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 [WIP] Gutin (by Spiridush) 
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 11:23
Age: 44
Messages: 2349
Localisation: rochefort
Pseudo Live: mathou

France (fr)

Message Re: Gutin (by Spiridush)
Dernier message de la page précédente :
dommage que tu ne continue pas le projet

je ne sait pas si quelqu'un voudras le reprendre


Mar 27 Avr 2010 18:48
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Jeu 8 Sep 2016 12:44
Messages: 23
Team: Poroto
Ecurie: Nose
Pseudo Live: Charly777

Argentina (ar)

Message Re: [WIP] Gutin (by Spiridush)
Hi, please can you re upload the link? because is broken!!! in mediafire please!!!! many thanks!!!

Dim 6 Nov 2016 04:12
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: [WIP] Gutin (by Spiridush)
Dim 6 Nov 2016 03:12 ici  Charly777 a écrit:
Hi, please can you re upload the link? because is broken!!! in mediafire please!!!! many thanks!!!

It's easy to ask, you have more than ten request on old subjects.ten queries.
But it is not good to enjoy the work and the generosity of auutres other.

You should think about your contribution.

Donation to RallyeSim



Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Dim 6 Nov 2016 09:54
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Jeu 8 Sep 2016 12:44
Messages: 23
Team: Poroto
Ecurie: Nose
Pseudo Live: Charly777

Argentina (ar)

Message Re: [WIP] Gutin (by Spiridush)
But what a high rude ... who think are you, so rude to answer to me? here in this forum allow this? I ask nicely, respectfully, with which you answer a total impolite, bye yours not interest me any stage from you.

Dim 6 Nov 2016 19:19
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
Messages: 6954
Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: [WIP] Gutin (by Spiridush)
I say to you that members of Rallyesim think.

You play for free by taking advantage of the generosity of others.
You find it honest?    :GGG

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Dim 6 Nov 2016 19:30
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Jeu 8 Sep 2016 12:44
Messages: 23
Team: Poroto
Ecurie: Nose
Pseudo Live: Charly777

Argentina (ar)

Message Re: [WIP] Gutin (by Spiridush)
speechless. what honesty you talking about? I am a great person, not really understand anything .... all this aggression only by asking a link of a track of a game ... inentendible ... but behind a keyboard are all handsome ... I wish I had you in person face to face ... .... I no longer answer these stupidities more, bye

Lun 7 Nov 2016 00:27
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Lun 17 Déc 2012 13:58
Age: 42
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Localisation: saint laurent du pont, CHARTREUSE
N° de pilote: 8204
Pseudo Live: jim

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Gutin (by Spiridush)
06 Nov 2016, 23:27 ici  Charly777 a écrit:
speechless. what honesty you talking about? I am a great person, not really understand anything .... all this aggression only by asking a link of a track of a game ... inentendible ... but behind a keyboard are all handsome ... I wish I had you in person face to face ... .... I no longer answer these stupidities more, bye

it's disrespectful to do as many requests without making contribution!
You could do something to help pay the servers before Rallyesim dies  ;-)

Obelix is ​​a respectful person who spends most of his time running Rallyesim. And he makes it generously!   o|:)

Lun 7 Nov 2016 10:06
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Ven 6 Juil 2012 10:32
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Gutin (by Spiridush)
on a pas besoin de personne comme lui

qu'il aille se faire voir  :DDD  :DDD  :DDD  [smilie=chezfredoemoforum104.gif]

Lun 7 Nov 2016 13:22
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Jeu 8 Sep 2016 12:44
Messages: 23
Team: Poroto
Ecurie: Nose
Pseudo Live: Charly777

Argentina (ar)

Message Re: [WIP] Gutin (by Spiridush)
jim38 jajajajaja so here is respectful Obelix? ah well ... then in Belgium, France and Europe when they go to school they teach them very badly .... nobody read the way I talk me? for you that's respect and education? one thing is to say in words what is needed but properly and another is the ironic and condescending way that you use the supposedly defended as respectful..., "Charly, please supply the needed page, you can do one before continue making orders, we noticed only now these with the RBR, which perhaps you did not notice as it is now ..." and I used to answer understanding and perhaps making a donation but now, not crazy, I help children eaters moron, you know you do not know me and you can not tell who I am behind a keyboard, they are all rude and cowardly. but of course we must defend the indefensible... the last thing ... then you are a better person for someone who runs long to me that for example instead of welcoming me because I recently discovered the site, they treat me like dirt? who are you to judge me? that outrageous is that? it has to do with an order of a track? They are disrespectful and rude there is no doubt ....... until forever. PS: upstairs there is a god who sees all ....

Lun 7 Nov 2016 14:16
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Lun 17 Déc 2012 13:58
Age: 42
Messages: 750
Localisation: saint laurent du pont, CHARTREUSE
N° de pilote: 8204
Pseudo Live: jim

France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Gutin (by Spiridush)
I do not understand your English and I don 't have time to spare to give you answer. cordially  :DDD

PS: downstairs there are people who give much time to the other, the minimum that is making a move to help    :P

Lun 7 Nov 2016 14:42
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