in momentarily RBR.ini until the next ES.
If it has not been changed by the "Set Specific Resolution for this Stage" button

Mar 21 Oct 2014 03:26
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
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Australia (au)

Message Re: Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
i think those boxes were checked.

I gave up and im currently re installing RBR now, i will let you know if the problem persists. Thanks for some very valuable info, cheers o|:)

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Mar 21 Oct 2014 04:37
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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Message Re: Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
It is really damage which you privileged this strategy before checking these last elements .  :x
I count on your information feedback thereafter .  :GGG

Mar 21 Oct 2014 09:13
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
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Australia (au)

Message Re: Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
It really is All which you damage this strategy privileged Before checking thesis last items
I do not understand this statement [bad translation i assume? ] My best guess would be that i "MUST check those boxes in the resolutions options" as you described, .....oui?

feedback will ensue ASAP

thanks again mate  o|:)
In the RBR.ini - the values XRes= and Yres= i originally change to suit my monitor resolution , 1824 x 1026 - 16:9

should i do this??

Should this proceedure [Win7 - DEP settings]  be done on ALL Win7 PC's? or ONLY if the game fails to run?

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Mer 22 Oct 2014 01:28
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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Message Re: Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
22 Oct 2014 00:28 ici  Leevvii a écrit:
It really is All which you damage this strategy privileged Before checking thesis last items
I do not understand this statement [bad translation i assume? ] My best guess would be that i "MUST check those boxes in the resolutions options" as you described, .....oui?

yes, very bad translation, I did not re-read .... :o  ! fuck Google !......  :smt021
I want to say : if you had not been so quick to make the decision to re-install, you would have been able
to check the points I've given "too later" .... (is it clearer?)  :DDD
So : you're right when you says : My best guess would be that i "MUST check those boxes in the resolutions options" as you described

22 Oct 2014 00:28 ici  Leevvii a écrit:
In the RBR.ini - the values XRes= and Yres= i originally change to suit my monitor resolution , 1824 x 1026 - 16:9

you can use the same resolution as the one set for your monitor, or smaller if necessary, staying in authorized values by both graphics card / monitor .

22 Oct 2014 00:28 ici  Leevvii a écrit:
should i do this??

Should this proceedure [Win7 - DEP settings]  be done on ALL Win7 PC's? or ONLY if the game fails to run?

Yes, necessary for all windows operating systems, unless you set DEP manually with the boot manager on the following parameters : noexecute = AlwaysOff .
See :  for more informations & explanations .


Mer 22 Oct 2014 03:44
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
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Australia (au)

Message Re: Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
OK, im back to a desired aspect ratio.  :DDD  :-O()
I think the problem might have been my video card drivers. I updated them, a few days ago [coicidence, seems not] via update drivers "search inet for best driver" solution, which looking back now, i should have used the file from the nvidia site, but i was in a hurry [same old story!] and the installer did not close properly, which is usually a recipe for bad seafood.

Anyway, i did a fresh install of the vid drivers, and changed my monitor cable to a DVI cable i have [previously YPbPr, RCA cable + adapter style], and without touching any RBR settings, IT WORKED!! =D>  regardless of res settings [several modes tried , all sucessful]

My [now] native DVI resolution is 1440x900 [16:10] 32bit, which RBR seems to run fine at, though some of the more scenary filled stages cause the odd delay, but that happened on my old setup also.

My current settings
* RBR.ini & fixup.ini are as you suggested [except RBR.ini xres/yres =1440x900]
*RSRBR Champs\options\game resolution = boxes checked [works fine unchecked also]
*options\settings = set to 16:10 currently [picture not too streched, maybe a fraction, experimenting at present]
*DEP & AV exceptions all set and woking

main thing is, ....its BACK!!

As i mentioned my options\settings = set to 16:10 currently, might i be right to assume, that because the game is running at monitor resolution, i should have the aps ratio set to FALSE, as no stretching is needed?

yes, very bad translation, I did not re-read .... :o  ! fuck Google !......  :smt021
I want to say : if you had not been so quick to make the decision to re-install, you would have been able
to check the points I've given "too later" .... (is it clearer?)
Yes, much clearer thank you, and i reinterate "Double fuck google", someone needs to!

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Mer 22 Oct 2014 11:34
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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Message Re: [RESOLU] Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
Ok, all is good ?  :GGG

Mer 22 Oct 2014 12:25
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
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Australia (au)

Message Re: [RESOLU] Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
it appears to be!  o|:)  o|:)

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Mer 22 Oct 2014 13:06
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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Message Re: [RESOLU] Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
Just a thing still :
I was made trap, because, I never ask to the guy that I repair, if its PC is up to date drivers .  :-?
I trust him on this point .  8-)
If I had begin with that….  :D/
For me it is the most basic evidence ..... and personally, I would not solicit of the assistance without to have started to ensure me of this point  [-X

What's done is done, and I blame myself for not having thought of it first .  :hangman:

Mer 22 Oct 2014 18:28
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
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Message Re: [RESOLU] Stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio- RBR overwrites richardburnsrally.ini after editing
dont be blaming yourself, no fault of yours mate. Im normally good with driver updates, i usually have the almost new ones installed [maybe a month or two behind] i think it might have been the premature closing of the NVidia update that caused the issue, it was then that the trouble started.

all is still working fine, thanks for your efforts mate *thanks

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Jeu 23 Oct 2014 04:53
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