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 Track idea: Airfield 
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Sam 25 Aoû 2012 21:43
Age: 27
Messages: 9
Localisation: England
N° de pilote: 463
Pseudo Live: hutchie

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Track idea: Airfield
Hi firstly sorry if in wrong section. I was just thinking of possible ideas for stages and was wondering about Airfields. Airfields are quite popular in the UK for beginner drivers and offer a chance to push without the danger of trees etc but can also be full of chicanes and stuff to keep speed down. Would love it if somebody could design one if not its an idea. These also often have smaller roads off the runways to make it more exciting. Ill try to attach a photo giving an example of what I mean.

Mar 6 Aoû 2013 20:15
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Ven 29 Mai 2009 08:30
Messages: 296

Hungary (hu)

Message Re: Track idea: Airfield
It is not a new idea, my borther Tibi already made an airfield track for RBR RX-plugin in 2007.

It was the prolog of the hungarian Eger rally, at the Mezökövesd Airfiled. Due to a mistake, this track is mirrored of the original track. :D
In 2007 there is no Xpacks (objects) for BTB, all of the objects on the track is made by walls and road sections. Example the tyre walls are simply cuboid with tyre texture.

This year an other hungarian modder made this track again for Rfactor. It was made in BTB, so easy to convert to RBR.

An other hungarian Airfield track is made by BTB. It is the Airfield of Kiskunlacháza. There hold a lot of amateur "rally", and "flat hillclim" races.

The main problem with these tracks that how to avoid the cheating. (cutting the track)
And in RX-plugin all object is hit hard, no movable objects as in original RBR format.

Mer 7 Aoû 2013 09:40
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