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 Random CTD with Audio Looping 
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Mar 13 Juil 2010 18:43
Messages: 4
Localisation: Alberta

Canada (ca)

Message Random CTD with Audio Looping
Hi everyone, sorry for writing this in English even though I live in Quebec :roll:

Anyway, I've been having this problem for the last 2 years but now It seems that got out of control.
What happens is random CTD while driving... one thing that I started to observe was that usually that happens just after a crash. I get the CTD no error messages or nothing, even Windows is not reporting errors or any kind of conflicts. Together with the CTD I also get an Audio Loop back to windows and the only way to fix that is restarting. The funny thing is that I can launch the game again, play another course with audio working perfectly together with the loop.

I'm running RSRBR 2011 updated with the last patch, all cars updated, everything installed in a different partition than the OS. Win 7 64bits, Fanatec wheel and ASUS XONAR DX PCI-E Audio Card

I hope you guys can help me here... it's been really 2 years of frustation, that's also the reason that I could never register myself to the great Championships that you guys organize every year..

Thanks again,

Ven 15 Juil 2011 02:55
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: Random CTD with Audio Looping
I think your problem is related to sounds. A file is missing or a sounds file is corrupted.

Can you do this :
Download and launch this utility of repair. utilitaire de dépannage de RSRBR. (DepannageRSRBR2011.exe)
Once launched, click the lower left button "Analyse simple".
Once the ended analysis, selects nothing, copy nothing, return directly here to post a new answer.
In the text field, make a right click and chosen "Paste".

You can put a comment following the report of analysis.

--= PAS DE SUPPORT PAR MP =--, les réponses apportées sur le forum profitent à tous alors qu'une réponse en MP ne profite qu'à un seul individu.
Base de connaissance de RSRBR <--> FAQ de RSRBR<--> Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Ven 15 Juil 2011 07:46
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Mar 13 Juil 2010 18:43
Messages: 4
Localisation: Alberta

Canada (ca)

Message Re: Random CTD with Audio Looping
Hi PHIL, thanks for your reply.

I'm gonna do everything that you asked for today. Will be back here soon. Thanks again!


-- Fusion automatique le Sun 17 Jul 2011 05:21 --

Hi PHIL, how are you?

here are the results:

Version de l'utilitaire de dépannage : 6.1.6
Version de l'update installée : 06
Version de l'update prise en charge par cet utilitaire : 06
Configuration de l'utilisateur :
Processeur : AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor - Nb de core : 4
RAM : 4.194 Go dont 4.194 Go de libres
Carte graphique : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275
Résolution écran : 1920 x 1080
Résolution de jeu : 1920 x 1080
Espace libre sur le lecteur où se trouve RBR/RSRBR : 45.5 Go / 73.46 Go au total
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Professional 64bits Service Pack 1
Richard Burns Rally est installé dans : G:\SCi Games\Richard Burns Rally\
Type de session en cours : Administrateur
Statut de ChronoManager : Non activé
Sons 2010 : Non installés
Horloge Windows : Temps Internet désactivé (service)
Nombre de processus lancés : 61
Contenu du fichier RichardBurnsRally.ini :

ConstantForceMultiplier = -60
Depth = 32
ForceFeedback = true
Fullscreen = true
MinDepthBits = 24
MinStencilBits = 8
ParticleQuality = high
RenderQuality = high
RunIntro = false
RunStartup = false
Sound = true
UseCubicEnvironmentMaps = true
UseEAX = false
UseSoftwareAudio = false
UseTripleScreenBuffers = false
WaitRetrace = true
XRes = 1920
YRes = 1080

Liste des plugins installés :
- Equalizer ( eq_mix.dll )
- FixUp ( FixUp.dll )
- Plugin de test RBR ( RBRTestPlugin.dll )
- Correctif ZModeler ( Z.dll )
Aucun fichier ou dossier nécessaire au bon fonctionnement de RSRBR n'est manquant.
*** Rapport généré le Saturday 16/07/2011  à  23:19:32 ***

Dim 17 Juil 2011 05:24
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: Random CTD with Audio Looping
As no missing file, it is possible that the file is corrupted on the sounds.
You can try uninstalling and reinstalling after deleting all the contents of the folder of the game.
I advise you to empty your internet cache and re-download the file RSRBR before reinstalling.

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Base de connaissance de RSRBR <--> FAQ de RSRBR<--> Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Dim 17 Juil 2011 06:54
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Mar 13 Juil 2010 18:43
Messages: 4
Localisation: Alberta

Canada (ca)

Message Re: Random CTD with Audio Looping

no luck... and like I stated in my original post, that was happening also last year with RSRBR 2010.
Is there a way to get a Windows Crash report even if I don't get any window showing that the application has crashed? Some kind of log of all the crashes etc?
I'm running Win 7 64


Mer 20 Juil 2011 05:43
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: Random CTD with Audio Looping
Sory but I'm not at home, I'm in holydays :)
I don"t have my computer, just a smartphone and a little notebook.
I can't help you more since I come back at home.

--= PAS DE SUPPORT PAR MP =--, les réponses apportées sur le forum profitent à tous alors qu'une réponse en MP ne profite qu'à un seul individu.
Base de connaissance de RSRBR <--> FAQ de RSRBR<--> Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Sam 23 Juil 2011 17:01
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Lun 15 Juin 2009 21:00
Age: 49
Messages: 53
Localisation: Montrond les Bains
Ecurie: GICURA
N° de pilote: 183

France (fr)

Message Re: Random CTD with Audio Looping
For logs, you should try My computer->manage-> event logging ->windows log. Maybe names are a little different, my windows is a french one.


Dim 24 Juil 2011 10:52
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Mar 13 Juil 2010 18:43
Messages: 4
Localisation: Alberta

Canada (ca)

Message Re: Random CTD with Audio Looping
Hi PHIL and David thanks  lot for helping me out here...

I'm finally enjoying RSRBR again!!!! After 2 years having problems and with your help I managed to nail down who was the culprit. It turns out that RBR doesnt like that you have more than one audio device (I have an USB headset and 1 Audio card) and that was the problem. Now every time that I want to play I have to disable and not just deactivate one of them on windows!

Once again THANKS A LOT PHIL, sorry to bother you, I hope you're having a great time there! And David, thanks for showing me the path to check Windows Logs, that was very helpful too.

See you guys !

best regards,

Dim 31 Juil 2011 05:46
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