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 Need help with installing car physics, help with steering ratios, and curvature/wheel settings. 
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Sam 30 Mai 2015 02:40
Messages: 8

United States (us)

Message Need help with installing car physics, help with steering ratios, and curvature/wheel settings.
Hello, I have some questions. How do you install the physics that come with the car that you download, what folder do you put it into, the car folder or the rbr main directory? Also people are saying that you should put the car steering ratio to 792 degrees, but the in game it only goes up to 544, I have a logitech g27 that is set to 540 degreees of rotation. Also what kind of curvature settings are you guys using for the steering, throttle, and brake, and do you use axes or digital, or both?

Thank you for the help.

Dim 31 Mai 2015 00:21
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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Message Re: Need help with installing car physics, help with steering ratios, and curvature/wheel settings.
What I advise you : read the rules of the forum in the white box at the top of the page  :(->
Forum's rules a écrit:
For each problem a post. If you create a post, be specific in the title of the topic to facilitate responses.

Ungroup your question for response to your requests and facilitated future research in topics on the forum from other members.  :-s

For this, in the same forum :

create a topic : "how do you install the physics ..... ",
and create another one for "the steering ratio degrees .....".

Thanks  :-:

To the question "install", you mean you are importing a "foreign" car in RBR / RSRBR?
It's right here ?  :GGG

Dim 31 Mai 2015 07:58
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