Sondage utilisation des spéciales BTB
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Auteur:  Aube [ Lun 23 Mai 2011 20:42 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Sondage utilisation des spéciales BTB

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Dommage... certaines de ces spéciales mériteraient d'être mises en championnats... ;)

Auteur:  Lamda [ Sam 24 Nov 2012 03:10 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Sondage utilisation des spéciales BTB

i only show new btb tracks one time but for general online gaming it isnt good choice

-big missfails like missing collisions and cams
-to make quality tracks its take same time as original file form
-converting is not realy a option-> a hard work, meshes from btb are often notgood and need many time for correction and remapping
-low performance
-many bad tracks by "made a track in one week " trackmaker
-many tracks use same textures from the downloadable X-packs, so many tracks looking basicly same
-no realy support from piddy, stupid license system of btb, no updates anymore, "must haves" of rally trackmaker was ignored

but would like i could use the multimaterial for original tracks (same as btb do) it would be the rocket for trackmaking with max


Auteur:  Aube [ Sam 24 Nov 2012 23:03 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Sondage utilisation des spéciales BTB

24 Nov 2012 02:10 ici  Lamda a écrit:
i only show new btb tracks one time but for general online gaming it isnt good choice ../..

Hi Lamda,

Yes it's true.. but some BTB tracks are really very good. Some people are very good at handling the software and leave the tracks quite realistic. It will deserve to go in standard track, but we know how the work is hard and tedious  :-?
If we don't give those tracks, I don't know if people continue to play (online or not). It soft give them the desire to do more and go to standard tracks.

Sorry for my bad english, it's not my best :)

Thank you Lamda  *thanks Your work is... fantastic! Thanks to give us the desire to continue on RBR  =D>  ;-)

Auteur:  Lamda [ Dim 25 Nov 2012 02:50 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Sondage utilisation des spéciales BTB

I dont want say BTB is a bad program, you can made realistic professional tracks. But for professional tracks you must spend much more time and must have advantage knowledge about BTB function. Most of the trackmaker only use 1/4 of BTB possibillities. If you want convert the track at the end you must spend same time (or more) as make it only in a 3D program like 3dsmax. You only need use few of the functions of 3Dmax, so only need to understand some basics (but looking hard in the beginning). With this basics and some plugins you can modeling in similar way and same time as BTB. only texturing is a little bit more handwork. For details (mesh and texturing) the 3D Programs are more powerfull. trackmakers, who spend many time for details in BTB, should think about to take a look to the big 3D tools. for all other, to take the first look to modeling or make only quick and simple tracks is btb the better choice.

For online gaming, there is required a good balance between quality and quantity. hard to decide by plugin admins. Add tracks with bad look have same effect as have only few quality tracks. I dont want to drive on tracks, where plants was placed unatuaral with random options, maybe direct on tarmac road, tracks with bad looking textures or bad modeled meshes or 15km boring track layout with no changes of look. This left me all fun for rally driving.


Auteur:  Aube [ Dim 25 Nov 2012 12:23 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Sondage utilisation des spéciales BTB

25 Nov 2012 01:50 ici  Lamda a écrit:
I dont want say BTB is a bad program, you can made realistic professional tracks. But for professional tracks you must spend much more time and must have advantage knowledge about BTB function. Most of the trackmaker only use 1/4 of BTB possibillities. If you want convert the track at the end you must spend same time (or more) as make it only in a 3D program like 3dsmax. You only need use few of the functions of 3Dmax, so only need to understand some basics (but looking hard in the beginning). With this basics and some plugins you can modeling in similar way and same time as BTB. only texturing is a little bit more handwork. For details (mesh and texturing) the 3D Programs are more powerfull. trackmakers, who spend many time for details in BTB, should think about to take a look to the big 3D tools. for all other, to take the first look to modeling or make only quick and simple tracks is btb the better choice.

For online gaming, there is required a good balance between quality and quantity. hard to decide by plugin admins. Add tracks with bad look have same effect as have only few quality tracks. I dont want to drive on tracks, where plants was placed unatuaral with random options, maybe direct on tarmac road, tracks with bad looking textures or bad modeled meshes or 15km boring track layout with no changes of look. This left me all fun for rally driving.


I totaly agree with you Lamda, we need realistic professional tracks like as you say and a lot of other pilots too.
More important, we need realistic standard tracks and if 10 people creating BTB tracks, one might be interested to come on standard tracks, this will be a little success. It is in this sense that we offered the opportunity to drive on these BTB tracks ;)

Best regards :)


Auteur:  Jack [ Mer 3 Juil 2013 11:51 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Sondage utilisation des spéciales BTB

Pour le temps qu'ils ont consacré à la réalisation de leur propre"s" spéciale"s" et par gourmandise personnelle de nouveaux tracés. J'ai testé tous les BTB actuellement présent (of course, après achat d'un nouveau pc).

Il est clair qu'on y trouve qlqs perles niveaux tracés ! Et mon coup de coeur pour le BTB Belgium m'oblige à vous le recommandez !! Olim et FireMike, excellent boulot les gars !! On souhaite sincèrement qu'après de bonnes vacances et du repos que vous ayez l'envie et le temps de vous lancer dans un second pack. Pcq niveau réalisme, ambiance, environnement et sensations, elles sont au top vos spéciales. Lequel de vous 2 sera assez foufou pour nous pondre la Clémentine :D??

Un tout grand merci à vous tous pour l'investissement personnel et le travail accompli. Je me répète mais ce que vous nous offrez sur RallyeSim, c'est que du bonheur!

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