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 Dylanda1.1 and Dylanda Rev 
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Jeu 10 Mar 2011 07:12
Age: 60
Messages: 88

Sweden (se)

 Dylanda1.1 and Dylanda Rev
SS: Dylanda1.1
Lieu/Place : sweden
Distance: X km
Auteur/Autor: Jacken
Surface : Gravel
Progrès WIP/Progress WIP: 100%
Infos :
Téléchargement Fichier/Download File .7z :

Dernière édition par jacken64 le Jeu 25 Juil 2013 18:22, édité 1 fois.

Sam 13 Juil 2013 08:47
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Sam 12 Jan 2013 03:36
Age: 51
Messages: 8

Canada (ca)

Message Re: Dylanda1.0
God dag/Hej Jacken,

Beautiful Track =D>

Nice detail and rhythm, super!

(BTW, I have 2 questions; How do you cast Shadow of the tree on the track? If I can't, is it because I have the Demo version? Also, how do you do animation like the photographer works?)

Tack så mycket, Merci Beaucoup!

Can someone, explain me, how to cast Shadow in BTB?

Lun 15 Juil 2013 18:53
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Jeu 10 Mar 2011 07:12
Age: 60
Messages: 88

Sweden (se)

Message Re: Dylanda1.0
Mon 15 Jul 2013 17:53 here  jhon-jhon a écrit:
God dag/Hej Jacken,

Beautiful Track =D>

Nice detail and rhythm, super!

(BTW, I have 2 questions; How do you cast Shadow of the tree on the track? If I can't, is it because I have the Demo version? Also, how do you do animation like the photographer works?)

Tack så mycket, Merci Beaucoup!

Hello im happy that you like my job  :P

there is no real shadows  ;-)
I have created a xpack where I put a shadow on the road  :-D
and flash is also from a xpaxk
where I limit visibility LOD in/out
so that it is visible just a second :-D

sorry my bad english  ](*,)
I hope you understand me :oops:

Lun 15 Juil 2013 21:48
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Sam 12 Jan 2013 03:36
Age: 51
Messages: 8

Canada (ca)

Message Re: Dylanda1.0
Really nice "hack" for the shadow, you really trick me #-o , I went back to check twice..nice job it is realistic.!
Yesterday,after tried Dylanda, I spend all night long to find a way to cast shadow for my next one...pfuuuu...
This would be really appreciated to have a hand on your Xpack one day, your Gravel is so perfect, not to slippery and pleasant for the eye ;-)
I am not yet playing in the visibility LOD in/out, way to advance to me for the moment..I am a rookie.
Ursäkta, Sorry for my English same for me :-D native language is Frankrike
Thanks Again!
Tack så mycket

Looking forward to your next creation!!

Can someone, explain me, how to cast Shadow in BTB?

Mar 16 Juil 2013 03:52
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