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 [resolved] BTB installation 
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Sam 29 Fév 2020 19:47
Messages: 16

Italy (it)

 [resolved] BTB installation
Hi guys, how can i install (and use) in rsrbr some btb tracks? i'have did put tracks folder into rx content folder but inside btm menu test the tracks does't show

Jeu 4 Mar 2021 20:02
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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France (fr)

Message Re: BTB installation
04 Mar 2021 19:02 ici  POLO R5 a écrit:
Hi guys, how can i install (and use) in rsrbr some btb tracks? i'have did put tracks folder into rx content folder but inside btm menu test the tracks does't show


Jeu 4 Mar 2021 20:25
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Sam 29 Fév 2020 19:47
Messages: 16

Italy (it)

Message Re: BTB installation
Thu 4 Mar 2021 19:25 here  OuRaL a écrit:
04 Mar 2021 19:02 ici  POLO R5 a écrit:
Hi guys, how can i install (and use) in rsrbr some btb tracks? i'have did put tracks folder into rx content folder but inside btm menu test the tracks does't show


thanks, i follow this tutorial, now i can see the track in the list, but when i push "go" button after load the track is not btb, but a finland stage. This is my folders route:  RXRRRSRBR/RX_CONTENT/Tracks/Targa Florio

Jeu 4 Mar 2021 21:36
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: BTB installation
04 Mar 2021 20:36 ici  POLO R5 a écrit:
Thu 4 Mar 2021 19:25 here  OuRaL a écrit:
04 Mar 2021 19:02 ici  POLO R5 a écrit:
Hi guys, how can i install (and use) in rsrbr some btb tracks? i'have did put tracks folder into rx content folder but inside btm menu test the tracks does't show


thanks, i follow this tutorial, now i can see the track in the list, but when i push "go" button after load the track is not btb, but a finland stage. This is my folders route:  RXRRRSRBR/RX_CONTENT/Tracks/Targa Florio

Please note, there is a "GO" button just under the BTB list, for BTBs.
Do not use the one with the flag that will launch a Standard ES.

Jeu 4 Mar 2021 21:57
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Sam 29 Fév 2020 19:47
Messages: 16

Italy (it)

Message Re: BTB installation
Thu 4 Mar 2021 20:57 here  OuRaL a écrit:
04 Mar 2021 20:36 ici  POLO R5 a écrit:
Thu 4 Mar 2021 19:25 here  OuRaL a écrit:
04 Mar 2021 19:02 ici  POLO R5 a écrit:
Hi guys, how can i install (and use) in rsrbr some btb tracks? i'have did put tracks folder into rx content folder but inside btm menu test the tracks does't show


thanks, i follow this tutorial, now i can see the track in the list, but when i push "go" button after load the track is not btb, but a finland stage. This is my folders route:  RXRRRSRBR/RX_CONTENT/Tracks/Targa Florio

Please note, there is a "GO" button just under the BTB list, for BTBs.
Do not use the one with the flag that will launch a Standard ES.

yes, i've pushed the "go" button under BTB list

Jeu 4 Mar 2021 22:27
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: BTB installation
Please, which is the name of this BTB .
Have you a link for upload.
Thanks .

Jeu 4 Mar 2021 22:36
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Sam 29 Fév 2020 19:47
Messages: 16

Italy (it)

Message Re: BTB installation
Thu 4 Mar 2021 21:36 here  OuRaL a écrit:
Please, which is the name of this BTB .
Have you a link for upload.
Thanks .

the name is Targa Florio, i've found it online
this is the link

Jeu 4 Mar 2021 22:49
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: BTB installation
This file is faulty .  [-X

I also have a Finland file: Kaihuavaara.  ](*,)  8:{

Try to find a 7z file directly ..... this avoids transcoding from one type of archive to another (rar to 7z) .

Jeu 4 Mar 2021 23:26
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Mer 10 Juin 2009 21:07
Age: 62
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Ecurie: ColinMacRaeVision
N° de pilote: 7
Pseudo Live: Cromax

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: BTB installation
Hello GG, en fait le problème ne vient pas de là  [-X


At home it works perfectly  :D

In fact this archive is good but it is not complete.
in the archive, you only have the special while there should also be the plugin and RX content folder.

In this case, the easiest way is to download a special BTB that works.

you unpack it and you get the plugin and RX files.

you open the RX folder and inside you will find a Temp folder and a Track folder.

You open the Track folder and delete what’s in it.

you unpack the Targa archive and you copy the recovered folder into the Track folder

Then you download the soft 7Z

you click on Add and you take the plugin and RX folder.

You name the special and compress.

Then you put this file in RXRSRBR and you can roll.

I made you your archive  ;-)

Enjoy  o|:)

P.S. if you are interested, here are 3 ES BTB I made. They are not fully completed but they are quite rolling.



Jouis du moment présent. Aujourd'hui fait partie du bon vieux temps dont tu seras nostalgique un jour.

Ven 5 Mar 2021 05:53
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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France (fr)

Message Re: BTB installation
Merciiiiiii Mario,  =D>  =D>


Ven 5 Mar 2021 09:54
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Mer 10 Juin 2009 21:07
Age: 62
Messages: 2537
Ecurie: ColinMacRaeVision
N° de pilote: 7
Pseudo Live: Cromax

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: BTB installation
si on peux aider  ;-)



Jouis du moment présent. Aujourd'hui fait partie du bon vieux temps dont tu seras nostalgique un jour.

Ven 5 Mar 2021 17:01
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Sam 29 Fév 2020 19:47
Messages: 16

Italy (it)

Message Re: BTB installation
Fri 5 Mar 2021 04:53 here  Cromax a écrit:
Hello GG, en fait le problème ne vient pas de là  [-X


At home it works perfectly  :D

In fact this archive is good but it is not complete.
in the archive, you only have the special while there should also be the plugin and RX content folder.

In this case, the easiest way is to download a special BTB that works.

you unpack it and you get the plugin and RX files.

you open the RX folder and inside you will find a Temp folder and a Track folder.

You open the Track folder and delete what’s in it.

you unpack the Targa archive and you copy the recovered folder into the Track folder

Then you download the soft 7Z

you click on Add and you take the plugin and RX folder.

You name the special and compress.

Then you put this file in RXRSRBR and you can roll.

I made you your archive  ;-)

Enjoy  o|:)

P.S. if you are interested, here are 3 ES BTB I made. They are not fully completed but they are quite rolling.

thank you very very much!!!!! now he works..thanks regards

Ven 5 Mar 2021 18:34
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: BTB installation
I close the topic, and mark it as resolved  :(->  :P

Dim 7 Mar 2021 10:08
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