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 Cars that doesn't start 
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Lun 21 Nov 2011 13:54
Age: 39
Messages: 91
Localisation: Puente Arce (Cantabria)
N° de pilote: 6772
Pseudo Live: E. Lasa

Spain (es)

Message Cars that doesn't start
Hi guys

Are you planning on doing something with the cars that doesn't start again when they stall? Do you know why this happens?
This is the most unfair thing right now in the mod

Thank you  o|:)

Mer 3 Fév 2016 13:47
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start
specify what car it is .
do you experience the problem on all cars .
give more details .

Thank you

Mer 3 Fév 2016 16:59
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Lun 21 Nov 2011 13:54
Age: 39
Messages: 91
Localisation: Puente Arce (Cantabria)
N° de pilote: 6772
Pseudo Live: E. Lasa

Spain (es)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start
I had the issue with the 911 gt3, just today. But I had this problem with the ds3 rrc too. Talking to my team mates about it, one of them told me that he has this same problem with the porsche. Maybe you could try to stall this cars a few times and I think you'll have this problem too.

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Jeu 4 Fév 2016 01:42
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start
The problem is known, but it is not easy to remedy it, because it's much more at the 3D manufacturer of the car that should be managed
as the management of the damage, and the allocation of items submitted to damage, and the manner in which the damage happens .  #-o
At the level of RSRBR, it is simply a value adjustment more or less of the the damage effect that can be done ...
And to vary this value would be unequally on all cars ...  =;

It is sufficient that you have forced a little too on the high engine speeds at downshifts, particularly on the Porsche GT 3 (I remember the Porsche
911-2002, which featured much this symptom : it was enough to bump an obstacle to forward ..... killing the engine which is in the rear  :D ).
If you add here the "cumulative damage" function in the modes "realistics" and also in some championships, after several tumultuous specials,
you can get to irrecoverable stall the engine with the key to a DNF penalizing .

I hope I have been able to learn to the best of my knowledge on the subject .  :GGG
I think if Beu-C goes in this topic, it could perhaps tell you more, unless it is more Flat-twin which also has a great knowledge of the subject ....  :-:

Jeu 4 Fév 2016 10:48
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Lun 21 Nov 2011 13:54
Age: 39
Messages: 91
Localisation: Puente Arce (Cantabria)
N° de pilote: 6772
Pseudo Live: E. Lasa

Spain (es)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start
Ok yes, I think it's clear enough. Such a shame this happens with one of my favourite cars...but ok.

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Jeu 4 Fév 2016 15:44
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Lun 11 Mai 2009 16:27
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N° de pilote: 19

France (fr)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start

I have no idea about how damage are working.
And unfortunaltely, I don't have time to focus on it ...


Le forum est le meilleur endroit pour obtenir de l'aide. Plus de personnes peuvent vous aider et les réponses peuvent aider d'autres pilotes.
Forum is the best place to get help. More poeple can help you and answer can be useful for everybody !

Jeu 4 Fév 2016 15:59
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start
I had some free time this afternoon, and I think that it would good for you that you can have a view of the (general) difficulties of managing this damage .....  o|:)

For more information on these "damage" ..... it is necessary that you use the "search" of the forum, with the keyword "degats" such as : (dégâts = french spelling .....; on forums, removing all accents ....).
That gives you 4 pages to read, unfortunately for you, the majority is in French .... and you will need to serve you a translator .
Topics interesting readings (needed translation), allowing you to bring the facts of your engine stopping worries :

Question sur la sensibilité des degats (question about the sensitivity damage)
Setup porsche 911 turbo read the 3rd paragraph .

You can also use the "search" of the forum, with keyword "damage" such as :
That gives you 9 pages to read, unfortunately for you, the majority is in French .... and you will need to serve you a translator .
Topics interesting readings (needed translation), allowing you to bring the facts of your engine stopping worries :

Switch off body damage
Probléme avec les Groupes B  (Problem with Groups B)
Engine stops near finish A8W-11-12-13
Car Physics Problem
realistic too sensitive

good reading  8-)

Jeu 4 Fév 2016 18:15
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