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 [RESOLU] Problème avec les BTB 
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Lun 4 Mai 2009 20:27
Age: 44
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France (fr)

 [RESOLU] Problème avec les BTB
Malgré l'installation de l'add on BTB, je n'arrive pas à lancer les ES quand je les sélectionne via RSCenter, menu Championnat. RSCenter me demande d'installer l'add on... :-:

Du calme et de la pondération.©
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Lun 14 Sep 2009 03:23
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Jeu 14 Mai 2009 07:08
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Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
Moi, j'en ai testé une hier soir et pas de souci de chargement.

Lun 14 Sep 2009 08:13
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Mer 17 Juin 2009 21:25
Age: 19
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N° de pilote: 3546

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
I have the same problem!
I load all Tracks normal, then i load Mont herman v3,
buum tell me the same like arnof.
Now i reinstall and try again.
Another Thing is:
sometimes when i load the BTB Stages i show me this :?: is that normal :?:

but i think it should be like this :?:  or not??

Thx in Advance


Lun 14 Sep 2009 10:30
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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France (fr)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
Some tracks have som error when you load them but there is not a big problem, you can drive on it without problem.

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Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Lun 14 Sep 2009 10:58
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Mer 17 Juin 2009 21:25
Age: 19
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N° de pilote: 3546

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
PHIL63 a écrit:
Some tracks have som error when you load them but there is not a big problem, you can drive on it without problem.

Thanks Phil o|:)

but the MT Hermann v3 in "BTB Beta- RX_CONTENT"is working like a Dream :-D  5 sec loading :)

not even 1 error :D/

And in "BTB Puplic- BTBRS" Mt Hermannv3 is not even starting and after i have to reinstall "BTB1" again to use the,
other  5 Tracks in BTBRS, the other 5 Tracks working superbe.


Dernière édition par turbo le Lun 14 Sep 2009 12:02, édité 1 fois.

Lun 14 Sep 2009 11:20
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:01
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Italy (it)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
I have this problem:
Yesterday evening after install the BTB addons i tried 1 special stage without problem (play alone).
This morning nothing function because rscentre ask to install the addons but this is ok, nothing change after reinstall of th addons.
RScentre ask everytime to install the BTB addons
BTBRS folder it's ok with inside btbstage1... :-O()

Nel dubbio, una marcia in più .....

Lun 14 Sep 2009 11:23
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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France (fr)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
Jim !!!  :D

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Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Lun 14 Sep 2009 11:26
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Lun 14 Sep 2009 10:18
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Italy (it)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
arno_f a écrit:
Malgré l'installation de l'add on BTB, je n'arrive pas à lancer les ES quand je les sélectionne via RSCenter, menu Championnat. RSCenter me demande d'installer l'add on... :-:

also i have got this problem...  :-O()

Lun 14 Sep 2009 11:46
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Mer 17 Juin 2009 21:25
Age: 19
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N° de pilote: 3546

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
He me again
I tested the last time for today!

Mt Hermann v3 is not working in "BTBRS" offline or online both! on my PC :?:
But its working realy proper in BTB Beta "RXRSRBR" like the Picture in my last Post.
When i try  Mt Hermann in BTBRS comes this

and after that i try Pikes Peak , normaly run perfect with BTBRS, then comes this

to use the other 5 Tracks, they superbe "Thx to the modders =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D> " i have to delete the BTBRS File in the RBR Installation and reinstall BTB1 again.
Then i can use the other 5 Tracks if i dont go near Mt Hermann. :(
ciao o|:)


Dernière édition par turbo le Lun 14 Sep 2009 12:09, édité 2 fois.

Lun 14 Sep 2009 12:05
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
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France (fr)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
you're close from the right code for [miniature] tags ;)

You must paste direct link between the tags like

Be carefull because on imageshack there a link http://xxxxxxx/x/xxxx.jpg/ and it doesn't work. you really must have JPG and no slash after that (use the direct link, really ;) ).

Sorry i'm not helpfull for your problem.

Manager à la retraite !

Lun 14 Sep 2009 12:07
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Mer 17 Juin 2009 21:25
Age: 19
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N° de pilote: 3546

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
Flat-twin a écrit:
you're close from the right code for [miniature] tags ;)

You must paste direct link between the tags like

Be carefull because on imageshack there a link http://xxxxxxx/x/xxxx.jpg/ and it doesn't work. you really must have JPG and no slash after that (use the direct link, really ;) ).

Sorry i'm not helpfull for your problem.

Hey flat twin you watching my disaster with the miniature,
ive got it now!!!! :DDD  :DDD  :DDD  :DDD
and for MT hermann  i have no Stress i just tell what happend :)


Lun 14 Sep 2009 12:11
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
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N° de pilote: 116
Pseudo Live: Flat-twin

France (fr)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
Well done ;)
The best way to learn is to fail first :D Damn it, i just created a good image to show you :D

And the code here for the image above :

Manager à la retraite !

Lun 14 Sep 2009 12:12
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Mer 17 Juin 2009 21:25
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Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
Flat-twin a écrit:
Well done ;)
The best way to learn is to fail first :D Damn it, i just created a good image to show you :D

And the code here for the image above :

Thanks i try to Put that in my stupid Brain :DDD


Lun 14 Sep 2009 12:17
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
Tracks contained in the addon BTB Stages 1 are not made to be used to play solo, it is even that those in download on the forum and who must be put in the file RXRSRBR.
If you want to test them you must use them in a public session on the Live.

--= PAS DE SUPPORT PAR MP =--, les réponses apportées sur le forum profitent à tous alors qu'une réponse en MP ne profite qu'à un seul individu.
Base de connaissance de RSRBR <--> FAQ de RSRBR<--> Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Lun 14 Sep 2009 12:20
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Mer 17 Juin 2009 21:25
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Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Problème avec les BTB
PHIL63 a écrit:
Tracks contained in the addon BTB Stages 1 are not made to be used to play solo, it is even that those in download on the forum and who must be put in the file RXRSRBR.
If you want to test them you must use them in a public session on the Live.

Thanx i go to try o|:)

-- Fusion automatique le Mon 14 Sep 2009 12:59 --

How can i unzip BTB1, to put the single files in RXRBR,
to Play the 6 new BTB Stages OFFLINE :?:

-- Fusion automatique le Mon 14 Sep 2009 13:03 --


i try in public session Mt hermann v3 not working sorry :?:


Lun 14 Sep 2009 13:04
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