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 Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages? 
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Mer 3 Mar 2010 08:27
Messages: 12
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N° de pilote: 2661

United States (us)

Message Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
I was wondering is a way to edit the pacenotes of the reverse stages? I was hoping the RBR FixUp plugin might address this, but it does not appear to, or I cannot figure out how to do it.

Even if I need to edit a file by hand, any tips on how to do this would be great.


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Lun 25 Avr 2011 09:01
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
Some reversed tracks (not original tracks) are located in ..\MAPS\NS
When you want to edit a track with RBRDll it save information in ..\MAPS folder so be carefull with your files ;)

If you want to edit a track like Bisanne II that it's not an original track, you must move its files in the MAPS folder temporarily, edit them, re-move them in the folder ..\MAPS\NS then put back the good files in the folder MAPS :)

FixUp plugin just improve the possibility to edit tracks with number greater than the number of original tracks.

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Lun 25 Avr 2011 09:23
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Mer 3 Mar 2010 08:27
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N° de pilote: 2661

United States (us)

Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
Great, I will give this a try. Thanks for your help.


CMS Rally Team

Lun 25 Avr 2011 09:55
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Mer 3 Mar 2010 08:27
Messages: 12
Ecurie: CMS Rally Team
N° de pilote: 2661

United States (us)

Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
I could not get this working, I am trying to edit Frazier Wells II. This is track 61, so I loaded the .dls files from /MAPS/NS into /MAPS and when I load the stage and bring up the pacenote editor the bar on the left is filled with pacenotes to the point it is almost all white. Also they do not appear to be the valid pacenotes for the stage, it contains lots of notes for corners that I know are not on the stage (like hairpins and 90°).

The notes that were called on stage were correct, but the pacenote editor was clearly confused.

I also tried things like loading ALL the files for track 61 from /MAPS/NS into /MAPS and loading the normal stage. The reverse stage loaded as expected, but the issue with the pacenote editor was the same.

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Mar 26 Avr 2011 18:27
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
Copy all track-61_xxxx files from the ..\MAPS\NS folder in the ..\MAPS folder then launch RBRDll and select Frazier Wells NOT Frazier Wells II :)

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Mar 26 Avr 2011 19:45
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Mer 3 Mar 2010 08:27
Messages: 12
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N° de pilote: 2661

United States (us)

Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
I tried this as well, and even copied the texture folders over. The stage runs without issue, however the pacenote editor has the same problem as if I only copied the .dls files.

I will try again this evening in case I missed something, and try a different track as well. At this point I am more interested to figure out how it all works :)

Thanks again Phil.

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Mar 26 Avr 2011 20:24
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
You must copy ALL the 8 files of the track otherwise it's not good.
DLS file is link to the all others :)

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Mar 26 Avr 2011 22:39
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Dim 24 Avr 2011 07:00
Messages: 42
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Pseudo Live: Pete Mull

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
I've loaded the reverse track files (eight in all) into the ..Maps folder and loaded the 'standard' track and edited it.  I saved the pacenote edits and moved them to the ...NS folder but when it tries to load the reverse track it fails and goes back to the RSCenter.

Which track is supposed to be shown when you have moved the reverse track files into ..Maps and loaded the standard track.


Mar 10 Mai 2011 15:49
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
If the load of the track fails it is because the file DLS is corrupted or if it contains errors (missing notes of departure or the end for example).

Give me your .DLS modified file, I'll look at it :) (put it on a server like filefront or an other server then give me the link)

The name of the track which displays wants to say nothing, this name is contained in the file RichardBurnsRally_sse.exe. Do not take care there :)

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Mar 10 Mai 2011 17:33
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Dim 24 Avr 2011 07:00
Messages: 42
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Pseudo Live: Pete Mull

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
Thanks for getting back to me:  I have uploaded the file:

Edited Pacenotefile


Mar 10 Mai 2011 19:12
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
Sorry but your file is corrupted.
It misses that big parts in the file in particular the part which takes into account the events which have to arise during the race.

You must redo your work :(

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Mar 10 Mai 2011 21:43
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Dim 24 Avr 2011 07:00
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Pseudo Live: Pete Mull

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
I loaded the files into maps then ran through the track, stopped and made some edits, saved edits then continued to end to track, saved the replay then exit out to RSCenter.

I then tried to reload the track from the RSCenter and it froze when loading the track and just took me back to the RSCenter.

Edited track 21 Falstone II

Thank you for your help,


Mer 11 Mai 2011 07:48
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
This second file has the same problem.

I think that the problem comes from your RBRDll.

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Mer 11 Mai 2011 10:56
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Dim 24 Avr 2011 07:00
Messages: 42
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Pseudo Live: Pete Mull

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
Thanks for that Phil63 - I will uninstall and reinstall RBRdll and let you know what happens.  I'm also checking that I have the Fixup correctly installed  in case that is causing the problem.


-- Fusion automatique le Thu 12 May 2011 09:10 --

SilverRallier a écrit:
Thanks for that Phil63 - I will uninstall and reinstall RBRdll and let you know what happens.  I'm also checking that I have the Fixup correctly installed  in case that is causing the problem.


I have just tried installing RBR on an XP machine and editing track 21 (standard) that worked just fine so I then tried backing up the files and putting the .../Maps/NS track 21 files into the Maps folder and editing pacenotes.

This operation fails after saving the pacenotes and trying to restart the stage.

Could you perhaps try editing the reverse track on Falstone and let me know the results of your test.  If the reverse track edit works could you let me know the exact procedures that you took to achieve a successful edit.

Thanks for all your help,

Jeu 12 Mai 2011 09:10
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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France (fr)

Message Re: Edit Pacenotes for Reverse Stages?
Sorry but I have the same problem with this track. An important part of the file is missing and it's impossible to launch the track. :(

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Jeu 12 Mai 2011 15:55
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