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 needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree 
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Mar 29 Mar 2011 10:12
Messages: 37

Serbia (rs)

Message needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
I hope that i ask on right place,if i missed moders please set right this topic.
People where to find  simple tree tutorial in 3ds max,only useful tut i was find is this
I have 3ds max 8 sp 3(and 2011),but in this tut at 1:32 i dont have that gmotor material,is someone willing to create this kind of tutorial for 3ds beginners,i would be thankful for that,
or if that tut exist please post a link here

J'espère que je pose sur le bon endroit, si j'ai raté moders s'il vous plaît redresser ce sujet.
Les gens où trouver l'arbre simple tutoriel dans 3ds max, seulement i tut utile était de trouver cette
J'ai 3ds max 8 sp 3 (et 2011), mais dans ce tut à 1:32 i dont ont ce matériel gmotor, est quelqu'un qui est prêt à créer ce genre de tutoriel pour 3ds débutants, je serais reconnaissante pour cela,
ou, si cela existe tut s'il vous plaît envoyer un lien ici

Dim 15 Mai 2011 11:26
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
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Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree

Je déplace ce sujet dans la partie RICHARD BURNS RALLY & RSRBR » CREATIONS For RBR & RSRBR » SPECIALES / TRACKS » Tracks: Tutoriels, Ressources & Aides


I put this subject on RICHARD BURNS RALLY & RSRBR » CREATIONS For RBR & RSRBR » SPECIALES / TRACKS » Tracks: Tutoriels, Ressources & Aides part.

Thank you  o|:)  ;-)

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Dim 15 Mai 2011 11:30
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Mar 29 Mar 2011 10:12
Messages: 37

Serbia (rs)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
thanks Aube,i knew that i mess up something

Dim 15 Mai 2011 12:30
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Sam 16 Mai 2009 15:18
Messages: 1363

France (fr)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
Maybe you need the ISI tools for 3D Max ?
or I miss something..
What do you want to do ? maybe I can make a video for you if you explain me your issue ;)

(because becareful , Rfactor and RBR are totally different. They use the same map format but that's all. )

" Les guerres de religion, c'est un peu comme se battre pour savoir qui a le meilleur ami imaginaire. " " Croire que l'économie est une science, c'est comme penser que la guerre est un sport. " ...

Lun 16 Mai 2011 11:20
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Mar 29 Mar 2011 10:12
Messages: 37

Serbia (rs)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
Sorry for late answer Parlesportes,i have no time this days.I need just simple tutorial for ordinary tree,for RBR track.My problem is no knowledge in 3ds max,any tutorial would be great thing

Jeu 19 Mai 2011 22:13
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Sam 16 Mai 2009 15:18
Messages: 1363

France (fr)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
No worries Zoka.

I have made a little video without sound, but you don't need it ;-) I hope that can help you, otherwise feel free to post here to have some explanations or else .

(you can watch it in HD, just click on the "360p" in the player bar and switch to 1080p , it will be more easy to see what I'm doing. )

The second video contain some tips for mapping :

" Les guerres de religion, c'est un peu comme se battre pour savoir qui a le meilleur ami imaginaire. " " Croire que l'économie est une science, c'est comme penser que la guerre est un sport. " ...

Ven 20 Mai 2011 16:04
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Mar 29 Mar 2011 10:12
Messages: 37

Serbia (rs)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
Sorry again for late answer,i tried few minutes ago this tut and its works,many,many thanks Parlesportes for this tutorial,you saved  time and nervs for me and i think for many people.
In first time i did not mentioned that i try to create Xpack for BTB with 3ds max(sorry for that),now i have some old problems,i exported object from max like 3ds file and i have this warrning

Then in Xpacker i have another error

In Xpacker there is  no image, just black material

I must manually replace that black texture with image,and then in BTB i have correct object

But that tree is not in right position,its below ground,and when in Xpacker try to center object on ground,he is always abowe ground

Is any solution for this,thanks in advance

Dim 22 Mai 2011 14:07
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Sam 16 Mai 2009 15:18
Messages: 1363

France (fr)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
The warning message under Max say that the texture's name is too long. 3DS format can't support more than 8 character for material's name. That's it. So two solution : 1) you rename the texture before use it in max in order to prevent this warning message ; 2) you don't use 3ds format but DAE with colladaExporter (free).

I'll do a short video to show you this ;)

" Les guerres de religion, c'est un peu comme se battre pour savoir qui a le meilleur ami imaginaire. " " Croire que l'économie est une science, c'est comme penser que la guerre est un sport. " ...

Dim 22 Mai 2011 14:12
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Sam 16 Mai 2009 15:18
Messages: 1363

France (fr)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
Here is the Collada Exporter for Max :

It's more powerful than 3DS format and be read by BtbXpacker, so ... use it ;-)

I'll do short video to show you the way to build the tree under max and export it into BTBXpacker ( I don't change the properties of the object in the Xpacker but you should to do this) :

- Be sure to do the part of replace the pivot and the Reset Xform , be sure too to convert the object into a mesh ( select object, right click, Convert To > Editable Mesh) before exporting it in DAE format ;) -

I hope it can help you ;)

" Les guerres de religion, c'est un peu comme se battre pour savoir qui a le meilleur ami imaginaire. " " Croire que l'économie est une science, c'est comme penser que la guerre est un sport. " ...

Mer 25 Mai 2011 10:38
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Mar 29 Mar 2011 10:12
Messages: 37

Serbia (rs)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
Sorry again for late reply,and again many thanks Parlesportes for this tutorials,now everything works fine. Finaly i succeed to create simple tree xpack in 3d max.
But my main problem is still here,i was think that some thing cant happend in 3d max.Here is images with my problems

Now,this is the main thing why i  try to escape from google sketchup,that dark sides of objects.The big trees is from Great Britain xpacks,and when you rotate tree in to left or right side or  whole round- the light is same for every side.
But in google sketch up and now in max when i  rotate in left or right side i have that dark sides of object (red arrows are pointed in rotated trees),and that dark sides then in RBR  are too light
Im working on 2 tracks with many trees and this can be very ugly on track.
For example  one tree is correct with light on right side of road,and when i put that same tree on left side of road i want to rotate litlle to avoid same position of that tree,to get some diversity,but then i get that dark light on tree.The thing is when i place tree on ground i must leave tree in that position,or any rotation will change lighting of tree sides

Is any solution for this problem,thanks in advance

Lun 30 Mai 2011 13:37
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Sam 16 Mai 2009 15:18
Messages: 1363

France (fr)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
Have you did this in the Xpacker on every tree ? :

I'm not sure it was the solution of your problem, but I think it could help. Let me know the result please ;)

" Les guerres de religion, c'est un peu comme se battre pour savoir qui a le meilleur ami imaginaire. " " Croire que l'économie est une science, c'est comme penser que la guerre est un sport. " ...

Lun 30 Mai 2011 13:45
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Mar 29 Mar 2011 10:12
Messages: 37

Serbia (rs)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
Finaly its solved,many many thanks Parle friend ,i cant believe that damn thing is solved,rotating is alowed now =D>. I was think to give up for some time,but now i can go on with tracks.I have to replace many trees,but now it would be easy with nice max  trees.
Im glad to know people like Parlesportes,Zaxxon  and Martinez.I will post here my works,tracks and xpacks, and again  *thanks

Lun 30 Mai 2011 19:24
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Sam 16 Mai 2009 15:18
Messages: 1363

France (fr)

Message Re: needful 3ds max tutorial for simple tree
It's a real pleasure for us to share our knowledge. That's the way to have more and more things on our lovely game :) (and a way to have a beautiful life)
Please feel free to post on the appropriate section ( WIP BTB Track) your creation, we'll be happy to see your work and drive on it :)
Good luck :)

" Les guerres de religion, c'est un peu comme se battre pour savoir qui a le meilleur ami imaginaire. " " Croire que l'économie est une science, c'est comme penser que la guerre est un sport. " ...

Lun 30 Mai 2011 19:40
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