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 [RESOLU] Roof-cam wanted and texture problem with RSRBR2010 
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Sam 25 Juil 2009 20:36
Age: 52
Messages: 6
N° de pilote: 4711

Germany (de)

 [RESOLU] Roof-cam wanted and texture problem with RSRBR2010
Hi guys..

Sorry for using this to ask some questions concerning RSRBR2010 but I don´t speak french so maybe the answers to my questions are already in here... Anyway...

1st question I have is: Is there any "roof-cam" for RBR? I just want to make some replay videos from the game and I´m now looking for a roof-camera like the real WRCs have, where you see the hood from slightly above... Any suggestions?

2nd question: I have a texture problem with RSRBR2010.. When I start the game via the RSCenter and I choose any mod except the Normal Mod I get the physics and the wheels, but not the tarmac-, gravel- or whatever textures of the tracks.. I doesn´t matter if I start "GO", "Launch RSRBR 2010", "RBR SSE" or "RBR.DLL".. Even when playing a championship online I have the same problem.. I always see the original textures and that doesn´t look right...

So maybe some of you guys can help me out??

Thanks in advance so far  :)

Achim aka DerLange


Mer 23 Déc 2009 17:55
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Ven 12 Juin 2009 09:10
Age: 32
Messages: 529
Localisation: Pierrevert (04)
N° de pilote: 358

France (fr)

Message Re: Roof-cam wanted and texture problem with RSRBR2010
For your roof-cam, you can use CamHack, you can find it in the mode Single Player, it is the right hand corner button. And it makes you able to modify in-game the view. There is any tutorial I think.

For your texture problem, I suggest you uninstall and reinstall RSRBR, and if it doesn't work anyway, I don't know what to do so let's post in the "Support Logiciel" part of the forum. I think PHIL is not there because of the end of year parties, but maybe you'd get an answer there.

"Pour avoir le droit de faire l'imbécile sur une route, y avait les rallyes. [...] Je me suis tourné vers le sport automobile, pour pouvoir m'éclater en fait !" Alain Oreille

Mer 23 Déc 2009 18:07
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Sam 25 Juil 2009 20:36
Age: 52
Messages: 6
N° de pilote: 4711

Germany (de)

Message Re: Roof-cam wanted and texture problem with RSRBR2010
Thanks, man, I´ll give it a try.. :)


Mer 23 Déc 2009 18:39
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Ven 12 Juin 2009 09:10
Age: 32
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Localisation: Pierrevert (04)
N° de pilote: 358

France (fr)

Message Re: Roof-cam wanted and texture problem with RSRBR2010
Pleased to help ;)

"Pour avoir le droit de faire l'imbécile sur une route, y avait les rallyes. [...] Je me suis tourné vers le sport automobile, pour pouvoir m'éclater en fait !" Alain Oreille

Mer 23 Déc 2009 18:49
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Sam 25 Juil 2009 20:36
Age: 52
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N° de pilote: 4711

Germany (de)

Message Re: Roof-cam wanted and texture problem with RSRBR2010
Finally I got everything fixed  :D/

"Camhack" worked out for me - just a little playing around..

And the texture-problem is also solved.. I had to re-install RBR completely with RSRBR and then I added other add-ons one at a time.. I found out that a particle-mod was the cause for messing up my RSRBR..  =; It changed my installation somewhat but now everything is up and running again..  :)


Mer 23 Déc 2009 22:29
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Ven 12 Juin 2009 09:10
Age: 32
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Localisation: Pierrevert (04)
N° de pilote: 358

France (fr)

Message Re: Roof-cam wanted and texture problem with RSRBR2010
So all is OK ;) Good luck and see you soon on tracks ;)

"Pour avoir le droit de faire l'imbécile sur une route, y avait les rallyes. [...] Je me suis tourné vers le sport automobile, pour pouvoir m'éclater en fait !" Alain Oreille

Mer 23 Déc 2009 22:36
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Sam 25 Juil 2009 20:36
Age: 52
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N° de pilote: 4711

Germany (de)

Message Re: Roof-cam wanted and texture problem with RSRBR2010


Mer 23 Déc 2009 22:55
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