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 Engine sound disapears 
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Pilote novice
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Lun 25 Oct 2010 20:02
Age: 56
Messages: 159
Localisation: West Auckland\Co. Durham
Team: Team L.F.C
Ecurie: 99.9% of the time !!
N° de pilote: 8110
Pseudo Live: MaxAttakFutter

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Engine sound disapears
Hi Phil could you give me some advise please, been up and running for 8 wks with RSRBR 2010 and everything was fine then Co. Drivers voice got noticably quieter and the engine sound has started to disapear shortly after you start a stage, so i decided to re-install everything which i now have and the engine sound still keeps disapearing and i was wondering if this is common ?. Do you have any ideas to what my problem could be, thanks....   Glen


Sam 11 Déc 2010 21:50
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Download and launch this utility of repair. utilitaire de dépannage de RSRBR. (DepannageRSRBR2010.exe)
Once launched, click the lower left button "Analyse simple".
Once the ended analysis, selects nothing, copy nothing, return directly here to post a new answer.
In the text field, make a right click and chosen "Paste".

You can put a comment following the report of analysis.

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Base de connaissance de RSRBR <--> FAQ de RSRBR<--> Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Sam 11 Déc 2010 21:55
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Lun 25 Oct 2010 20:02
Age: 56
Messages: 159
Localisation: West Auckland\Co. Durham
Team: Team L.F.C
Ecurie: 99.9% of the time !!
N° de pilote: 8110
Pseudo Live: MaxAttakFutter

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Hi thanks for the help guy's, i've downloaded the utility of repair as you suggested but im not that clued up with the technical side of PC's so do i launch the RS Centre first then the utility of repair as i seem to be struggling to resolve this problem not only that but now i seemed to have incured another as the skins which i have installed were all well and working fine for the past 8 wks now dont show when i activate the bonnet view, im just left with the original skin but in replay they are visable, could you give me much needed tutorial's on these matters thanks. Respect...... Glen.


Mar 14 Déc 2010 22:39
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
RSCenter must be closed when you launch the utility

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Base de connaissance de RSRBR <--> FAQ de RSRBR<--> Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Mar 14 Déc 2010 23:01
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Lun 25 Oct 2010 20:02
Age: 56
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Localisation: West Auckland\Co. Durham
Team: Team L.F.C
Ecurie: 99.9% of the time !!
N° de pilote: 8110
Pseudo Live: MaxAttakFutter

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Hi Phil i did as you suggested and launched the utility de depannage, it did a very quick scan and this is the message what appeared on the screen:

cette versionde l'utiltaire de depannage n'est pas adaptee pour l'update installe sur vorte machine.

Version de l'update  installe: 07
Version de l'update pris en comptre par cet utiltaire: 08

Veuillez mettre a jour RSRBR en enstallant le(s) update(s) manquant(s)

Not that i speak french at all so copied it best i could, hope this is some help in helping you help me resolve my problem thanks. Glen


Mer 15 Déc 2010 22:56
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
You must install the last update :)
Download and install update 08.

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Base de connaissance de RSRBR <--> FAQ de RSRBR<--> Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Jeu 16 Déc 2010 00:27
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Lun 25 Oct 2010 20:02
Age: 56
Messages: 159
Localisation: West Auckland\Co. Durham
Team: Team L.F.C
Ecurie: 99.9% of the time !!
N° de pilote: 8110
Pseudo Live: MaxAttakFutter

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Hi Phil installed o8 as you req. i have noticed that the engine sound now works in replay but only after the car has passed the camera (does'nt work still when the car is coming towards you, all you can hear is the dump valve) this really has got me baffled. Is there anything else we can try or have we exausted every avenue on this. thanks for your support. Glen...


Jeu 16 Déc 2010 02:49
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Yes, you can give me a report of the utility :)
So I can look at it for problems.

--= PAS DE SUPPORT PAR MP =--, les réponses apportées sur le forum profitent à tous alors qu'une réponse en MP ne profite qu'à un seul individu.
Base de connaissance de RSRBR <--> FAQ de RSRBR<--> Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Jeu 16 Déc 2010 09:21
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Lun 25 Oct 2010 20:02
Age: 56
Messages: 159
Localisation: West Auckland\Co. Durham
Team: Team L.F.C
Ecurie: 99.9% of the time !!
N° de pilote: 8110
Pseudo Live: MaxAttakFutter

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Hi Phil firstly thanks for your ongoing support on this matter but when i launch the utility as i said yesterday that the message in french pop's up after a quick scan and then it wont let me select anything else other than the "quitter" button all the other optoins are none accesable.    ](*,)  ](*,)


Jeu 16 Déc 2010 23:26
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
Team: None
Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Once the ended analysis, selects nothing, copy nothing, return directly here to post a new answer.
In the text field, make a right click and chosen "Paste".

The details of your analysis is in the clipboard.


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Ven 17 Déc 2010 00:40
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Lun 25 Oct 2010 20:02
Age: 56
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Localisation: West Auckland\Co. Durham
Team: Team L.F.C
Ecurie: 99.9% of the time !!
N° de pilote: 8110
Pseudo Live: MaxAttakFutter

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Hi Phil ran the utility of repair as you suggested and returned here as you instructed i have all the updates installed too but when i return here to paste it still won't let me choose anything and im still getting the french mes. about update 07 & 08 popping up after the scan.......  :-O()

-- Fri 17 Dec 2010 23:18 --

Hi also forgot to say in my last post that i've downloaded and Installed sound update o2 today just to see if that corrected anything but unfortunatly no joy.  ](*,) Although it has made a little bit of difference as before there was no engine sound now its very very faint. (Strange !) .. .. ..   *stress

                                             THANKS   Glen.. ..   o|:)


Sam 18 Déc 2010 00:18
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
Team: None
Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Hi Glen,

Please, download and install the new RSRBR file and its complete pack.
You must uninstall all RSRBR 2010 and your RBR game too.
You have tutorial here: viewtopic.php?p=181480#p181480

I hope that its new file can resolved your problem... if not, we continue to help you (but we have a lot of work... sorry if we can't answer more quickly).

o|:)  ;-)

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The Rallyesim's forum and the Live aren't free, please feel free to do a gesture.
Merci ! Thank you!

Lun 20 Déc 2010 01:00
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Dim 17 Mai 2009 19:18
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France (fr)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Déplacé par : Flat-twin

Manager à la retraite !

Lun 20 Déc 2010 17:48
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Lun 25 Oct 2010 20:02
Age: 56
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Team: Team L.F.C
Ecurie: 99.9% of the time !!
N° de pilote: 8110
Pseudo Live: MaxAttakFutter

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
Hi guys so if i download rsrbr 2011 that will correct it you think ?.... just that when i play rbr the engine sounds are ok #-o  #-o  #-o. Respect for the onging support, i see a few user's seem to have had the same prob's too. I wish you all a Merry Chrimbo at Rallyesim and salute you all on the top work. All the best for 2011.  8--8  8--8

                                              ..Thanks   Glen..


Mar 21 Déc 2010 00:09
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
Team: None
Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: Engine sound disapears
I don't know if RSRBR 2011 correct your problem :(
If you uninstall all (RSRBR and original game), then install RBR only : look if sound there.
Then, install RSRBR 2011+Complete car pack. Try again... and I  :-O()  that sounds ok.

So, we help you for your game work normaly ;)


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Merci ! Thank you!

Mar 21 Déc 2010 01:17
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